rá [] m (-n/-n) roe, roebuck
rabbian [] wv/i2 to rage
raca [] m (-n/-n) 1. rake; 2. a rake, a hollow path, bed of a stream
racca [] m (-n/-n) a cord, which forms part of the rigging of a ship
racente [] f (-an/-an) chain, fetter
racentéage [] f (-an/-an) a chain, fetter
racentéah [] f (-téage/-téaga) chain, fetter
racete see racente
racetéage see racentéah
Rachel [] f (-e/-a) Rachel
racian [] 1. wv/i2 w.d. to direct, rule, govern, control; 2. wv/i2 to take a course or direction, go forward, move, run; run, hasten
raciend [] m (-es/-) speaker, orator, one who addresses an assembly
racing see rǽcing
racsan [] wv/r1b to stretch one’s self after sleep
racu [] 1. f (-e/-a) exposition, explanation, observation; 1a. reason, reasoning, argument; 2. account, narrative, orderly account; account, reckoning; 3. rhetoric, the art of exposition; 4. comedy [reccan]; 5. reason; 5a. reason personified; 6. f see raca
Raculf [] m (-es/-as) Reculver in Kent
rád [] f (-e/-a) 1. ride, riding, expedition, journey; [rídan]; 1a. riding, going on horseback or in a carriage, a ride on horseback; 1b. going in a ship; 1c. raid; 2. an expedition on horseback; 3. a road; 4. the name of the rune for r; 5. modulation; 6. past 3rd sing of rídan; 7. m see rǽd
rád [] f (-e/-a) furniture (of a house), harness (of a horse)
rád see brand~
rádcniht [] m (-es/-as) tenant holding subject to service on horseback; title equivalent to that of a sixhynde mann
rade see hraðe
rádehere see rǽdehere
rádhere see rǽdehere
radelod [] adj having straight branches?
rádhors [] n (-es/-) riding-horse, a horse for riding, saddle-horse
radian see hradian
rador see rodor
radost see hraðost, hraðe
rádpytt [] m (-es/-as) draw-well?
rádstefn [] f (-e/-a) message taken by a mounted man, a summons carried by a mounted person; a term of service performed by a mounted person? [i.e., rádcniht]
rádumbel see ráradumbla
rádwérig [] adj weary of traveling, weary with riding or journeying
ráfian see á~
ráfian [] wv/t2 to involve, wrap up
ráge see rǽge
raggig [] adj shaggy, bristly, rough, ragged as applied to the rough coat of a horse;
ragofinc see ragufinc
ragu [] f (-e/-a) lichen
ragufinc [] m (-es/-as) name of a bird, kind of a finch
ráha see rá
ráhdéor [] n (-es/-) roebuck
ráhhege [] m (-es/-as) deer-fence
ráhte see rǽhte, past sing of rǽcan
ram see ramm
ramesa see hramsa
ramgealla [] m (-n/-n) ram-gall (plant)
ramm [] m (-es/-as) 1. ram (sheep); 2. ram, an instrument for pounding or battering, (engine of war); 3. ram (zodiacal sign)
ran past 3rd sing of rinnan
rán [] 1. n (-es/-) open robbery, rapine [ON]; 2. past 3rd sing of rínan; 3. nom/acc pl of rá
ranc [] adj 1. proud, haughty, arrogant, insolent; the word remains with a somewhat different meaning in rank, used of coarse but fertile growth; forward, proud, overbearing; 2. applied to dress, showy, ostentatious; 2a. showy in appearance, splendid in dress?; 3. bold, valiant; 4. noble, brave, strong; 5. full-grown, mature
ranclíce [] adv 1. showily, ostentatiously; 2. boldly, confidently;
rancstrǽt [] f (-e/-a) a road in which bravery is displayed?; straight road?, splendid road?
rand [] m (-es/-as) 1. a brink, edge, margin, shore; 2. 2 the word however is used generally of a shield, denoting the whole or part of it; (1) denoting a part, the boss of a round shield, the rim of a shield; (2) denoting the whole, a shield, buckler; hand and ~ hebban to bear arms; scieldes ~ shield’s disk
randbéag [] m (-es/-as) boss (of a shield), shield
randbéah [] m (-es/-as) boss (of a shield), shield
randburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) a town that acts as a shield?, a fortified city, fortified town, a frontier town?; shield-wall of waves (in the Red Sea); [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]
randgebeorh [] n (-béores/-) a protection such as that afforded by a shield; protecting shield of waves (in the Red Sea)
randhæbbend [] m (-es/-) shield-bearer, a warrior with a shield, warrior
randwiga2 [] m (-n/-n) shield-warrior, a warrior with a shield, man at arms
randwígend2 [] m (-es/-) shield-warrior, a warrior with a shield, man at arms
randwíggend2 [] m (-es/-) shield-warrior, a warrior with a shield, man at arms
ránn see rán 3
ráp [] 1. m (-es/-as) rope, cord, cable; 2. past 3rd sing of rípan
rápgang [] m (-es/-as) rope-dancing
rápgenga [] m (-n/-n) rope-dancer
rápgewealc? [] n (-es/-) a coil of rope?, cord
rápincel [] n (-incles/-inclu) (small rope), cord, string
ráplic [] adj of rope
ráradumbla [] m (-n/-n) bittern [Ger rohrdommel]
ráradumla [] m (-n/-n) bittern [Ger rohrdommel]
ráredumle [] f (-an/-an) bittern [Ger rohrdommel]
rárian [] wv/i2 1. of human beings, to wail, cry, lament, lament loudly, mourn; 2. of other than human beings, to roar, bellow
rárung [] f (-e/-a) roaring, howling, bellowing, loud cry
rás past 3rd sing of rísan
rásettan1 [] wv/t1b to move impetuously, rage (of fire) [rǽsan]
rásian [] wv/t2 to explore
ratian see hratian
raðe see hraðe
ráw see rǽw
raxan see racsan
ræc see rec
ræcan see reccan
ræccan see reccan
rǽcan [] 1. irreg wv/i1b to reach, extend, stretch forth; 2. irreg wv/t1b to reach out, stretch out; reach, hold forth, offer, present, give, grant; procure?; 3. see hrǽcan
ræcc [] m (-es/-as) setter (dog), a dog that hunts by scent
ræce [] f (-an/-an) see raca
ræced see reced
rǽcung [] f (-e/-a) reaching, holding out, offering, presenting, extending; seizing, seizure, capture
ræd see hræd
rǽd [] m (-es/-as) 1. counsel, advice; 2. counsel, prudence, wisdom, sense, reason, intelligence, intelligence; 3. counsel, course of action that results from deliberation, plan, resolution, a resolution taken after deliberation, way, design, ordinance, decree; 3a. with negative (no) plan to help oneself; 4. what is advisable, benefit, advantage, gain, profit, good fortune, remedy; tó ~e w.d. to the advantage of; help; 5. a council; council, conspiracy; 5a. the act of taking counsel together; 6. as a part of proper names, generally under the form réd; 7. rule, direction, decree, ordinance; 8. power, might; tó ~e geniman to resolve; tó ~e þyncan to seem advisable; 9. adj see réad; 10. n (-es/-) reading lesson
rǽdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres rǽdeð past reord/on, réd/on ptp gerǽden 1. to counsel, give advice, persuade; 2. to ask advice, consult a person; 2a. to consult, deliberate, take counsel upon a matter (acc) with (wiþ) a person, plot, design; 2b. to debate, speak in council, to say in consultation; 2c. to deliberate for the good of anyone, look to, provide for, to consult the interests of; 3. to resolve after deliberation, to determine, decide, decree; 3a. ~ on to proceed against, take action against a person; 4. to rule, govern, have control over, guide, direct, possess w.d., or w.i.; 5. to have the disposal of, have possession of; 6. to read (a) as in to read a riddle, to explain, (b) to read a book; 6a. (1) trans., (a) to have an idea, suppose (α) w.a.; (β) with clause; (aa) to guess, tell by conjecture; (b) to make out the meaning of a riddle, dream, etc. ; (c) to peruse without uttering in speech, to read to oneself; (d) to learn by perusal, find a statement recorded; (da) to find a subject mentioned, read of; (e) to read aloud; (2) intrans or absolute, (a) to read to oneself, (b) to read aloud, read to others; 7. to prepare, put in order, dress, trim, set in order; 8. to arrange; 9. to equip, provide for; 10. bring, deliver (goods); 11. have an idea, guess, forebode; 12. to learn by reading
rǽdbana [] m (-n/-n) accessory to a murder
rǽdbora [] m (-n/-n) advisor, counselor; (Roman) consul
rǽdda [] m (-n/-n) robin [réad]
rǽdde [] weak 3rd past of rǽdan
rǽde [] 1. adj 1 prepared, prompt, ready, ready for riding (horse); mounted (on a horse); skilled, simple; 2. n (-es/-u) ge~ trappings, armor, accoutrements, ornaments; 3. f (-an/-an) a reading, lesson; 4. ? (-?/-?) design, device?
rǽdecempa [] m (-n/-n) horse-soldier, a mounted-soldier
rǽdefæsting [] f (-e/-a) entertainment of the king’s visitors, or of his messengers when riding on his business, or to those strangers who were coming to the king
rǽdegafol [] n (-es/-) rent paid in one payment (in money or in kind), rent that can be paid all at once, as opposed to rent that is discharged by service rendered, and consequently takes time for its payment
rǽdehere [] m (-es/-as) mounted troop, mounted force, cavalry
rǽdelle see rǽdelse
rǽdels [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) 1. counsel, consideration; 2. debate, speech in council; 3. conjecture, imagination, interpretation; 3a. the imaginative faculty; 4. a dark saying, enigma, riddle
rǽdelse [] f (-an/-an) 1. counsel, consideration; 2. debate, speech in council; 3. conjecture, imagination, interpretation; 3a. the imaginative faculty; 4. a dark saying, enigma, riddle
rǽdemann [] m (-es/-menn) horseman
rǽden [] f (-ne/-na) 1. condition, terms, stipulation; 2. rule, government, direction; 3. a reckoning, estimation
rǽdend1 [] m (-es/-) controller, disposer, ruler, one who possesses control over anything; diviner
rǽdendlic [] adj relating to a decree or statute, pertaining to a decree or statute
rǽdengewrit [] n (-es/-u) written agreement, a writing containing a condition or stipulation, a note of hand
rǽdere [] m (-es/-as) 1. a reader, one who reads; 2. a reader, scholar; expounder, interpreter; 3. a reader, lector (ecclesiastical order), the second of seven orders; 4. a reader of riddles, a diviner
rǽdescamol see rǽdungscamol
rǽdesmann [] m (-es/-menn) 1. counselor, advisor, councilor; 2. a steward, manager
rǽdestre [] f (-an/-an) female reader
rǽdewiga [] m (-n/-n) horse-soldier
rǽdfæst [] adj resolute, wise, prudent, of good counsel
rǽdfæstnes [] f (-se/-sa) reasonableness, readiness to follow good counsel, adherence to right courses
rǽdfindende [] adj giving counsel, furnishing counsel, advising
rǽdgeþeaht [] n (-es/-) deliberation, counsel
rǽdgiefa [] m (-n/-n) counselor, councilor, adviser, one who gives counsel
rǽdgift [] f (-e/-a) the office of consul, the consulate or consulship [consulatus], the council of the elders, the Senate, council of state, body of senators [senatus]
rǽdhors [] n (-es/-) riding-horse
rǽdhycgende [] adj knowing, wise, having wise counsel in the mind, prudent, sagacious
rædic [] m (-es/-as) radish [L radicem]
rǽdin see rǽden
rǽdléas [] adj 1. without counsel, unwise, inconsiderate, rash, ill-advised; 2. without wise-direction, in confusion, in disorder, helpless; 3. lacking what is advantageous or beneficial, wretched, bad, miserable, desolate
rǽdlic [] 1. adj expedient, advisable, wise; 2. adv ~líce wisely, prudently, skillfully, cunningly, cleverly; 3. adv ~líce advisedly, deliberately, designedly, on purpose; fully, explicitly
rædlíce see hrædlíce
rǽdmægen [] n (-es/-) productive force, beneficial force?, force that is productive of good or abundant good?
rædnes see hrædnes
rǽdnes1 [] f (-se/-sa) 1. readiness, promptness; 2. an arrangement, agreement, condition; 3. definition, decision; 4. decree
rǽdu [] f (-e/-a) see rǽd 3
rædrípe see hrædrípe
rǽdsnotor [] adj clever, sage, wise in counsel, prudent, sagacious
rǽdþeahtende2 [] adj taking counsel, consulting, deliberating
rǽdþeahtere [] m (-es/-as) counselor, adviser
rǽdþeahtung [] f (-e/-a) counsel, advice
rǽdung [] f (-e/-a) 1. reading; 1a. a reading, a single act of reading; 2. what is read, reading, a passage in a book, a lesson; 3. rule, government; 4. consideration, consultation, deliberation, counseling
rǽdungbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) lectionary, book of the lessons, a book containing the lessons
rǽdunggewrit see rǽdengewrit
rǽdunggrád [] m (-es/-as) steps to lectern
rǽdungscamol [] m (-es/-as) ambo, rostrum, lectern, reading-desk
rædwǽn see hrædwǽn
rǽdwita [] m (-n/-n) counselor, adviser, one wise in counsel
rǽdystre see rǽdestre
rǽf see réaf
rǽfan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rǽfneþ past rǽfnede ptp gerǽfned to involve, wrap
ræfen see hræfn
ræfnan [] wv/t1b 1. to endure, suffer, undergo; 2. to do, perform, accomplish, carry out
ræfnian [] wv/t2 1. to endure, suffer, undergo; 2. to do, perform, accomplish, carry out
ræfs- see reps-
ræfter [] m (-es/-as) rafter, beam
rǽge [] f (-an/-an) roe, a wild she-goat
rægel see hrægl
rǽgeréose [] f (-an/-an) spinal muscles, a ridge of muscles at the side of the spine running up the back
rǽghár [] adj grey (with lichen), grey like the goat
rægl see hrægl
rægn see régn
rægolfæst see regolfæst
rægu see ragu
rǽhte past 3rd sing of rǽcan
ræm see hræfn
rǽman see á~
rænc see rencu
ræng- see reng-
ræp past 3rd sing of repan
rǽpan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rǽpð past rǽpte ptp gerǽped 1 to bind with rope, fetter, capture, enslave, make captive; yoke together
rǽping see rǽpling
rǽpling [] m (-es/-as) one bound, captive, prisoner, criminal; [rǽpan]
rǽplingweard [] m (-es/-as) warder, a keeper of prisoners
ræps see reps
rǽran [] wv/t1b to cause to rise, to rear, raise, build, create; 1. to lift up, move from a lower to a higher position, elevate, promote; 2. to raise (a building), build, create; 3. to set up, establish (a law, institution, etc.), begin, commit, do; 4. to raise, offer (a prayer); 5. to raise, begin, give rise to, excite (ill-feeling); 6. to rouse, arouse, excite, stir up; 7. to raise, elevate, exalt, promote; [rísan]; reliquias ~ to carry relics in procession
rǽs [] m (-es/-as) 1. a race, swift or violent running, rush; rush, leap, jump, running; 2. an onset, onrush, storm, attack
rǽs [] f (-we/-wa) counsel, deliberation
rǽsan [] wv/t1b to rush, move violently or impetuously; 1. of actual movement; se stranga wind þǽr on rǽsde; 2. of violent action, to proceed against with violence, to rush upon, assault, attack; 3. of precipitate action, to rush (into anything), enter on rashly
rǽsbora2 [] m (-n/-n) counselor, leader, guide, chief, one who takes thought for the public good
ræsc [] m (-es/-as) shower, a heavy shower
ræscan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ræsceð past ræscte ptp geræsced to vibrate, quiver (of light), to glitter, to move quickly
ræscettan [] wv/t1b to crackle, creak, coruscate, make a crackling noise as fire does, to sparkle
ræscettung [] f (-e/-a) sparkling, gleaming, coruscation
rǽsele [] f (-an/-an) a conjecture, solution of a riddle
rǽsian see rǽswian
ræsn [] n (-es/-) plank, beam, wall-plate, raising piece, ceiling
ræst see rest
rǽsu? [] f? (-we/-wa) suggestion, deliberation, counsel
rǽswa2 [] m (-n/-n) 1. counselor, guide; 2. one who takes thought (for the public good), (a) a prince, king, ruler; (b) a leading man, chief person, leader
rǽswan [] wv/t1b to think, suppose, suspect, consider, conjecture
rǽswian [] wv/t2 to think, suppose, suspect, consider, conjecture
rǽswung [] f (-e/-a) reasoning, conjecture, supposition
ræt [] m (-es/-as) rat
rǽt pres 3rd sing of rǽdan
ræð- see hræð-
ræðe see hraðe
rǽðe see réðe
rǽw [] 1. f (-e/-a) row, line; succession; hedgerow; 2. see hrǽw
réac past 3rd sing of réocan
réad [] 1. adj red; (a) of plants or fruit; ~e wínberige red grapes; (b) of gold; (c) of fire, sky; (d) of blood; séo réade ród the blood-stained cross; 2. past 3rd sing of réodan
réada [] f pl tonsil
réadbasu [] adj reddish purple
réadda [] m (-n/-n) the robin redbreast
réade [] adv red, in red, with red color
réadfáh [] adj red of hue, red-stained, having patches of red color
réadgoldlæfer [] f (-e/-a) plating of (red) gold
réadian [] wv/i2 to be or become red
réadléaf [] adj red-leaved, having red leaves
réadlesc [] adj colored red [rubricata] (a skin, hide (of a beast), whether on the body or taken off; a felt, pelt, [pellis])
Réadlingas [] m pl the Ethiopians
réadnes [] f (-se/-sa) redness
réadstalede [] adj red-stalked, having a red stale or stalk
réaf [] n (-es/-) 1. plunder, spoil, booty; 2. raiment, a garment, robe, vestment; armor
réafere [] m (-es/-as) reaver, robber, plunderer, spoiler
réafetian see wín~, wính~
réafian1 [] wv/t2 1. to plunder, rifle, spoil, ravage, waste, rob, take by force, (1) a person; (1a) to rob a person of something (α) w.g.; hé wile réafian hine his ánwealdes; (β) with prep; æt w.d.; gif man réafie óðerne æt his dehter; (2) a place; 2. to seize, take as a robber takes, carry off, remove, transport; ge~ strip; absolute, or with accusative of thing taken, (1) absolute; (2) w.a.; (2a) to take something from a person; sé þe hit on óðrum réafaþ; 3. to robe
réafigend [] m (-es/-) robber, spoiler, plunderer
réafigende [] adj rapacious, ravening
réaflác [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) 1. rapine, robbery, spoliation, plundering; 2. what is taken, spoil, booty, plunder
réafol [] adj rapacious
réafolnes [] f (-se/-sa) rapacity
reafter see ræfter
réafung [] f (-e/-a) spoliation, plundering, spoiling
reagufinc see ragufinc
reahte past 3rd sing of reccan
reahtigan [] wv/t2? to dispute, discuss
réam [] 1. m (-es/-as) cream; 2. see hréam
réama see réoma
réamwín? [] n (-es/-) thick wine, wine with a froth on it, a kind of wine
réat past 3rd sing of réotan
réaðe see réðe
réaw see rǽw
réawde see hréawde, past of hréawan
réc [] m (-es/-as) reek, smoke
recan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ricð past ræc/rǽcon ptp gerecen 1. to go, proceed hastily, run; ge~ go, move, rush; 2. to bring, carry, convey
récan1 [] 1. irreg wv/t1b 3rd sing récð past réhte ptp geréht to smoke, steam; to fumigate, expose to smoke or steam; 2. to cause to emit smoke, burn incense; 3. see reccan 2
récan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres réceð past róhte ptp geróht to care, reck, (1) w.g.; ne can ic éow and ne réce ic éower I know you not and I care not for you; (1a) used impersonally w.a. person; hine þæs metes ne récþ he cares not about the food; (2) with a preposition; þu ne récst be ǽnigum menn thou carest not about any man; (3) with a clause; gé ne récaþ hwǽðer gé áwiht tó góde dón ye care not whether ye make something good; 2. to take care of, be interested in; care for; care, desire (to do something)
reccan [] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres receð past reahte ptp gereaht 1. to stretch, extend, go; 2. to hold out to another, extend, to give; 3. to stretch one’s steps, to tend, to go, stray; 4. to unfold a tale, to narrate, recite, tell, say; 4a. to quote, to cite an instance; 5. 1 to unfold the meaning of anything, to instruct, explain, interpret, expound; hér began se déofol tó reccenne háige gewritu and hé léah mid þǽre race here the devil began to expound holy writ, and he was false in his exposition; 6. to unravel a difficult case, give a solution of a difficult question; 7. to rule, direct, guide; 7a. to correct, reprove; 8. ge~ to wield (authority), give judgment, decide, direct, control; 9. ge~ prove; 10. ge~ count, reckon
recce- see réce-
recci- see réce-
recce see earfoð~
réccelíest [] f (-e/-a) carelessness, negligence, heedlessness
reccend [] m (-es/-) ruler, guide, governor; (1) applied to the Deity; (2) used of earthly rulers
reccenddóm [] m (-es/-as) governance, oversight, ruling, directing
reccenes see gerecenes
reccere [] m (-es/-as) speaker, rhetorician; teacher, ruler, director; interpreter
reccung [] f (-e/-a) narrative, narration, tale, story
reced [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) building, house, palace, hall; a couch running round three sides of a table for reclining on at meals, an eating-couch, table-couch [triclinium]
recedlic [] adj palatial
recednes1 [] f (-se/-sa) a story, narrative, history; interpretation; direction, correction; ánfeald ge~ prose
recedóm see reccenddóm
récel see récels
réceléas [] adj reckless, careless, negligent
réceléasian [] wv/t2 to neglect; wv/i2 to be negligent or careless
réceléaslíce [] adv heedlessly, carelessly, inattentively, negligently, without attention
réceléasnes [] f (-se/-sa) recklessness, carelessness, negligence
réceléast see réccelíest
récelíestu see réccelíest
récels [] m (-es/-as) incense, frankincense; [réc]
récelsbúc [] m (-es/-as) censer, a vessel for holding incense
récelsfæt [] n (-es/-fatu) censer, a vessel for holding incense
récelsian [] wv/t2 to perfume with incense, to cense with incense
récelsréoce [] f (-an/-an) burning of incense
recen [] adj 1. ready, prompt, quick; 2. swift, quick; 3. coming swiftly and so causing terror, rapid, violent
recendóm see reccenddóm
recene [] adv instantly, quickly, straightaway, at once
recenian [] wv/t2 to pay; to arrange, dispose, reckon; ge~ to explain, recount, relate
recenlíce [] adv quickly, immediately, at once, forthwith, straightaway
recennes [] f (-se/-sa) a narrative, history; coming together?; going?
récetung see hrǽcetung
recnian see recenian
recondlic [] adj Consisting of a great number, numerous, manifold; Full of rhythm or harmony, according to rhythm, measured, rhythmical, harmonious, melodious [numerosus]
recu [] f (-e/-a) guidance, direction, correction
recse see risce
recyd see reced
réd [] 1. see rǽd; 2. past 3rd sing of rǽdan
red- see ræd-
réd- see rǽd-
réde see réðe
rédestán [] m (-es/-as) synophites, red ochre; sinopis
rédian [] wv/t2 to furnish, provide
rédon past pl of rǽdan
réfa1 [] m (-n/-n) high official, reeve, steward, sheriff, count (comes), prefect, consul
refsan see repsan
refter see ræfter
regellic see regollic
regen- see regn-, rén-
regn [] m (-es/-as) rain; showers of rain; in the compounds ~heard, ~meld, ~þéof, ~weard has an intensive force, implies greatness, might
regn- see rén-
regnan see rínan
regnboga [] m (-n/-n) a rainbow
regndropa [] m (-n/-n) a raindrop
regnheard [] adj very hard, exceedingly hard, wondrous hard
regnian [] wv/t2 1. to rain, cause rain to fall; 2. see rénian
regnig [] adj rainy
regnlic [] adj rainy
regnmeld [] f (-e/-a) a mighty, solemn announcement
regnscúr [] m (-es/-as) rain-shower, a shower of rain
regnsnægl [] m (-es/-as) snail
regnþéof2 [] m (-es/-as) downright thief, an arch-thief
regnwæter [] n (-es/-) rain-water
regnweard [] m (-es/-as) a mighty guardian, house-guardian [ærn)
regnwyrm [] m (-es/-as) earthworm
regol [] m (-es/-as) 1. a rule, regulation, law; 2. a rule, pattern, standard, norm; 3. as an ecclesiastical term, (a) a single rule or prescript, a canon, law; (b) monastic code of rules, the body of rules which guide a particular order of ecclesiastics, a rule, e.g. the Benedictine rule; 4. a ruler for drawing lines, ruler (instrument); 5. a tabular arrangement, list given in tabular form; [L regol]
regolbryce [] m (-es/-as) breech of rule(s)
regolfæst [] adj observing a rule, rigid, strict, regular (of ecclesiastics), adhering to monastic rules
regolian [] wv/t2 to draw lines with a ruler
regollagu [] f (-e/-a) monastic law, the law to which the member of a monastic body is subject
regollic [] adj as an ecclesiastical term 1. regular, according to rules, in accordance with monastic rules; 2. in accordance with the canons of the church, canonical; 3. adv ~líce regularly, in accordance with rule
regollíf [] n (-es/-) life according to ecclesiastical rules
regolsticca [] m (-n/-n) rule, ruler (instrument)
regolþéaw [] m (-es/-as) discipline of (monastic) rule, a custom of ecclesiastical rule
regolweard [] m (-es/-as) regulator, director, ruler; the guardian of a rule, (1) an authority in the matter of the observance of a rule; (2) one who sees that a rule is observed, provost, abbot; (3) a ruler, director
regul see regol
regulares [] m pl regular days in computation
reht see riht
rehte past 3rd sing of reccan
réhte past 3rd sing of récan 2
relicgang [] m (-es/-as) visiting of relics, a going to visit relics
reliquias [] m pl relics of Saints (gen. –a, dat. –um); sing reliquium; ~ rǽran to carry relics in processions
réman see rýman
remian [] wv/t2 to mend
Rémisc [] adj Roman
remm- see hremm-
remn see hræfn
rempan [] wv/i1b to be hasty, precipitate; to go headlong (like an animal butting with its horns), be precipitate
rén see regn
rén- see regn-
renc [] f (-e/-a) pride, pomp, vanity, bravery, display, ostentation
rencu [] f (-e/-a) pride, pomp, vanity, bravery, display, ostentation
rendan [] wv/t1b to rend, tear, cut, cut down
rendegn see ærnþegn
rene see ryne
renel see rynel
reng see regn
renge [] f (-an/-an) spider, spider’s web [L aranea]
rengwyrm [] m (-es/-as) intestinal worm, a maw-worm
rénian1 [] wv/t2 to prepare; ge~ arrange, set in order, dispose, regulate, mend, set (trap); ge~ adorn; ge~ tó bismere humiliate, degrade; [regnian; Goth raginón]
réniend [] m (-es/-) one who arranges
renweard [] m (-es/-as) house-guardian [ærn)
réo [] 1. see réowe; 2. see hréoh
réoc [] adj fierce, savage, furious
réocan [] 1. sv/i2 3rd pres ríecð past réac/rucon ptp gerocen to emit vapor, steam or smoke, send forth steam or smoke; reek; 2. see récan
réocende [] adj smoking, steaming
réod [] 1. adj red, ruddy; 2. n (-es/-) red color; 3. see hréod
réodan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríedeð past réad/rudon ptp geroden 1. to redden, stain with blood; 2. 2to redden a person by causing blood to flow from a wound, to wound, kill; 2 kill?
reodian [] wv/t2 to sift?, search out?
réodian see réadian
réodmúða [] m (-n/-n) parrot, faseacus (bird)
réodnæsc see réadlesc
réofan [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríefð past réaf/rufon ptp gerofen to rend, break, rive
reogol see regol
reohhe [] f (-an/-an) ray, thornback?
reoht see riht
réol see hréol
reoma see rima
réoma [] m (-n/-n) membrane, ligament
réon [] 1. see réowon, past pl of rówan; 2. wv/t1b? to lament
réone acc sing masc of réo(we)
réonian1 [] wv/t2 to conspire, plot; to whisper, mutter
réonig2 [] adj mournful, sad, gloomy, weary
réonigmód2 [] adj mournful, weary, sad at heart
réonung1 [] f (-e/-a) whispering, muttering, conspiracy; astrology; [rún]
reopa [] m (-n/-n) bundle of corn, sheaf
reopan see repan
reopian see ripian
reord2 [] 1. f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) voice; language, speech, tongue; 2. f (-e/-a) sustenance, food, reflection; meal, feast; 3. past 3rd sing of rǽdan
reordan see reordian 2
reordberend2 [] m (-es/-) man, one gifted with speech
reordhús [] n (-es/-) eating room, refectory, a house or room where meals are taken
reordian [] wv/t2 1. to speak, say, talk, discourse; 2. read; 3. 1 to feed, refresh, entertain, feast
reordung1 [] f (-e/-a) refection, meal, taking food
reosan [] ? (-?/-?) pissli, name of a plant?
réose see rǽge~
réost [] ? (-?/-?) rest (part of a plough)
réotan2 [] sv/t2 3rd pres ríeteð past réat/ruton ptp geroten 1. to make a noise; 2. to make a noise in grief, weep, mourn, lament, wail; 3. to weep, shed tears;
réote see rétu
réotig [] adj mournful, sad, tearful
réow [] 1. see hréoh; 2. past 3rd sing of rówan
réowe [] f (-an/-an) covering, rug, blanket, mantle [= rýhe]
réowlic see hréowlic
réowot see réwet
rep- see hrep-
repan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ripð past ræp/rǽpon ptp gerepen to reap
repel [] m (-es/-as) staff, rod
reps [] m (-es/-as) response (in a church service) [L responsorium]
repsan [] wv/t1b to reprove, blame; seize
repsung [] f (-e/-a) 1. a division of the night, an interval, evening; 2. a seizing, reproving
repung see hrepung
réran see rǽran
resce see risce
résele [] f (-an/-an) answer, solution
résian see rǽswian
respons [] ? (-?/-?) response
rest [] f (-e/-a) 1. rest, quiet, freedom from toil; 2. rest, repose, sleep; 3. 1 a place of rest, resting-place; 4. 1 a bed, couch; 5. grave
resta1 [] m (-n/-n) bedfellow, consort, wife
restan [] wv/i1b to rest; 1. wv/i1b (a) of persons, (1) to cease from toil, be at rest, (2) to rest on a couch, to sleep, (3) to rest in death, lie dead, lie in the grave; (b) of things, to remain unmoved or undisturbed, be still; 2. wv/r1b w. reflexive acc. to rest one’s self, (1) of cessation from toil, (2) of rest on a couch or in sleep; ic mec mæg restan on þissum racentum; þu restest þec; on six dagum God geworhte heofon and eorþan and on þǽm seofoþan hé hine reste; 3. wv/t1b ge~ to give rest to, lodge; 4. w.g. to rest from, remain, lie
restbedd [] n (-es/-) bed, couch
restdæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, a day when no work is to be done, Sabbath day (1)
restedæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, a day when no work is to be done, Sabbath day (2)
restendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) day of rest, a day when no work is to be done, Sabbath day (3); þæt þridda bebod is, “Béo þu gemyndig þæt þu þone restendæg gehálgige”;
restengéar [] n (-es/-) year of rest from work, a year in which work is not done
restgemána [] m (-n/-n) cohabitation, conjugal intercourse
resthús [] n (-es/-) sleeping-chamber
restléas [] adj restless, without rest, disturbed
résung see rǽswung
rétan1 [] wv/t1b to delight, cheer, comfort, gladden [rót]
rétend [] m (-es/-) comforter, cheerer, one who cheers or comforts
rétu [] f (-e/-a) joy [dat reote]
reðe [] adj righteous, right, just
réðe [] adj fierce, cruel, savage; 1. applied to persons, (a) in a bad sense; (b) of justifiable severity, severe, stern, austere, zealous; 2. applied to animals, wild, savage, fierce; 3. applied to things (punishment, calamity, etc.) severe, cruel fierce, dire
réðegian see réðian
reðehygdig [] adj right-minded
reðemann [] m (-es/-menn) usurer [Goth raðjo?]
réðemód2 [] adj 1. in a bad sense, of fierce or savage mind, savage, cruel, fierce, indignant; 2. of justifiable severity or anger, of stern or severe mind, wroth, indignant;
réðen [] adj wild
réðian [] wv/i2 3rd pres réðað past réðode ptp geréðod to rage, be fierce
réðigian [] wv/i2 3rd pres réðigað past réðigode ptp geréðigod to rage, be fierce
réðig [] adj fierce, savage, cruel
réðigmód [] adj savage, fierce, of fierce or savage mind
réðlic [] adj fierce, cruel, deadly; adv ~líce violently, fiercely, furiously
réðnes [] f (-se/-sa) fierceness, rage, cruelty, severity, zeal; 1. applied to persons, (a) in a bad sense; (b) of justifiable severity; 2. applied to animals, savageness, fierceness, ferocity; 3. applied to things (reproof, calamity, etc.), harshness, severity; storminess
réðra1 [] m (-n/-n) an oarsman, rower, sailor
réðru1 [] n pl oars
réðscipe [] m (-es/-as) fury, anger, rage, fierceness
réwet [] n (-tes/-tu) 1. rowing; 2. a ship, rowing-boat, vessel [rowan]
réwut see réwet
riaht see riht 1
ribb [] n (-es/-) rib
ribbe [] f (-an/-an) hound’s-tongue, ribwort [an herb]
ribbspáca [] n pl rib-spokes, the brisket?
ríca [] m (-n/-n) influential man, powerful person, ruler
rícan see récan
rícceter see ríceter
ríccetere see ríceter
ríce [] adj 1. of persons, (a) powerful, mighty, great, possessed of power, of high rank; (b) rich, possessed of wealth; 2. of things, strong, powerful, mighty, potent
ríce [] n (-es/-u) 1. power, authority, might, dominion, rule, empire, reign, (a) referring to sovereigns or nations; tó ~ fón to become king, ascend the throne, assume the royal authority; reign (period of time); (b) referring to others in authority (bishops, consuls, etc.); 2. the district in which power is exercised, a kingdom, realm, diocese; 2a. the people inhabiting a district, a nation
rícedóm [] m (-es/-as) kingly rule, power, rule, dominion
rícels see récels
rícehealdend [] m (-es/-) guardian of the kingdom
ricen- see recen-
rícen [] f (-ne/-na) a female endowed with power, a goddess
ríceter [] n (-es/-) 1. power, force, might, dominion, rule, greatness, glory; ambition; 2. power improperly used, violence, force, tyranny, oppression; undue display of power, arrogance
rícetere [] n (-es/-) 1. power, force, might, dominion, rule, greatness, glory; ambition; 2. power improperly used, violence, force, tyranny, oppression; undue display of power, arrogance
ricg see hrycg
ricig see hrycg
ríclic [] adj sumptuous; adv ~líce powerfully, with power, as one possessing power; splendidly, sumptuously
ricone see recene
rics see risc
rícsere [] m (-es/-as) ruler
rícsian [] wv/t2 1. to exercise or have power, to rule, bear rule, govern, reign; 2. with the idea of supremacy secured by, or exercised with, force or violence, to domineer, dominate, tyrannize, exercise violence; 2a. of things, to prevail
rícsiend [] m (-es/-) ruler
rícsung [] f (-e/-a) rule, dominion, domination
rída see brand~, tot~
rídan [] sv/i1 3rd pres rídeð past rád/ridon ptp is geriden 1. to ride on horseback; (1) where going on horseback is expressed or may be certainly inferred; (2) where the word is used as expressing the most usual method of locomotion, but does not exclude other forms; ríde hé tó þǽm ealdormenn; (3) to ride in a carriage; ~ on crætwægnum to ride in carriages; 2. to ride (of other modes of transportation as a vessel rides on the waves); float, sail; 3. without the idea of progress, to ride (as in to ride at anchor), move about, swing, rock, ride at anchor, float, sail; chafe (of fetters); ge~ ride over, occupy (a country), seize; ge~ ride up to; tó handa ge~ to bring into a person’s power or possession; on ancre ~ to ride at anchor
ridda [] m (-n/-n) 1. rider, horseman, horse-soldier; 2. mounted soldier
rídel see for(e)~
rídehere [] m (-es/-as) mounted force, cavalry
rídend [] m (-es/-) rider, cavalier, horseman, knight
rídere [] m (-es/-as) rider, trooper, knight
ridesoht [] f? (-e/-a) fever [hrið?, suht?]
rídusende [] adj swinging, swaying
rídwiga [] m (-n/-n) a mounted soldier, horse-soldier
ríece see ríce
rieht see riht
rif see hrif
ríf [] adj violent, fierce, ravenous, noxious
rife see hege~
rífe [] adj rife, abundant
rifelede [] adj wrinkled
rifeling [] m (-es/-as) shoe or sandal of raw hide, a kind of shoe or sandal
rifelung [] f (-e/-a) wrinkle
rífnes [] f (-se/-sa) fierceness
rift [] n (-es/-) cloak, veil, curtain
rifte [] n (-es/-u) cloak, veil, curtain
rifter [] m (riftres/riftras) reaping-hook, sickle, scythe
riftre [] m (-es/-as) reaper
riftere [] m (-es/-as) reaper
rige see ryge
Rigindún [] m (-es/-as) Rigdon
rignan see rínan
rignan [] wv/t1b 1. to rain, to cause rain to fall, (a) to cause to fall like rain; with the agent expressed; he rignde ofer synfullan grin; (b) with the agent not expressed; hit rignde 40 daga; 2. to rain, fall (of rain); rigneð blódig regn æt æfen a bloody rain shall fall at even;
ríhsian see rícsian
riht1 [] n (-es/-) 1. that which is straight or erect, a plumb line; 2. that which is straight in a metaphorical sense, right, law, canon, rule; 3. what is in accordance with the law, human or divine, what is just or proper, right, justice, equity, privilege; cause, legal action; on ~e, mid ~e a-right, by rights, according to what is just or proper; 3a. what is just in the case of a criminal, just punishment, justice; 4. what properly belongs to a person, what may be justly claimed, a right, due; 4a. what is proper for a thing with regard to use or appreciation; 5. what is due from a person, duty, obligation; 6. what agrees with a proper standard, what is correct or exact, the rights of a case, the truth, correctness; on ~e, mid ~e a-right, correctly, properly; 7. an account, reckoning; mostly in such phrases as ~ ágieldan to render an account
riht1 [] adj 1. of direction, (a) literally, straight, erect, direct; (b) metaphorically, right, straight; 2. agreeable to the spirit of the law, human or divine just, equitable; 3. satisfying the requirements of a law or regulation, legitimate, lawful, regular; on ~re ǽwe in lawful marriage; ~ þéodscipe regular discipline; 4. satisfying the demands of conduct, right, proper, fitting; 4a. of persons, upright, righteous; 5. satisfying the requirements of a standard, right, correct, true, orthodox; ~ gewrit orthography
rihtan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rihteð past rihtede ptp gerihted 1. to right, to restore to a proper position that which is displaced, put right, put in a proper condition, make straight, erect, direct, set up; 2. to right a person, to replace a person in the rights of which he is wrongfully deprived, restore, replace; 3. to make right that which is faulty, set right, rectify, correct, amend, rebuke; 4. to keep right, direct, rule, guide, govern
rihtándaga [] m (-n/-n) proper (fixed) day, the right term or time
rihtandswaru [] f (-e/-a) retort, reproof, rebuke, an answer that corrects
rihtæðelcwén [] f (-e/-e) lawful wife
rihtæðelu [] n pl true nobility
rihtǽw [] f (-e/-a) 1. lawful wedlock, legitimate matrimony; 2. lawful wife, legitimate wife
rihtcynecynn [] n (-es/-) legitimate royal family
rihtcyning [] m (-es/-as) lawful king
rihtcynn [] n (-es/-) true stock, a genuine stock, a race really derived from a particular source
rihtdóm [] m (-es/-as) just judgment
rihtdónde [] adj doing what is right, right-doing
rihte [] adv 1. of direction, right, due, directly, straight (of direction, as in right on, due east), outright; þǽr ~ thereupon, straightaway; 2. of time, directly, straightaway, immediately; 3. in accordance with justice or equity, justly, rightly, duly; 4. rightly, well, in a manner suited to the circumstances of a case, fittingly, properly, fairly, justly, duly, correctly, truly; 5. correctly, in the proper manner, exactly, accurately, precisely, truly, just; swilce híe wǽron rihte…swilce híe nú sind they were exactly such then as they are now; 6. rightly, with undisputed title
rihtebred [] n (-es/-u) measure, rule, square, an instrument for measuring
rihtend [] m (-es/-as) 1. ruler, leader; 2. director, guide, one who arranges matters
rihtendebyrdnes [] f (-se/-sa) right order
rihtere [] m (-es/-as) director, ruler
rihtes [] adv right, straight
rihtéðel [] m (-éðles/-éðlas), n (-éðles/-) a true native country
rihtfædrencynn [] n (-es/-) direct paternal descent or pedigree
rihtfæsten [] n (-nes/-nu) duly ordained fast, a lawfully appointed fast
rihtfæstendæg [] m (-es/-dagas) duly appointed fast-day, a regularly appointed fasting day
rihtfæstentíd [] f (-e/-e) duly appointed time of fasting, a regularly appointed time of fasting
rihtfremmend [] m (-es/-) one acting rightly
rihtfremmende2 [] adj acting rightly
rihtful [] adj rightful, honorable, good, virtuous
rihtgebroðru [] m pl brethren
rihtgefég [] n (-es/-u) proper joint, a proper joining
rihtgefremed [] adj catholic, orthodox, rightly constituted
rihtgegilda [] m (-n/-n) duly appointed member of a guild, one who is legally a member of a guild
rihtgehátan [] sv/t7 3rd pres rihtgehǽteð past rihtgehét/on, rihtgeheht/on ptp rihtgeháten to pledge oneself, swear
rihtgehíwan [] noun pl lawfully married persons
rihtgeléafful [] adj orthodox, holding a true belief
rihtgeléaffulnes [] f (-se/-sa) right belief, true belief, orthodoxy
rihtgeléaflíce [] adv in an orthodox manner
rihtgelíefed [] adj orthodox, catholic, possessed of a true belief
rihtgelíefende [] adj believing rightly, having a true belief, faithful
rihtgemæcca [] m (-n/-n) lawful husband
rihtgemǽre see rihtlandgemǽre
rihtgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) lawful boundary
rihtgemet [] n (-es/-u, -meotu) proper measure, correct measure
rihtgesamhíwan [] noun pl lawfully married persons
rihtgescéad [] n (-es/-) right understanding, right reason, reason
rihtgeset [] adj duly appointed, canonical
rihtgesetednes [] f (-se/-sa) right ordinance, regular ordinance, right rule
rihtgesetnes [] f (-se/-sa) rightful office, right institution
rihtgesinscipe [] m (-es/-as) lawful wedlock, lawful matrimony
rihtgeþancod [] adj right-minded, having right thoughts
rihtgewitt [] n (-es/-) right mind
rihtgewittelic [] adj rational
rihtgewittig [] adj in one’s right mind, of right wit, reasonable
rihtgifu [] f (-e/-a) irrevocable gift, a lawful gift, a gift that is rightfully made
rihthámscyld [] f (-e/-e), m (-es/-as) legal means of protection to a homestead?
rihthámsócn [] f (-e/-a) actual offence of attacking a man in his own house; housebreaking which is such in the eye of the law, housebreaking which has actually been committed; the actual franchise of holding pleas of this offence and receiving the penalties for it; the actual penalty itself;
rihthand [] f (-a/-a) right hand
rihthanddǽda [] m (-n/-n) actual perpetrator of a crime
rihthǽmed [] n (-es/-) lawful wedlock, legitimate matrimony
rihtheort [] adj righteous, just, upright in heart
rihthíwa [] m (-n/-n) lawful consort, legitimate consort
rihthláford [] m (-es/-as) rightful lord
rihthláforddóm [] m (-es/-as) lawful authority, legitimate lordship condition of rightful lord
rihthláfordhyldu [] f (-e/-a) loyalty, fidelity justly due to a lord
rihtlagu [] f (-e/-a) regular legal ordinance, right or just law, equity
rihtlandgemǽre [] n (-es/-u) lawful boundary (of land)
rihtlǽcan1 [] irreg wv/t1b to make straight, make right, put right, rectify, correct, amend, set in order; direct; wv/i1b ? to agree, be fitting
rihtlǽce [] m (-es/-as) duly qualified physician, a genuine physician, one who is really a doctor
rihtlǽcung [] f (-e/-a) criticism, correction, making right
rihtlic [] adj 1. right, just; 2. right, fitting, proper, adapted to due requirements; 2a. adapted, fitted, entitled; 3. right, in accordance with reason; 4. right as regards to conduct, righteous;
rihtlíce [] adv 1. rightly, justly, uprightly, virtuously, with justice or equity; 2. rightly, properly, in a manner which suits the circumstances of a case; 3. rightly, correctly, precisely, in accordance with rules or regulations, regularly; 4. rightly as regards to conduct, properly; 5. of direction, directly
rihtlícettere [] m (-es/-as) downright hypocrite, a thorough hypocrite
rihtlíf [] n (-es/-) right life, regular union (of married people), a life of lawful matrimony
rihtlíflád [] f (-e/-a) right way of life, right conduct
rihtliðlic [] adj articulate
rihtmédrencynn [] n (-es/-) direct mother’s line, direct maternal descent or pedigree
rihtméterfers [] n (-es/-) correct hexameter verse
rihtmunuc [] m (-es/-as) true monk
rihtnama [] m (-n/-n) correct name, right name, name correctly given
rihtnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. rightness, straightness, perpendicularity; 2. rightness, rectitude, justice, equity; 3. reckoning, account; 4. ge~ correction
rihtnorðanwind [] m (-es/-as) a due north wind
rihtraciend [] m (-es/-) expounder of righteousness (the preacher, Ecclesiastes), an expounder of right
rihtracu [] f (-e/-a) reason, correct account
rihtregol [] m (-es/-as) right rule, correct rule, canon, a lawful rule of life
rihtryne [] m (-es/-as) right or straight course
rihtscilling [] m (-es/-as) shilling of sterling money, a lawful shilling
rihtscír see rihtscriftscír
rihtscrífend [] m (-es/-) one skilled in the law, one who declares the sentence of the law, a lawyer [jurisconsult], lawyer
rihtscriftscír [] f (-e/-a) properly assigned district of a confessor, parish, a district the extent of which is determined by law
rihtscytte [] adj sure of aim
rihtsinscipe [] m (-es/-as) lawful wedlock, lawful matrimony
rihtsméaung [] f (-e/-a) right reasoning or argument
rihtspell [] n (-es/-) true discourse, a noble discourse
rihtstefn [] f (-e/-a) ordinary voice, a properly pronounced word, properly modulated sound
rihttíd [] f (-e/-e) proper time
rihttima [] m (-n/-n) proper time
rihtþéow [] m (-es/-as) lawful slave
rihtþéowa [] m (-n/-n) lawful slave
rihtung [] f (-e/-a) 1. direction, guidance, action of guiding aright, order, rule; 2. correction, setting right; 3. correction, reproof; 4. a direction, rule; 5. regularis (in computation)
rihtungþrǽd [] m (-es/-as) plumb-line
rihtweg [] m (-es/-as) right way
rihtwer [] m (-es/-as) lawful husband, legitimate husband; legally correct ‘wergild’
rihtwestende [] m (-es/-as) extreme western limit
rihtwíf [] n (-es/-) lawful wife
rihtwillend [] m (-es/-) one whose desires are right
rihtwillende [] adj wishing to do right
rihtwís [] adj righteous, just; right, justifiable; 1. of persons; 1a. absolute; 1b. absolute with pronoun, the righteous (man or men); ic séo þone rihtwísan I see the righteous one; 2. of things;
rihtwíse [] f (-an/-an) righteousness, justice
rihtwísend [] m (-es/-) Sadducee
rihtwísian1 [] wv/t2 1. to make righteous, justify; 2. direct aright, rule; [riht, wísian]
rihtwíslic [] adj righteous, just, rational; adv ~líce rightly, reasonably; rationally, justly
rihtwísnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. righteousness, justice ; 2. righteousness, reasonableness, rightness, reason; 3. righteous acts
rihtwrítere [] m (-es/-as) correct writer, one who writes correctly
rihtwuldriende [] adj orthodox
rihtwyrðe [] adj proper, fitting
rihtymbren [] n (-es/-) duly appointed Embertide
rihtymbrendagas [] m pl duly appointed Ember days
rím- see hrím-
rím1 [] n (-es/-) number, counting, reckoning; calendar, numeral; 1. the precise sum or aggregate of any collection of individual things or persons; 2. a particular sum or aggregate of units, of a kind specified or implied in the context; 3. the particular mark or symbol, having an arithmetical value, by which anything has a place assigned to it in a series; 4. the full tale or count of a collection, company, or class of persons; 5. a (large or small) collection of persons or things; 6. that aspect of things which is involved in considering them as separate units of which one or more may be taken or distinguished, (1) in oblique cases or prepositional phrases with adverbial force; féowertig wintra ~es for forty years in number; (2) in phrases denoting that persons, things, etc., have not been, or cannot be, counted; 7. reckoning, calculation
rima [] m (-n/-n) rim, verge, border, bank, coast
ríman [] wv/t1b 1. 1 to count, number, reckon; 2. to enumerate, recount, describe in succession, tell; 3. to calculate, compute, count up; 4. to account, esteem as
rímáð [] m (-es/-as) oath by a number of persons, an oath taken by a person and by the number of persons he brings with him as compurgators
rímcræft1 [] m (-es/-as) arithmetic, reckoning, computation, the science of numbers; calendar
rímcræftig [] adj skillful in computation
rímcræftiga [] m (-n/-n) one skillful at figures, computation
ríme see earfoð~
rímere [] m (-es/-as) a computer, reckoner,calculator
rímforst see hrímforst
rímgetæl2 [] n (-es/-getalu) number
rímgetel2 [] n (-es/-u, geteolu) number
rimpan see hrimpan
rímre see rímere
rímtalu [] f (-e/-a) number
Rín [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) the river Rhine
rínan [] sv/i1, sv/t1 3rd pres rínð past rán/rinon ptp gerinen or wv/t1b, wv/i1b impersonal to rain; to send down, or fall, like rain; ge~ to wet with rain
rinc2 [] m (-es/-as) man, warrior, hero
rincgetæl [] n (-es/-talu) a number of men, host
rincsetl see hringsetl
rind [] f (-e/-a) rind, bark, outside; 1. of a tree, the bark; 1a. metaphorically; 2. of other things, crust, rind, outside
rinde [] f (-an/-an) rind, bark, outside; 1. of a tree, the bark; 1a. metaphorically; 2. of other things, crust, rind, outside
rindan see be~
rindran see be~
rindeclifer [] f (-e/-a) woodpecker?, nut-hatch?, a bird that sticks to, or scratches the bark of trees?
rinden [] adj of bark
rindléas [] adj having no bark, without bark
ríne see rýne
ring see hring
ríning see hríning
rinnan1 [] sv/i3 3rd pres rinð past rann/runnon ptp is gerunnen to run, flow; ge~ run together, blend, coagulate
rinnelle [] f (-an/-an) runnel, rivulet, stream [= rynele]
rinnung [] f (-e/-a) rennet; ge~ coagulation
ríp1 [] n (-es/-) 1. reaping, harvest; 2. what is reaped or gathered in, cut corn, sheaf; 2. ripeness, maturity
ripa [] m (-n/-n) see ríp 2
rípan [] 1. sv/t1 3rd pres rípð past ráp/ripon ptp geripen 1 to reap, cut corn; metaphorically, to derive advantage; 2. see rípian
rípan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rípð past rípte ptp geríped to spoil, plunder
rípe [] adj ripe, mature
rípe [] n (-es/-u) ripeness, maturity; also f indecl rípu
rípemann [] m (-es/-menn) reaper
rípere [] m (-es/-as) 1. reaper; 2. a robber, plunderer, spoiler
rípian [] wv/i2 to become ripe, ripen, to grow ripe, to mature
rípísern [] n (-es/-) sickle, an instrument for reaping
rípnes [] f (-se/-sa) ripeness, maturity, season of ripeness, harvest
rippel? [] ? (-?/-?) a coppice?
riptere see riftere
ríptíma [] m (-n/-n) time of harvest, harvest-time
rípð [] f (-e/-a) harvest
rípung [] f (-e/-a) 1. ripening; 2. ripeness, maturity
rípung [] f (-e/-a) spoliation, plundering
rísan1 [] sv/i1 3rd pres rísð past rás/rison ptp is gerisen 1. to rise, stand up; rise together; 2. to be fit, be fitting, be becoming, be proper (usually ge~); [see also stígan, which can be used of upward or downward motion]
rísan [] sv/t1 3rd pres rísð past rás/rison ptp gerisen to seize, carry off
risc [] f (-e/-a) rush [L]
risce [] f (-an/-an) rush [L]
riscbedd [] n (-es/-) bed of rushes
riscen [] adj made of rushes
rischealh [] m (-es/-halas) rushy corner?, rushy slope?
risciht [] adj rushy, full of rushes
riscléac [] n (-es/-) rush leak, rush garlic
riscpytt [] m (-es/-as) a pit or pool in which rushes grow
riscríðig [] n (-es/-) rushy stream, a stream in which rushes grow
riscsteort [] m (-es/-as) a promontory where rushes grow
riscþýfel [] m (-es/-as) rush-bed, bed of rushes
risen- see risn-
rísende? [] adj rapacious
risenlic see risnelic
risiendum [] adv? odorato? participle of hrisian
risne1 [] 1. adj fit, fitting, meet, becoming, suitable, proper, convenient; 2. n (-es/-u) (usu pl) what is fitting or suitable, dignity, honor
risoda [] m (-n/-n) rheum
rít pres 3rd sing of rídan
ríþ1 [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) rithe, small stream, rivulet, stream
ríðe1 [] f (-an/-an) rithe, small stream, rivulet, stream
ríþfald [] m (-es/-as) cattle-pen, cow-shed [hríð-]
ríðig [] n (-es/-) streamlet
riþþa see ryþþa
rix see risc
ró see rów 2
rocc [] m (-es/-as) over-garment, rochet
roccettan [] wv/t1b to eructate, belch forth, utter
roccettung [] f (-e/-a) eructation
roccian [] wv/t2 to rock (a child)
rocettan [] wv/t1b to eructate, belch forth, utter
rocettung [] f (-e/-a) eructation
ród [] f (-e/-a) 1. a rod, pole; 2. rood (land measure); plot of land of a square rod; 3. a cross, rood (as in Holy-rood), gallows; (1) a cross on which a person is executed; (1a) the cross on which Christ suffered; (2) the cross as a form of punishment, death on a cross; (3) the cross as a Christian symbol; (3a) the cross as representing the ecclesiastical office; 4. crucifix; (1) in a church; (2) out-of-doors; (3) one that could be worn; 5. of cleared land;
ródbígenga [] m (-n/-n) worshipper of the cross, one who worships a cross
ródbora [] m (-n/-n) cross-bearer
rodd [] m? (-es/-as) rod, stick (to beat with)
ródehengen [] f (-ne/-na) hanging, crucifixion; a cross, crucifixion
roden past part of réodan
roder see rodor
ródetácen [] n (-tácnes/-) sign of the cross; crucifix
ródewyrðe [] adj deserving hanging
rodor [] m (-es/roderas) 1. as a technical term, the firmament, the heaven of the fixed stars, ether; 2. mostly as a poetical term, the heavens, sky, upper regions
rodorbeorht [] adj heaven-bright, heavenly bright
rodorcyning2 [] m (-es/-as) king of heaven, Christ
rodorlic [] adj of the heavens, heavenly, celestial; of the firmament
rodorlíhtung [] f (-e/-a) dawn, the illumination of the heavens
rodorstól [] m (-es/-as) heavenly throne, a celestial throne
rodortorht [] adj heavenly-bright
rodortungol [] n (-tungles/-) star of heaven
ródstybb [] m (-es/-as) a stump left in the clearing
ródweorðiend [] m (-es/-) cross-worshipper
ródwurðiend see ródweorðiend
roeðe see réðe
róf [] 1. adj 2 vigorous, strong, brave, valiant, stout, noble, renowned; 2. ? (-?/-?) array, number
rofen past part of réofan
rófléas see hrófléas
rogian [] wv/t2 to flourish
róhte past 3rd sing of récan
rom see ramm
Róm [] f (-e/-a) Rome
Rómánan [] m pl Romans
Rómáne [] m pl Romans
rómánisc [] adj Roman
Rómeburg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) Rome; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]
romél [] adj sooty
Rómfeoh [] n (-féos/-) Rome-penny, Romescot, Peter’s pence; [William of Malmesbury attributes to Ethelwulf the institution of this tax: Ethelwulf went to Rome and there offered to St. Peter that tribute which England pays to this day]
Rómgesceot [] n (-es/-u) Rome-penny, Romescot, Peter’s pence
rómian [] wv/t2 w.g. try to obtain, to strive after
rómig [] adj blackened, sooty
romm see ramm
Rómpening [] m (-es/-as) Rome-penny, Romescot, Peter’s pence, a penny paid to Rome
Rómwaran [] m pl inhabitants of Rome, the people of Rome, Romans
Rómware [] m pl inhabitants of Rome, the people of Rome, Romans
Rómwealh [] m (-wéales/-wéalas) a Roman [wealh]
rond see rand
rop [] 1. ? (-?/-?) broth; 2. see ropp
róp [] adj liberal, bountiful
rópnes [] f (-se/-sa) liberality
ropp [] m (-es/-as) an intestine, colon
ropwærc [] m (-es/-as) colic
rórend see rówend
rósbedd [] n (-es/-) rose-bed
róscian see róstian
róse [] f (-an/-an) rose [L rosa]
rósen [] adj made of roses; rose-colored, rosy
rósig [] adj rosy
róst see rúst
róstian [] wv/t2 to roast, dry by a fire;
rot see hrot
rót [] adj glad, cheerful, bright; noble, excellent
rót? [] ? (-?/-?) root
rote? [] ? (-?/-?) root
rótfæst [] adj (root-fast), firmly established
róthwíl [] f (-e/-a) time of refreshing
rotian1 [] wv/t2 to rot, get corrupt, ulcerate, putrefy
rótlíce [] adv gladly, cheerfully
rótnes [] f (-se/-sa) gladness, cheerfulness; refuge, comfort, protection
rótsung [] f (-e/-a) refuge, protection, comfort, cheering
rotung [] f (-e/-a) 1. corruption, putrefaction; 2. a sore accompanied with putrefaction, ulcer [rotian]
róðer [] 1. m (róðres/róðras) rower, sailor; [rówan]; 2. see róðor
roðhund [] m (-es/-as) mastiff, a large dog [ryðða]
róðor [] n (róðres/-) oar, rudder, scull (i.e. a rudder for steering)
róðra see réðra
rów [] 1. adj quiet, calm, gentle, soft, mild; 2. f (-e/-a) quietness, quiet, rest
rówan1 [] sv/i7 3rd pres réwð past réow/on ptp is gerówen to go by water, row, sail, swim
rówend [] m (-es/-) rower; sailor
rówett see réwet
równes [] f (-se/-sa) rowing
rówung [] f (-e/-a) rowing
rudduc [] m (-es/-as) ruddock, robin red-breast
rúde [] 1. m (-es/-as) scabbiness, scab, roughness of the skin; 2. f (-an/-an) rue [L ruta]
rudian [] wv/i2 to be ruddy
rudig [] adj rubicund, ruddy
rudon past pl of réodan
rudu [] f (-e/-a) red color, red, redness; redness of the cheeks, ruddy complexion, the countenance; red cosmetic
rues see ryges, gen sing of ryge
rúg see rúh
Rugern [] m (-es/-as) rye-harvest, month of rye-harvest, August ?
rúh [] adj 1. rough, hairy, shaggy; 2. rough, untrimmed, uncultivated; 3. rough, knotty; 4. rough, undressed; untanned; 5. rough, coarse (of cloth); [gen sing rúwes]
ruhha? [] m (-n/-n) ray (fish)
rúm [] m (-es/-as) 1 1. local, room, space; 2. temporal, space of time; 3. time which allows unhindered or unhurried action, opportunity, scope; on ge~ at large, apart
rúm [] adj 1. 1 local, roomy, spacious, ample, extensive, large; 1a. roomy, open, unencumbered, unoccupied; 1b. of degree; 2. temporal, long, extended; 3. of mental qualities, ample, great, liberal; 4. unrestricted, unfettered, unrestricted, open, clear, loose, free from conditions, free from occupation; 5. not restrained within due limits, lax; 6. wide, ample, far-reaching; 6a. of material things, ample, abundant; 7. liberal; 8. great, noble, august
rúma [] m (-n/-n) separation
rúman see rýman
rúme [] adv 1. local, widely, spaciously, roomily, far and wide, so as to extend over a wide space; 2. liberally, extensively, amply, abundantly, in a high degree; 3. without restriction or encumbrance, without the pressure of care, light-heartedly; 4. without obstruction, plainly, clearly, in detail
rúmed- see rúmmód-
rúmgál [] adj reveling in release from confinement (Noah’s dove), rejoicing in ample space in which to move (applied to the dove when sent from the ark); adv ~líce widely
rúmgiefa [] m (-n/-n) bountiful giver
rúmgifol [] adj liberal, bountiful, munificent; of things, liberal, abundant
rúmgifolnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. liberality, bounty, profusion, munificence; 2. abundance of a thing, (1) material; (2) non-material; of þǽre miclan rúmgifolnesse his mildheortnesse of the great abundance of his mercy;
rúmheort [] adj 1. of liberal heart, liberal, munificent; large-hearted, generous; 2. with mind free from oppression, untroubled, free from care; adv ~líce
rúmheortnes [] f (-se/-sa) liberality, munificence
rúmian [] wv/t2 to become clear of obstructions, to get free from encumbrance
rúmlic [] adj 1. gracious, liberal, benign; 2. liberal, abundant, plentiful;
rúmlíce [] adv 1 1.largely, fully, at large, at length; 2. liberally, abundantly; 3. graciously, kindly, benignly
rúmmód [] adj 1. of liberal mind, liberal in giving w.g. of what is given; 1a. too liberal, profuse, lavish; 1b. of things, liberal, abundant; 2. benignant, gracious, kind
rúmmódlic [] adj ample, large, full, liberal, gracious; adv ~líce liberally; at large, fully; graciously, favorably
rúmmódnes [] f (-se/-sa) large-heartedness, liberality, kindness
rúmnes [] f (-se/-sa) 1. breadth, a broad space; 2. breadth, amplitude, abundance
rúmód see rúmmód
rúmor [] adv comp still further
rúmwelle [] adj spacious
rún [] f (-e/-a) 1. a whisper, hence speech not intended to be overheard, confidence, counsel, consultation; (secret) council; secrecy; 2. a mystery; 3. a secret; 4. of that which is written, with the idea of mystery or magic; 5. a rune, runic character, letter; 6. writing
rúncofa [] m (-n/-n) the chamber of secret counsel, chamber of secrets, the mind, breast, bosom
rúncræftig [] adj skilled in explaining mysteries
rúnere [] m (-es/-as) whisperer, tale-bearer
rúnian [] wv/t2 to whisper, murmur, talk low, talk secrets, conspire, to talk secretly against a person;
rúniende [] adj whispering
rúnlic [] adj mystical
runn see cýsge~
runol [] adj foul?, running? [?= hrunol]
rúnstæf [] m (-es/-stafas) letter, runic letter, rune
rúnung [] f (-e/-a) whispering, soft speech, wheedling, secret talking
rúnwita2 [] m (-n/-n) adviser, counselor, wise man; a privy councilor, one acquainted with a person’s secrets; one acquainted with mysteries, a sage
rúst [] m (-es/-as) rust; moral canker
rústig [] adj rusty
rúte see rúde
rúwa [] m (-n/-n) covering, tapestry
rúwe [] f (-an/-an) covering, tapestry
rúwes see rúh
rúxian see hrúxlian
rýan see rýn
ryc- see rec-
rýc- see réc-
rýcð pres 3rd sing of réocan
rýd see rád 1
ryden [] n (-es/-) name of a plant
rýderian see á~
rýe see rýhe
rýfe [] adj rife, frequent
ryft [] n (-es/-) covering, veil, curtain, cloak
ryge [] m (-es/-as) rye
rygen [] adj made of rye, rye
rýhe [] f (-an/-an) rug, blanket, rough covering
ryht see riht
rým- see rím-
rýman1 [] wv/t1b 1. to make roomy, extend, widen, spread, enlarge, amplify, prolong; 2. to clear, open up, make clear by removing obstructions, to clear a way (lit. and metaph.); (1) to make way for a person (dat); him man sóna rýmde one immediately made way for him; (2) place to (tó) which given; úrum féondum rýmde tó lande he made way for our enemies to the land; 3. to make room by removing one’s self, make room, yield, give place, retire; [rúm]
rýmet [] n (-tes/-tu) 1. space, extent; 2. clear space, room; 3. extension, clearance; 4. extension of a person’s well-being, comfort, benefit, easy circumstances, prosperity
rýmetléast [] f (-e/-a) want of room
rýmð [] f (-e/-a) amplitude, great extent
rýn [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rýð past rýde ptp gerýd to roar, rage
rýnan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres rýnð past rýnede ptp gerýned to roar, rage; variant of rýn
ryne [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-u) a course, run, running, onward course, both in the sense of motion and in that of the path in which motion takes place, the course, movement, or path of a living creature; 1. of a ship; 2. of other things, of the heavenly bodies, an orbit; 2. metaphorically, course, uninterrupted progress; 3. of fluids, a course, water-course, a flow, flux of blood; 4. of time, period of time, course, cycle, luster; 5. course of life; 6. expanse, extent; 7. to translate Latin currus;
rýne1 [] n (-es/-u) mystery, mysterious saying, dark saying; mystic rite; sacrament; sacramental elements
rynegiest [] m (-es/-as) a guest or foe that comes swiftly?; running spirit (= lightning)?, rain-foe?; [a term used for lightning]
rýnegu see hel-
rynel [] 1. m (rynles/rynlas) runnel, stream; 2. runner, messenger, courier
rynele [] f (-an/-an) see rynel 1
rýnelic1 [] adj secret, mystical; figurative, sacramental; adv ~líce mystically
rýnlic1 [] adj secret, mystical; figurative, sacramental; adv ~líce mystically
rynelíce [] adv quickly, swiftly, hastily, speedily [cursim]
rýnemann [] m (-es/-menn) one skilled in explaining mysteries
rynestrang [] adj strong in running, strong for the course
ryneswift2 [] adj swift in running, swift in its course
ryneþrág [] f (-e/-a) space of time
rynewǽn2 [] m (-es/-as) swift vehicle, chariot
ryng- see reng-
rýnig1 [] adj good in counsel?
rynig [] adj good at running
ryniga [] m (-n/-n) liquid that runs off?
rynnung [] f (-e/-a) rennet
rýnstæf see rúnstæf
rýp see ríp
rýpere [] m (-es/-as) robber, plunderer
rýping [] m (-es/-as) plunder, spoliation
ryplen [] adj made of broom?
ryps see reps
rýric see sǽ~
rysc- see risc-
rysel [] m (rysles/ryslas) lard, fat; resin; abdomen (1)
rysele [] m (-es/-as) lard, fat; resin; abdomen (4)
rysl [] m (-es/-as) lard, fat; resin; abdomen (2)
rysle [] m (-es/-as) lard, fat; resin; abdomen (3)
ryselwærc [] m (-es/-as) pain in the stomach
rýsig see hrísig
ryt [] ? (-?/-?) rubbish for burning, underwood
rýð [] 1. see ríð; 2. pres 3rd sing of rýn
rýðer see hríðer
ryðða [] m (-n/-n) a species of dog, large dog, mastiff, blood-hound [Ger rüde]
rýung [] f (-e/-a) roaring, groaning, grunting