bá nom/acc fem/neut and acc masc of bégen both
Babilón [] f
(-e/-a) Babylon; this celebrated city of antiquity, in Mesopotamia, was built
on both banks of the Euphrates. Its foundation by Nimrod is mentioned
immediately after the Deluge;
Babilónie []
f (-an/-an) Babylon; this celebrated city of antiquity, in Mesopotamia,
was built on both banks of the Euphrates. Its foundation by Nimrod is
mentioned immediately after the Deluge;
[] f (-an/-an) Babylon; this celebrated city of antiquity, in Mesopotamia,
was built on both banks of the Euphrates. Its foundation by Nimrod is
mentioned immediately after the Deluge;
[] adj Babylonish
[] m (-n/-n) Babylon
Babýlón [] f
(-is/-és) Babylon; this celebrated city of antiquity, in Mesopotamia, was built
on both banks of the Euphrates. Its foundation by Nimrod is mentioned
immediately after the Deluge;
bac- see bæc
bacan [] sv/t6
pres bæcþ past bóc/on ptp gebacen/gebæcen to bake
bacas [] nom, acc pl of bæc
bacca [] m
(-n/-n) ridge
bacu [] nom, acc pl of bæc
bád [] 1.
f (-e/-a) forced contribution, impost, pledge; expectation; [bídan]; 2.
1 past 3rd sing of bídan
bádere see nied~
bádian [] wv/t2
pres bádaþ past bádode ptp gebádod to take a pledge or fine
bal- see beal-
balc [] m
(-es/-as) bank, ridge
balca [] m
(-n/-n) bank, ridge
ballíce see bealdlíce
balsam [] n
(-es/-) balsam, balm
balsamum [] n
(-es/-) balsam, balm
balsméðe [] f
(-an/-an) bergamot
balsminte []
f (-an/-an) spear-mint, water-mint
balzam [] n see balsam
balzame [] f see balsam
balzamum [] n see balsam
bám dative masculine, feminine, and
neuter of bégen
bán [] n
(-es/-) bone, tusk; the bone of a limb
bana [] m
(-n/-n) killer, slayer, murderer; the devil; f murderess
bánbeorge []
f (-an/-an) leg-armor, graves
bánbryce [] m
(-es/-as) fracture of a bone
[] m (-n/-n) the bodily frame
báncoða [] m
(-n/-n) bone disease
báncoðu [] f
(-e/-a) bone disease
band past 3rd sing of bindan
bánece [] adv? in pain in the thigh
[] n (-es/-fatu) body, corpse
bánfág [] adj
adorned with bonework (deer antlers?)
bangár [] m
(-a/-a) murdering spear
bángeberg [] n see bánbeorge
bángebrec []
n (-es/-gebreocu, -u) fracture of a bone
bánhelm [] m
(-es/-as) helmet, shield?
[] m (-es/-as) vertebra, joint
[] n (-es/-) body, chest, breast; ~es weard the mind
bánloca [] m
(-n/-n) muscle
bánléas [] adj
[] m (-n/-n) joint, limb
[] sv/t7 3rd
pres benþ past béonn/on ptp gebannen to summon, command, proclaim; ~ út
call out
bannend [] m
(-es/-) summoner
bannuc [] m
(-es/-as) a bit, small piece
bánrift [] n
(-es/-) leggings, leg-armor, greaves
bánsealf [] f
(-e/-a) salve for pain in the bones
bánsele [] m
(-es/-as) (bone-house), body
bánwærc [] m
(-es/-as) pain in the bones
bánweorc [] n
(-es/-) homicide, manslaughter
bánwyrt [] f
(-e/-e) violet?, small knapweed?
bár [] m (-es/-as) boar
bara, bare [] adj wk
forms of bær
Barda [] m
(-n/-n) the Apennines
barda [] m
(-n/-n) beaked ship
bárhelm [] m
(-es/-as) helmet with the image of a boar?
barian [] wv/t2 to lay bare, uncover; depopulate
barice see barricge
barm see bearm
barn [] 1. past 3rd
sing of biernan; 2. see bearn
barricge [] f? (-an/-an) braugina, baruina
bárspere [] n
(-es/-u) boar-spear
bárspréot []
m (-es/-as) boar-spear
barstlung see brastlung
barþ [] m
(-es/-as) barque, dromo
barða see barda
baru [] adj neut nom/acc pl of bær
basilisca []
m (-n/-n) basilisk
basing [] m
(-es/-as) cloak
[] wv/t2 to await, expect
básnung [] f
(-e/-a) expectation
bastard [] m
(-es/-as) bastard [OFr]
basu [] adj
purple, scarlet, crimson; gen sing masc/neut baswes; baswa stán
basuhǽwen []
adj purple
bát [] 1. m (-es/-as)
boat, ship, vessel; 2. past 3rd sing bítan
batian [] wv/i2 to heal; grow
better; improve in health
bátswegen [] m (-es/-as) boatman
batt [] ? (-es/-?) bat, cudgel, club
bátwá see bútú
bátweard [] m (-es/-as) ship’s
baþ see bæþ
[] wv/t2 to wash, lave, bathe (tr, intr), give baths (to others)
baðu see bæþ
bæc [] 1.
n (-es/bacu) back; on ~ backwards, behind, aback; on ~
settan/lǽtan to neglect; on ~ lǽtan to leave behind; ofer ~
backwards, back; under ~ behind, backwards, back; ofer ~ búgan to
turn back, flee; clǽne ~ habban to be straightforward, honest; 2.
m (-es/bacas), f (-e/-a), n (-es/bacu) beck, brook
bæcbord [] n
(-es/-) left side of a ship, larboard
bæce [] 1.
(-?/-?) back parts; 2. see bæc 2
bǽce see béce
bǽcen- see béacen-
bæcere [] 1. m (-es/-as)
baker; 2. see bæzere
bæcering [] m (-es/-as) gridiron
bæcern [] n (-es/-) bakery,
bæcestre [] f (-an/-an) baker
bæceþ [] pres 3rd sing of bacan
bæcistre see bæcestre
bæcling [] adv
backwards, behind; back to back; on ~ gewend having one’s back turned
bæclinge [] adv
backwards, behind; back to back; on ~ gewend having one’s back turned
bæclinga [] adv
backwards, behind; back to back; on ~ gewend having one’s back turned
bæcslitol []
adj backbiting
bæcþ [] pres 3rd sing of bacan
bæcþearm [] m
(-es/-as) rectum; pl bowels, entrails
bæd [] 1. past 3rd
sing of biddan; 2. see bed
bædan [] wv/t1b? to defile
bǽdan [] wv/t1b to urge on, impel;
solicit, require; afflict, oppress
bædd see bedd
bæddæg see bæðdæg
bǽddel [] m
(bǽddles/bǽddlas) effeminate person, hermaphrodite
bæddryda see bedrida
bǽdend [] m
(-es/-) inciter
bǽdewég [] n
(-es/-) drinking vessel
bǽdling [] m
(-es/-as) effeminate person
bǽdon [] past pl of biddan
bædryda see bedrida
bædzere see bæzere
bæfta see beæftan
bæftan see beæftan
bæftian see hand~
bǽg see béag
bǽgen see bégen
bǽh see béag
bǽl [] n
(-es/-) fire, flame; funeral pyre, bonfire
[] f (-e/-a) blaze of a fire, funeral blaze
[] f (-an/-an) blaze of a fire, funeral blaze
[] f (-an/-an) blaze of a fire, funeral blaze
bælc [] 1.
2 m (-es/-as) pride, arrogance; 2. m (-es/-as) covering, cloud?
bælcan [] wv/t1b
to cry out
bældan see bieldan
bældo see bieldu
bældu see bieldu
bǽlegsa [] m
(-n/-n) terror of fire
bǽlfýr [] n
(-es/-) bale-fire, funeral or sacrificial fire
bælg see belg
bælig see belg
bǽlstede [] m
(-es/-as) place of a funeral pile
bǽlþracu [] f
(-e/-a) violence of fire [dat sing ~þræce]
bǽlwudu [] m
(-a/-a) wood for a funeral pile
bǽwylm [] m
(-es/-as) flames of a funeral fire
bǽm see bám
bænd see bend
bǽnen [] adj
made of bone
bær [] 1.
adj bare, uncovered; naked, unclothed; 2. past 3rd
sing of beran
bǽr [] 1.
f (-e/-a) bier; handbarrow, litter, bed; [beran]; 2. a pasture; 3.
see bár
bære [] see bere, 1st
pres sing of beran
bære- see bere-
bǽre [] suffix
(from beran); forms derivative adjectives from nouns, as in cwealmbǽre
[Ger –bar]
bǽre see bǽr
bærfót [] adj
bærhtm see bearhtm
bærlic [] 1.
adj of barley; 2. open, clear, public; adv ~líce
bǽrmann [] m
(-es/-menn) bearer, porter
bærn see bereærn
[] wv/t1b to cause to burn, kindle, burn, consume
bærnelác [] n
(-es/-) burnt-offering
bærnes see bærnnes
bærnett [] n (-es/-) burning, burn,
bærning [] f (-e/-a) burning; burnt
bærnísen [] n
(-es/-) branding iron
bærnnes [] f
(-se/-sa) burning
bærnes [] f
(-se/-sa) burning
bæro see bæru
bǽron [] past pl of beran
bærs [] m
(-es/-as) a fish, perch [Ger barsch]
bærst [] past 3rd sing of berstan
bærstl- see brastl-
bærsynnig []
m (-es/-as) notorious sinner, publican
bǽrwe see bearwe
bæst [] m (-es/-as) bast, inner
bark of trees
bæsten [] adj
made of bast
bæstere see bæzere
bǽtan [] wv/t1b
1. to bait, hunt, worry; 2. to
beat against the wind?; make fast?; 3. 1 to furnish
with a bit or bridle, saddle, curb
bætera see betera
bæting [] f
(-e/-a) beating (against the wind?),
bættra see betera
bæþ [] n
(-es/baðu) bath, action of bathing; laver; liquid in which one bathes,
medicinal spring; ganotes ~ gannet’s bath (i.e. the sea)
bæðcere see bæzere
bæðere see bæzere
Bæðdæg [] m
(-es/-dagas) Epiphany (day of Christ’s baptism)
bæðern [] n
(-es/-) bath-house
bæðfæt [] n
(-es/-fatu) bathing-tub
bæðhús [] n
(-es/-) bathing-place
bæðian see baðian
bæðsealf [] f
(-e/-a) bathing-salve
bæðstede [] m
(-es/-as) bathing-place
bæðstów [] f
(-e/-a) bathing-place
[] m (-es/-as) sea
bæzere [] m
(-es/-as) baptizer, Baptist [L baptista]
be- [] prefix 1.
specializes the meaning of a transitive verb (behón, besettan); 2. makes
an intransitive verb transitive (beswícan, beþencan); 3. is privative
(bedǽlan, belíðan); 4. does not alter the meaning (becuman)
be [] prep w.d.i. place
by, near, in, on, upon, with, along, at, to; time in, about,
by, before, while, during; for, because of, in consideration of, by, by means
of, through, in conformity with or imitation of, in comparison with; about,
concerning, in reference to; on penalty of; ~ áhwihte in any respect; ~
sumum dǽle partly; ~ ánmfealdum altogether; ~ fullan in full,
fully, perfectly; in excess; ~ þám mǽstan at the most; ~ þám þe
because, as, according as, how; ~ norðan, súðan to the north,
south of; ~ æftan see beæftan
[] n (-es/-) beacon, sign, token,
phenomenon, portent, apparition; standard, banner; audible signal
béacenfýr []
n (-es/-) beacon fire, lighthouse
[] m (-es/-as) stone on which to light a beacon fire
béacn- see bícn-
bead see bed
béad [] 1. past 3rd
sing of béodan; 2. see béod
beado see beadu
beadowig see bǽdewég
[] f (-we/-wa) war, battle, fighting, strife
beaducáf [] adj
bold in battle
[] m (-es/-as) skill in war
[] adj warlike
[] m (-es/-as) violent death
beadufolm []
f (-e/-a) battle-hand
[] m (-n/-n) war-mask, helmet
[] n (-es/-) coat of mail
[] n (-es/-) war-play, battle
[] m (-n/-n) (battle-light), sword
[] n (-es/-) battle-strength, force
beaduméce []
m (-es/-as) battle-sword
beadurǽs [] m
(-es/-as) rush of battle
[] m (-es/-as) warrior, soldier
[] adj strong in battle, renowned in war
beadurún [] f
(-e/-a) secret of a quarrel
[] adj keen in battle (sword)
[] n (-es/-) coat of mail [dat scrýd]
[] n (-wes/-) war equipment
[] f (-an/-an) coat of mail
[] m (-es/-as) war-band, army
[] n (-es/-) weapon of war
[] m (-es/-as) battlefield
[] n (-es/-) warlike operation
beaduwrǽd []
m (-es/-as) fighting troop
beaftan [] wv/t1b
to strike (the hands) together?, lament?
béag [] 1.
m (-es/-as) ring (as ornament or as money), coil, bracelet, collar,
crown, garland; treasured things; a treasured thing (sword); 2. pret 1,
3 sing of búgan
[] m (-n/-n) ring-giver, lord, king, generous chief
béaggiefu []
f (-e/-a) ring-giving
béaghord [] n
(-es/-) ring-hoard
[] adj diademed, adorned with rings or armlets
[] wv/t2 to crown
[] m (-es/-as) hall in which rings are distributed
[] m (-es/-as) hall in which rings are distributed
béagþegu [] f
(-e/-a) receiving of rings
béagwíse [] n
(-es/-u) round shape
béagwriða []
m (-n/-n) armlet
béah [] 1. see béag; 2.
past 3rd sing of búgan
béah- see béag-
béahsian [] wv/t2
to ask advice
bealaníþ see bealuníþ
bealcan [] wv/t1b
to belch, utter, bring up, sputter out, give forth, emit; come forth
[] wv/t1b to belch, utter, bring up, sputter out, give forth, emit; come
beald [] adj
bold, brave, confident, strong; presumptuous, impudent
bealde [] adv
boldly, courageously, confidently; without hesitation, immediately
bealdian [] wv/i2
to be bold
bealdlíce []
adv boldly
bealdnes [] f
(-se/-sa) boldness
bealdor [] m (bealdres/bealdras)
lord, master, hero
[] adj bold of speech
beale- see bealu-
bealg past 3rd sing of belgan
bealh past 3rd sing of belgan
beallucas []
m pl testiculi
bealo see bealu
bealo- see bealu-
bealu [] 1.
2 n (-wes/-) bale, harm, injury, destruction, ruin, evil,
mischief; wickedness, malice; a noxious thing; 2. adj baleful,
deadly, dangerous, wicked, evil
bealubend []
m (-es/-as) pernicious bond
bealubenn []
f (-e/-a) mortal wound
[] adj pernicious
[] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) oppressive bond
[] m (-es/-as) magic art
[] m (-es/-as) violent death
[] f (-e/-e) evil deed, sin
bealuful [] adj
baleful, dire, wicked, cruel
bealufús [] adj
prone to sin
[] adj meditating mischief
[] adj meditating mischief
[] n (-es/-u) deceit, treachery
[] adj harmless, innocent
[] m (-es/-as) malice, wickedness
bealuráp [] m
(-es/-as) oppressive fetter
[] n (-wes/-) wicked machination
[] m (-es/-as) hurt, adversity; death
bealusorg []
f (-e/-a) dire sorrow
[] n (-es/-) baleful message
bealuþonc []
m (-es/-as) evil thought
bealuwes see bealu
béam [] m (-es/-as) tree; beam,
rafter, piece of wood; cross, gallows; 2 ship; column, pillar;
sunbeam; metal girder; on héanne ~ gestígan to climb the high oak (to
beat down acorns)
béamere see býmere
[] f (-e/-a) shade of a tree
béamtelg [] m
(-es/-as) ink or dye from wood
béamweg [] m
(-es/-as) road made with logs
béamwer [] m
(-es/-as) wooden weir?
béan [] f
(-e/-a) bean, pea, legume
[] m pl bean pods, husks, or cods
béanbroþ see béonbroþ
[] m pl bean pods, husks, or cods
béancynn [] n
(-es/-) a kind of bean
béanen [] adj
of beans
béanléag [] f
(-e/-a) land where beans grow
béanmelu [] n
(-wes/-) bean-meal
béansǽd [] n
(-es/-) bean-seed
béanscalu []
f (-e/-a) bean-pod
béanscealu []
f (-e/-a) bean-pod
béanset [] n
(-es/-u) bean-plot
béar see béor
bearce [] f
(-an/-an) barking
beard [] m
(-es/-as) beard
beardléas []
adj beardless, youthful
bearg [] 1.
m (-es/-as) barrow pig, hog; 2. past 3rd sing of beorgan
bearh see bearg 1, 3
bearht see beorht
bearhtm [] 1.
m (-es/-as) brightness, flash; twinkling (of an eye), instant; adv
~e instantly; 2. see breahtm
[] adj swift as the twinkling of an eye, momentary
[] f (-e/-e) moment, twinkling of an eye, point of time
bearm [] 1.
m (-es/-as) lap, bosom, breast; middle, inside; 2 possession;
2. emotion, excitement?; 3.
see beorma
bearmcláþ []
n (-es/-) apron
[] n (-es/-) apron
bearmtéag []
f (-e/-a) yeast-box
bearn [] 1.
n (-es/-) child, son, descendant, offspring, issue; léoda ~
children of men; mid ~e pregnant; 2. see barn, past
3rd sing of biernan; 3. past 3rd
sing of beiernan; 4. see bereærn
bearnan see biernan
[] f (-an/-an) mother
bearnéaca [] adj pregnant
bearnéacen [] adj pregnant
bearnéacnigende [] adj
bearnéacnod [] adj pregnant
bearnende see biernende, pres
participle of biernan
[] f pl child-bearing
[] n (-es/-) procreation of children
bearnléas []
adj childless
[] f (-e/-a) childlessness
bearnlufe []
f (-an/-an) affection (for a child), adoption
[] m (-n/-n) murderer or murderess of a child
[] m (-n/-n) murderer or murderess of a child
bearntéam []
m (-es/-as) offspring, posterity; procreation of children
bearo see bearu
bears see bærs
béarscipe see béorscipe
[] m (-wes/-was) grove, wood; [berwe]
bearug see bearg
bearunæs [] m
(-es/-nasas) woody shore
bearwe [] f
(-an/-an) basket, wheelbarrow
bearwes see bearu
beasu see basu 1
[] sv/t7 3rd
pres bíeteþ past béot/on, beoft/on ptp gebéaten to beat, pound, strike, thrust,
dash; hurt, injure; tramp, tread
béatere [] m
(-es/-as) beater, boxer
béaw [] m
(-es/-as) gad-fly
beæftan [] 1.
adv after, hereafter, afterwards, behind; 2. prep w.d.
after, behind
beǽwnian [] wv/t2
to join in marriage, marry [ǽw]
bebaðian [] wv/t2,
wv/i2 to bathe, wash
bebéodan [] sv/t2
pres bebíedeþ past bebéad/bebudon ptp beboden to offer, commit, entrust; bid,
enjoin, instruct, command, require; announce, proclaim
bebéodend []
m (-es/-) commander, master
[] adj imperative
bebeorgan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bebiergþ past bebearg/beburgon ptp beborgen to be on one’s guard, defend,
beber see befer
beberan [] sv/t4
pres bebirþ past bebær/bebǽron ptp beboren to carry to, supply with
bebindan [] sv/t3
pres bebindeþ past beband/bebundon ptp bebunden to bind about,
bind fast
bebirgan see bebyrgan
bebirigan see bebyrgan
bebisc see hehbisceop?
bebítan [] sv/t1
pres bebíteþ past bebát/bebiton ptp bebiten to bite
bebláwan [] sv/t7
pres beblǽwþ past bebléow/on ptp bebláwen to blow upon
bebod [] n
(-es/-u, -beodu) command, injunction, order, decree; þá ~u the (ten)
beboddæg [] m
(-es/-dagas) appointed day
bebodian [] wv/t2 see bebéodan
[] f (-ne/-na) command, authority
bebrǽden [] wv/t1b
to spread, cover
bebrecan [] sv/t4
pres bebricþ past bebræc/brǽcon ptp bebrocen to break to pieces
bebregdan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bebrigdeþ past bebrægd/bebrugdon ptp bebrogden to pretend
bebrúcan [] sv/t2
pres bebrýcþ past bebréac/bebrucon ptp bebrocen to practice; consume (food)
bebúgan [] sv/t2
pres bebýgþ past bebéag/bebugon ptp bebogen to flow round, surround, enclose;
turn from, shun, avoid; reach, extend
bebycgan [] irreg
wv/t1b 3rd
pres bebygþ past bebóhte ptp bebóht to sell
bebycgung []
f (-e/-a) selling
bebyrdan [] wv/t1b
to fringe, border
bebyrgan [] wv/t1b
1. to raise a mound to, bury, inter; 2. see bebeorgan
bebyrian [] wv/t1a
pres bebyreþ past bebyrede ptp bebyred 1. to raise a mound to,
bury, inter; 2. see bebeorgan
[] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (1)
[] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (2)
[] f (-se/-sa) burial, burying (3)
bebyrgung []
f (-e/-a) burial
bebyrig- see bebyrg-
bec see bæc
béc see bóc
becæfian [] wv/t2
to ornament
becarcian []
wv/t2 to be anxious (about)
becc see bæc 2
becca [] m
(-n/-n) pick, mattock
beccen [] m
(-es/-as) buyer [= bycgend]
bece [] m see bæc 2
béce [] f
(-an/-an) beech (tree)
becéapian []
wv/t2 to sell; buy [listed as sv/t1]
becéasan [] sv/t7
pres becíesþ past becéos/on ptp becéasen to attack, fight, combat
becefed see becæfed, past part of
bécen [] 1.
adj beechen, made of beechwood; 2. see béacen
beceorfan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres becierfþ past becearf/becurfon ptp becorfen to cut, cut off, separate; héafde
~ to behead
beceorian []
wv/t2 to murmur at, complain of
becéowan [] sv/t2
pres becíewþ past becéaw/becuwon ptp becowen to gnaw in pieces
becépan [] 1.
wv/t1b to take notice of; 2. see becýpan
beceþ pres 3rd sing of bacan
becídan [] wv/t1b
to complain of
becierran []
wv/t1b to turn, turn around, pass by, avoid; wind, twist; pervert; give
up, betray; to change
beclǽman [] wv/t1b
to plaster over, poultice
[] wv/t2 to cleanse
beclemman []
wv/t1a to bind, enclose
beclencan []
wv/t1b to hold fast
beclésung see beclýsung
beclingan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres beclingeþ past beclang/beclungon ptp beclungen to enclose, bind
beclippan see beclyppan
beclísung see beclýsung
beclypian []
wv/t2 to accuse, challenge, sue at law
beclyppan []
wv/t1a to clasp, embrace; encompass, hold
[] f (-e/-a) embrace
beclýsan [] wv/t1b
to close, shut up, enclose, confine, imprison; [clúse]
beclýsung []
f (-e/-a) enclosure, cell; period, syllogism
bécn see béacen, béacn
bécn- see bicn-, biecn-
becnáwan [] sv/t7
pres becnǽwþ past becnéow/on ptp becnáwen to know
becnedan [] sv/t5
pres becnideþ past becnæd/becnǽdon ptp becneden to knead up
bécnydlic see bícnendlic
becnyttan []
wv/t1a to knit, tie, bind
becola? [] m
(-n/-n) specter
becole? [] f
(-an/-an) specter
bécrǽde see bócrǽding
bécrǽding see bócrǽding
béctréow see bóctréow
becréopan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres becríepþ past becréap/becrupon ptp becropen to creep into, crawl; be hidden
becst pres 2nd sing of bacan
becuman [] sv/i4
pres becymþ past becóm/on ptp is becumen to come, approach, arrive, enter,
meet with, fall in with; happen, befall; impers befit
bécun see béacen
becwelan [] sv/i4
pres becwilþ past becwæl/becwǽlon ptp is becwolen to die
becweðan [] sv/t5
pres becwiðeþ past becwæþ/becwǽdon ptp becweden to say; to speak to, address,
exhort; admonish, blame; bequeath, leave by will
becweðere []
m (-es/-as) interpreter, translator
becwyddod []
adj bespoken, deposited
becwylman? [] wv/t1b
to torment
becyme [] m
(-es/-as) event, result
becýpan [] wv/t1b
to sell
becyrran see becierran
[] 1. n (-es/beodu) prayer, supplication; religious ordinance,
service; 2. see bedd; 3. see bæd past 3rd
sing of biddan
bédan see béodan
Bedanford []
m (-a/-a) Bedford
[] f (-e/-a) Bedfordshire
bedǽlan [] wv/t1b
to deprive, strip, bereave of, rob; release, free from
bedbǽr [] f
(-e/-a) portable bed
[] m (-bolstres/-bolstras) bolster, pillow
bedbúr [] n
(-es/-) bed-chamber
[] m (-n/-n) bed-chamber; lair
bedcofa [] m
(-n/-n) bed-chamber
bedcofe [] f
(-an/-an) bed-chamber
bedd [] n
(-es/-) bed, couch, resting-place; garden-bed, plot
[] m pl Rogation days
beddcláþ [] m
(-es/-as) bed-covering; pl bed-clothes
beddclyfa see bedcleofa
[] m (-n/-n) cohabitation
beddian [] wv/t2
to make a bed; provide one with a bed
beddung [] f
(-e/-a) bedding, bed-covering; bed
beddréaf see bedréaf
beddreda see bedreda
[] f (-e/-a) bed
beddstów [] f
(-e/-a) bed
bede see éað-
[] wv/t2 to conceal
bedecian [] wv/t2
to beg
bedéglian see bedíglian
bedélan see bedǽlan
bedelfan [] sv/t3
pres bedilfþ past bedealf/bedulfon ptp bedolfen to dig around; bury
bedelfung []
f (-e/-a) digging round
beden past part of biddan
bedépan see bedípan
bedeppan see bedyppan
bedfelt [] m
(-es/-as), n (-es/-) bed-covering
bedgerid [] n
(-es/-u, -reodu) food in an ant’s nest
[] n (-es/-) chapel, oratory
Bedican ford
[] m (-a/-a) Bedford; see Bedan ford
bedícian [] wv/t2
to surround with a dyke, embank, fortify
bedidrian see bedydrian
bedíglian []
wv/t2 to conceal, hide, obscure, keep secret; be concealed, lie hidden
bedíglung []
f (-e/-a) secret place
beding see beddung
bedíolan see bedíglian
bedípan [] sv/t1 3rd pres bedípþ past bedáp/bedipon
ptp bedipen to dip,
immerse; anoint
bedol see bedul
bedón [] irreg
v/t to shut
bedrǽden1 [] f
(-ne/-na) prayer, intercession
bedragan past part of bedróg
bedréaf [] n
(-es/-) bed-clothes, bedding
bedreda [] m
(-n/-n) bedridden (man); adj bedridden
bedréf see bedréaf
bedréosan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres bedríesþ past bedréas/bedruron ptp bedroren to
overcome, deceive?; deprive of, bereave, despoil
bedrest see beddrest
bedrida see bedreda
bedrífan [] sv/t1
pres bedrífþ past bedráf/bedrifon ptp bedrifen to drive, beat, strike, assail;
follow up, pursue; surround, cover
bedrincan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bedrincþ past bedranc/bedruncon ptp bedruncen to drink up, absorb
bedríp [] n
(-es/-) compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time
bedróg [] adj
bedrúgian []
wv/t2 to dry up
bedryda see bedreda
bedrýpan [] wv/t1b
to moisten
bedstréaw []
n (-es/-) straw for bedding
bedtíd [] f
(-e/-e) bed-time
bedþegn [] m
(-es/-as) chamber-servant, chamberlain
bedþén [] m
(-es/-as) chamber-servant, chamberlain
bedu [] f
(-e/-a) asking, prayer [Goth bida]
bedúfan [] sv/t2
pres bedýfþ past bedéaf/bedufon ptp bedofen to immerse, submerge, drown
bedul [] adj
[] n (-es/-) bed-curtain
bedydrian []
wv/t2 to conceal from; deceive
bedýfan [] wv/t1b
to immerse
bedýgian see bedíglian
bedýpan see bedípan
bedyppan [] wv/t1a
to dip, immerse
bedyrnan [] wv/t1b
to conceal [dierne]
beéastan [] prep w.d.a.
to the east of
[] prep w.d.a.? to the north-east of
beebbian [] wv/t2
to leave aground by the ebb tide, strand
beefesian []
wv/t2 to cut off the hair
beegðan [] wv/t1b
to harrow
beerf- see beyrf-
befaran [] sv/t6
pres befærþ past befór/on ptp befaren to go, go around or among, traverse,
encompass, surround; come upon, surprise, catch
befædman see befæðman
befǽlon past pl of beféolan
befæstan [] wv/t1b
to fasten, fix, ground, establish, make safe, put in safe keeping; apply,
utilize; commend, entrust to
[] wv/t2 to fix; to pledge, betroth
befættian []
wv/t2 to fatten, anoint
befæðman [] wv/t1b
to encircle
befæðmian []
wv/t2 to encircle
befealdan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres befieldeþ past beféold/on ptp befealden to fold, roll up, envelop, clasp,
surround, involve, cover; attach
[] wv/i2 to roll up
befealh past 3rd sing of beféolan
befeallan []
1. sv/t7 3rd pres befielþ past beféoll/on ptp befeallan to fall; deprive of, bereave of;
fall to, be assigned to; befall; 2. see befyllan
befeastnian see befæstan
befégan [] wv/t1b
to join
befelgan see befylgan
befelgan [] sv/i3
pres befilgþ past befealg/befulgon ptp is befolgen to stick or cling to, betake
oneself; sv/t3 to deliver, transmit, consign
befellan see befyllan
befelþrǽd see hefeldþrǽd
befeohtan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres befiehteþ past befeaht/befuhton ptp befohten to take by fighting
beféolan [] sv/t3
pres befíelþ past befealh/befulgon ptp befolgen to put away, bury; deliver, grant,
consign, entrust to; betake oneself to, apply oneself, devote oneself to,
persist, persevere; importune; put up with, be pleased with
beféon [] wv/t1b
pres beféoþ past beféode ptp beféod to deprive of property
befer [] m
(-es/-as) beaver
beféran [] wv/t1b
to surround; come upon, overtake, pass by; go about; fall among
befician [] wv/t2
to deceive
befílan see befýlan
befilgan see befylgan
befiod past part of beféon
befléan [] sv/t6
pres beflíehþ past beflóg/on ptp beflagen to peel, skin, flay; beflagen
flǽsc entrails
befléogan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres beflíegþ past befléag/beflugon ptp beflogen to fly upon
befléon [] sv/t2
w.a. 3rd
pres beflíehþ past befléag/beflugon ptp beflogen to flee from, flee, escape, avoid
beflówan [] sv/t7
pres befléwþ past befléow/on ptp beflówen to flow around, over
befón [] sv/t7
pres beféhþ past beféng/on ptp befangen to surround, clasp, include,
envelop, encase, clothe; comprehend, seize, attack (at law), lay hold of,
catch, ensnare; contain, receive, conceive; explain; wordum ~ tell,
relate; on ~ to have to do with, engage in
befor see befer
beforan [] 1.
prep a. w.d. (local) before, in front of, in the presence
of; (temporal) before, prior to, sooner than; b. w.a. before; 2.
adv (local) before, in front; (temporal) before, formerly, in former
times, earlier, sooner; at hand, openly
[] wv/t2 to dread
befótian [] wv/t2
to cut off one’s feet
befréogan []
wv/t1b 3rd
pres befréoþ past befréode ptp befréod to free, liberate
befrignan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres befrigneþ past befrægn/befrugnon ptp befrugnen to question, ask, learn
befrínan [] sv/t3
pres befrínþ past befrǽn/befrúnon ptp befrúnen to question, ask, learn
befrínung []
f (-e/-a) inquiry
befrýnan see befrínan
beftan see beæftan
befullan [] adv
entirely, completely, perfectly
befýlan [] wv/t1b
to befoul, defile
befylgan [] wv/t1b
to follow after, pursue, persevere
befyllan [] 1.
wv/t1a to fell, lay low, strike down; take by killing, bereave;
[feallan]; 2. to fill up [full]
bég see béag
béga genitive of bégen
begalan [] sv/t6
pres begælþ past begól/on ptp begalen to sing incantations over, enchant
begán [] irreg
v/t to go over, traverse; get to, come by, fall into; go to, visit, care
for, cultivate; inhabit, occupy; surround, beset, overrun; practice, do, engage
in, perform, attend to, be diligent about; honor, serve, worship; profess; on
borh ~ pledge oneself; útan ~ besiege
bégan see bíegan, béagian
begang [] m
(-es/-as), n (-es/-) way, course, circuit, extent; district, region;
business, undertaking, practice, exercise, service, reverence, worship;
cultivation; [= bígeng]
beganga see bígenga
begangan see began
begangnes []
f (-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month [calendæ], celebration (1)
begangol [] m? (-es/begangelas) cultivator; worship
begannes [] f
(-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month [calendæ], celebration (3)
begǽn [] wv/t1b to affirm
begbéam [] m
(-es/-as) bramble, thorn-bush
bége see bégen
bégea see béga
bégean see bíegan
begéat [] 1.
m (-es/-as) attainment; acquisitions, property; 2. past 3rd
sing of begéotan
begeg- see begeng-
begegnes [] f
(-se/-sa) application, study (2)
begém- see begím-
begémen see begímen
bégen [] adj
masc nominative both; fem nominative bá; neut
nominative bú; genitive béga, bégea, bégra; dative bǽm, bám; masc/neut
accusative bú; fem accusative bá; masc and fem/neut nom bá,
begenga [] m
(-n/-n) cultivator
begengnes []
f (-se/-sa) application, study (1)
[] wv/t2 to lament
begeonan [] prep
w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (3)
begeondan []
prep w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (1)
begeonde [] prep
w.d.a., adv beyond, on the other side (2)
begeong- see begang-
[] f (-se/-sa) the day of proclamation, Calends, first day of the month
[calendæ], celebration (2)
begéotan [] sv/t2
pres begíeteð past begéat/beguton ptp begoten to pour over or upon, anoint,
infuse, flood (with), sprinkle, cover with fluid
begeotan see begietan
beger [] n
(-es/-) berry
beget see begeat, past 3rd
sing of begietan
begeten past participle of 1.
begéotan; 2. begietan
bégian see béagian
begiellan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres begielþ past begeall/begullon ptp begollen to scream, screech
begíeman [] wv/t1b
to look after, take care of; do service, attend; take heed, observe
begíemen [] f (-ne/-na)
attention, observation
begíemend []
m (-es/-) guide, ruler
begíemung []
f (-e/-a) invention, device; observance; care, regard
begietan [] sv/t5
pres begieteþ past begeat/begéaton ptp begieten to get, find, acquire, attain,
receive, take, seize; happen; beget
begietend []
m (-es/-) one who gets
begím- see begíem-
begínan [] sv/t1
pres begínþ past begán/beginon ptp beginen to open the mouth wide, swallow
beginnan [] sv/t3
pres beginþ past begann/begunnon ptp begunnen to begin; attempt, undertake;
begir see beger
begirdan see begyrdan
begitan see begietan
[] wv/t2 to befoul, pollute; stain, dye
beglídan [] sv/t1
pres beglídeþ past beglád/beglidon ptp begliden to leave, desert
begnagan [] sv/t6
pres begnægþ past begnóg/on ptp begnagen to gnaw
begneorð? [] adj
begnídan [] sv/t1
pres begnídeþ past begnád/begnidon ptp begniden to rub thoroughly
[] wv/t2 to mourn for
begong see begang
bégra genitive masc, fem, neut of bégen
begrafan [] sv/t6
pres begræfþ past begróf/on ptp begrafen to bury
begrǽtan see begrétan
begrétan [] wv/t1b
to lament
begrindan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres begrindeþ past begrand/begrundon ptp begrunden to grind, polish, sharpen; deprive
of, rob
begrípan [] sv/t1
pres begrípþ past begráp/begripon ptp begripen to grip, seize; chide
begriwen [] adj
steeped in; past part
begroren [] adj
begrornian see begnornian
begrynian []
adj to ensnare, entrap
begyldan [] wv/t1b
to adorn with gold
begylpan [] wv/t1b
to boast, exult
begým- see begím-
begyrdan [] wv/t1b
to gird, clothe; surround, fortify
begytan see begietan
béh see béag, béah
behabban [] wv/t3
to include, hold, surround, comprehend, contain; detain, withhold
behádian [] wv/t2
to unfrock (a priest)
[] wv/t2 to mutilate
behammen [] adj
clavatus (of shoe), patched, studded
with nails
behát [] n
(-es/-) promise, vow; threat
behátan [] sv/t7
(often w.d. person) 3rd pres behǽteþ past behét/on, beheht/on
ptp beháten to promise,
vow, pledge oneself; threaten
behátland []
n (-es/-) promised land
beháwian [] wv/t2
to see clearly, take care, consider
behæfednes [] f (-se/-sa)
restraint, temperance
behæpsian []
wv/t2 to fasten a door
behǽs [] f
(-e/-e) vow
behættian []
wv/t2 to scalp; make bald
[] wv/t2 to behead
[] f (-e/-a) beheading
[] adj capital (punishment)
behealdan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres behieldeþ past behéold/on ptp behealden to hold, have, occupy, possess;
guard, preserve; contain, belong; keep, observe, consider; behold, look at,
gaze on, observe, see; signify; avail, effect; take care, beware, be cautious;
restrain; act, behave
[] m (-es/-) beholder, spectator
[] f (-se/-sa) observance; continence
behealdnes [] f (-se/-sa)
regard, observation
behéawan [] sv/t7
pres behíewþ past behéow/on ptp behéawen to cut, chip, chop, beat; cut off
from, deprive of
behédan see behýdan
behéfe [] adj
suitable, proper, necessary (1)
behéfelic []
adj suitable, proper, necessary (2)
behéflic [] adj
suitable, proper, necessary (3)
behéfnes [] f (-se/-sa)
convenience, utility
behéfþ [] f
(-e/-a) want, need
behéfðu [] f
(-e/-a) want, need
behegian [] wv/t2
to hedge around
behelan [] sv/t4
pres behilþ past behæl/behǽlon ptp beholen to cover over, hide
beheldan see behealdan
behelian [] wv/t2
to cover over, conceal, bury
behelmian []
wv/t2 to cover over
Behémas [] m
pl the Bohemians; gen Behéma; dat Behémum
behéofian []
wv/t2 to lament
beheonan [] prep
w.d., adv on this side of, close by (1)
beheonon [] prep
w.d., adv on this side of, close by (2)
behéot past 3rd sing of behátan
behét past 3rd sing of behátan
behicgan see behycgan
behídan see behýdan
behídiglíce see behýdiglíce
behienan see beheonan
behildan [] wv/t1v
to depart
behindan [] prep
w.d.a., adv behind, after
behinon see beheonan
behionan see beheonan
behíring see behýrung
behíwian [] wv/t2
to dissimulate
behlæmman see behlemman
[] wv/t1b to surround
behléapan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres behlíepþ past behléop/on ptp behléapen to leap upon, settle on, fix upon,
devote oneself to
behlehhan see behliehhan
[] wv/t1a to dash together
[] wv/t2 to lean (something) against
behléotan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres behlíeteþ past behléat/behluton ptp behloten to assign by lot
behlídan [] sv/t1
pres behlídeþ past behlád/behlidon ptp behliden to close, cover over
behliden see beliden past
particple of belíðan
[] sv/t6 3rd
pres behliehheþ past behlóh/on ptp behlahhen to deride, exult over
behlígan [] sv/t1
pres behlígeþ past behlág/behligon ptp behligen to accuse
behlýðan [] wv/t1b
to rob, deprive of
behóf [] n
(-es/-) behoof, profit; need
behófian [] wv/t2
w.g. to have need of, require, want; impers it behooves, concerns,
belongs, is needful or necessary
behóflic [] adj
[] f (-se/-sa) practice
behogian [] wv/t2
to care for
behogod [] adj
careful, prudent; adv ~líce
behón [] sv/t7
pres behéhþ past behéng/on ptp behangen to hang around
behorsian []
wv/t2 to deprive of horses
behréosan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres behríesþ past behréas/behruron ptp behroren to fall; cover, shelter; past
part behroren divested of
[] wv/t2 to rue, repent of, make amends; compassionate
[] f (-e/-a) repentance, penitence
[] f (-e/-e) time of repentance, Septuagesima
behríeman []
wv/t1b to cover with hoar-frost
behringan [] sv/t3
pres behringeþ past behrang/behrungon ptp behrungen to surround
behrópan [] sv/t7
pres behrépþ past behréop/on ptp behrópen to plague, importune
behroren [] adj
divested of w.d.; past participle of behréosan
behrúmian []
wv/t2 to besmirch
behrúmig [] adj
béhþ [] f
(-e/-a) witness, sign
behwearf [] 1. past 3rd sing of behweorfan;
2. see behwearft
behwearft []
m (-es/-as) exchange
behweolfan see behwylfan
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres behwierfþ past behwearf/behwurfon ptp behworfen to turn, change, spread about; see
to, arrange, prepare, treat; bury
behwerfan see behwierfan
[] wv/t1b to turn, change, convert; exchange; prepare, instruct,
behwon [] adv
behwylfan []
wv/t1b to cover, vault over
behwyrfan see behwierfan
behycgan [] wv/t3
to consider, bear in mind; confide, trust (+on)
behýdan [] wv/t1b
to conceal, shelter
behýdednes [] f (-se/-sa)
concealment; secret place
behýdig [] adj
careful, watchful, anxious; adv ~líce
behýdignes [] f (-se/-sa)
solicitude, care, anxiety; [hygdig]
behýdnes [] f (-se/-sa)
concealment; secret place
behygd- see behýd-
behyhtan [] wv/t1b
to trust
behyldan [] wv/t1b
to flay, skin
behylian [] wv/t2
to cover, veil
behýpan [] wv/t1b
to surround
behýpian [] wv/t2
to heap up
behýran [] wv/t1b
to let on hire
behýrung [] f
(-e/-a) letting, loan
[] adv sumptuously
beiernan [] sv/t3
pres beiernþ past bearn/beurnon ptp beurnen to run up to, over, or into; incur;
occur to
beigbéam see begbéam
beinnan see binnan
beirnan see beiernan
beiundane see begeondan
bel- see behl-
belácan [] sv/t7
pres belǽcþ past beleolc/on, beléc/on ptp belácen to enclose
beládian [] wv/t2
to excuse, clear
[] adj apologetic, that can be excused
[] m (-es/-) apologist
beládung [] f
(-e/-a) apology, excuse
beláf past 3rd sing of belífan
belandian []
wv/t2 to deprive of lands
belǽdan [] wv/t1b
to lead astray
belǽfan [] wv/t1b
to leave, spare; be left, remain, survive
belændan see belandian
belǽðan [] wv/t1b
to make hateful, pervert
belǽwa [] m
(-n/-n) betrayer
belǽwend [] m
(-es/-) betrayer
belǽwan [] wv/t1b
to betray
belǽwung [] f
(-e/-a) betrayal, treachery
belcentan see bealcettan
belcettan see bealcettan
beld see bieldu
beldu see bieldu
belé- see belǽ-
beléan [] sv/t6
pres beliehþ past belóg/on ptp belagen to censure, reprove; charge with;
dissuade, forbid, prevent
belecgan [] wv/t1b
to cover, invest, surround, afflict; attribute to, charge with, accuse
beléfan see belýfan
belendan see belandian
belene [] f
(-an/-an) henbane, henbell; [hyoscyamus niger]
beléogan [] sv/t2
pres belíegþ past beléag/belugon ptp belogen to deceive by lying; impers be
beléoran [] wv/t1b
to pass by, pass over; rare past participle beloren
[] adj past
[] sv/t2 3rd
pres belíesþ past beléas/beluron ptp beloren to be deprived of, lose, let go,
deprive of w.d.; ic beléas hérum, þǽm þe ic hæfde I was deprived of hair, which I had;
beléweda see belǽwend
belewit see bilewit
belflíes [] n
(-es/-u) bell-wether’s fleece
belg [] m
(-es/-as) bag; purse, leathern bottle, pair of bellows, pod, husk
[] sv/i3, sv/r3 3rd pres bilgþ past bealg/bulgon
ptp is gebolgen to be or become angry; offend, provoke
belgnes [] f (-se/-sa)
injustice [bælig-]
belhring [] m
(-es/-as) bell-ringing
belhús see bellhús
belibban see belífian
belicgan [] sv/t5
pres beligeþ past belæg/belǽgon ptp belegen to lie around, surround; hedge in,
beliden [] adj
departed, dead; past participle of belíðan
belíefan [] wv/t1b
to believe; past participle belíefed having belief
belíefed [] adj
having belief
belífan [] sv/i1
pres belífeþ past beláf/belifon ptp is belifen to remain over, be left;
belifen [] adj
belífend [] m
(-es/-) survivor
belífian [] wv/t2
to deprive of life
belig see belg
belíman [] sv/t1 3rd pres belímþ past
belám/belimon ptp belimen to glue together
belimp [] n
(-es/-) event, occurrence, affair; of ~e by chance
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres belimpþ past belamp/belumpon ptp belumpen to concern, regard, belong to,
conduce to; happen, befall; become; impersonal to befit
belisnian []
wv/t2 to castrate; belisnod past participle as masc noun
eunuch; wæs ~ stupratur
belisnod [] masc
decl as adj eunuch
[] wv/t2 to castrate; belistnod past participle as masc noun
eunuch; wæs ~ stupratur
belistnod []
masc decl as adj eunuch
[] sv/t1 3rd
pres belíðeþ past beláþ/belidon ptp beliden to deprive of; past participle
beliden departed, dead
bell see belle
bellan [] sv/t3
pres bilþ past beall/bullon ptp gebollen to bellow, bark, grunt, roar
belle [] f
(-an/-an) bell
bellhús [] n
(-es/-) bell-house, belfry
[] f (-an/-an) bellringer
belltácen []
n (-tácnes/-) indication (sounding of the hour) by a bell
belltíd [] f
(-e/-e) a canonical hour marked by the ringing of a bell
belócian [] wv/t2
to behold
belone see belene
belt [] m
(-es/-as) belt, girdle
belúcan [] sv/t2
pres belýcþ past beléac/belucon ptp belocen to lock, shut up, close; surround,
enclose, embody; stop, impede, block up, choke; preserve, protect; shut out,
exclude; sum up, define
belune see belene
belútian [] wv/t2
to lie hidden
belympan see belimpan
belyrtan [] wv/t1b
to deceive
[] wv/t2 to allure, seduce
bemancian []
wv/t2 to maim
bémare see býmere
bemǽnan [] wv/t1b
to bemoan, bewail, lament
béme see bíeme
bemeldian []
wv/t2 to disclose, reveal, denounce
bémere see býmere
bemetan [] sv/t5
pres bemeteþ past bemæt/bemǽton ptp bemeten to account, consider
bemíðan [] sv/t1
pres bemíðeþ past bemáþ/bemiðon ptp bemiðen to hide, conceal; lie hidden
bemurcian []
wv/t2 to murmur at (1)
[] wv/t2 to murmur at (2)
bemurnan [] sv/t3
pres bemyrnþ past bemearn/bemurnon ptp bemornen to mourn, bewail, deplore, be sorry
for; care for, take heed for
bemútian [] wv/t2
to exchange for [L mutare]
bemyldan [] wv/t1b
to bury [molde]
ben see benn
bén [] 1.
f (-e/-e) prayer, request; favor; compulsory service; 2. past
3rd sing of bannan
béna [] m
(-n/-n) suitor, petitioner
béne [] f
(-an/-an) suitor, petitioner
benacian [] wv/t2
to lay bare [nacod]
benǽman [] wv/t1b
to take away, deprive of, rob of; nelle ic þá rincas rihte benǽman I will not deprive the men of what
rightly belongs to them; [niman]
benc [] f
(-e/-e) bench
bencian [] wv/t2
to make benches
[] m (-es/-) one who sits on a bench
bencswég [] m
(-es/-as) bench-rejoicing, sound of revelry
[] n (-es/-) bench-board, wainscoted space where benches stand
bend [] m
(-es/-as), f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) bond, chain, fetter; band,
ribbon, ornament, chaplet, crown
béndagas [] m
pl days of prayer, Rogation days
[] wv/t1b to bend (a bow); bind, fetter
bendfeorm see bénfeorm
bene see éað~
beneah pres 3rd sing of benugan
beneced see benacod past
participle of benacian
benéman see benǽman
benemnan [] wv/t1b
to name; stipulate, settle, declare, asseverate
[] sv/t2 3rd
pres beníeteþ past benéat/benuton ptp benoten to deprive of, rob
beneoðan [] prep
w.d. beneath, under, below
bénfeorm [] f
(-e/-a) food during (or after) compulsory labor
for the lord?
bengeat [] n
(-es/-) wound-gash
benídan [] wv/t1b
to compel
beniman [] sv/t4
pres benimþ past benam/benámon, benóm/on ptp
benumen to take,
assume, obtain; take away from, deprive of, bereave, rob; contain; catch,
benimung [] f
(-e/-a) deprival
beniðan see beneoðan
bénlic [] adj
that may be entreated; adv ~líce beseechingly
[] f (-e/-a) wound, mortal injury [bana]
bénn [] past
3rd sing of bannan
benne [] f
(-an/-an) reed-grass
[] wv/t2 to wound
benohte past 3rd sing of benugan
benorðan [] adj,
adv? in the north, northwards (of)
benoten past participle of benéotan
benotian [] wv/t2
to use, consume
bénríp [] n
(-es/-) compulsory service rendered to a landowner at harvest time [see bedríp]
[] wv/t2 to pray, supplicate
benst pres 2nd sing of bannan
béntíd [] f
(-e/-e) prayer time, Rogation days
béntigðe [] adj
granting requests, gracious; obtaining requests, successful (1)
béntíðe [] adj
granting requests, gracious; obtaining requests, successful (2)
béntíðige []
adj granting requests, gracious; obtaining requests, successful (3)
benþ pres 3rd sing of bannan
benugan [] irreg
v/t 3rd
pres beneah/benugon past benohte ptp benugen to have at one’s disposal, possess,
enjoy; require
benugon pres pl of benugan
bényrþ [] f (-e/-a) ploughing
required from a tenant
benyðan see beneoðan
béo [] 1.
f (-n/-n) bee; 2. pres 1st sing of béon
béobréad [] n
(-es/-ru) honey with the comb
béoce see béce
béoceorl [] m
(-es/-as) bee-master, bee-keeper
béocere [] m
(-es/-as) bee-keeper [MHG bíkar]
béod [] m
(-es/-as) table; bowl, dish
béodærn [] n
(-es/-) refectory, dining room; on ~e at table
beodan see bidon past pl of bídan
[] sv/t2 3rd
pres bíedeþ past béad/budon ptp geboden to command, decree, summon; ~ út
call out (an army), banish; declare, inform, announce, proclaim; threaten;
offer, proffer, give, grant, surrender; sv/r2 show oneself, behave;
exact, collect
béodbolle []
f (-an/-an) table-bowl
béodcláþ [] m
(-es/-as) table-cloth, carpet
béoddern see béodærn
béoddian [] wv/t2
to do joiner’s work
béodend [] m
(-es/-) preceptor
béodendlic see bebéodendlic
béodern see béodærn
béodfæt [] n (-es/-fatu)
table-vessel, cup
béodfers [] n
(-es/-) grace at meal-time
béodgæst [] m
(-es/-as) table-companion
[] m (-es/-as) table-companion
[] n (-es/-) feast
béodhrægl []
n (-es/-) table-cloth
béodláfa [] f
pl table-leavings
béodland [] n
(-es/-) land from which the table of monasteries, etc., was supplied,
béodrægl [] n
(-es/-) table-cloth
béodréaf [] n
(-es/-) table-cloth
béodscéat []
m (-es/-as) table-napkin, towel
béodscýte []
m (-es/-as) table-napkin, towel
béodwyst [] f
(-e/-e) a table with food on it
beofer see befer
Beoferlic []
m (-es/-as) Beverley, Yorkshire
beofian see bifian
Beoforlic []
m (-es/-as) Beverley, Yorkshire
beoft repudlicating past tense of béatan;
beoftadon is from a later weak verb beoftian
beofung see bifung
béogang [] m
(-es/-as) swarm of bees; flight of bees
béoháta [] m
(-n/-n) chief?, prince?
béolǽs [] f
(-we/-wa) pasture with flowers for bees?
beolone see belene
béom [] 1. dative pl of béo
1; 2. see béam; 3. see béo pres 1st
sing of béon
béomódor [] f
(-/-) queen-bee
béon [] irreg
v/i to be; frymdig ~ to entreat; tíða/tíðe ~ to
be a sharer in, receiver, grantee; andetta ~ to acknowledge; æfterwearþ
~ to be away, absent; wana ~ to lack, fail; gestelled ~ mid
to have an attack of
béona genitive pl of béo 1
béonbréad see béobréad
béonbroþ [] n
(-es/-u) mead? (or? Béanbroð)
béonnon past pl of bannan
béor [] n
(-es/-) strong drink, beer, mead
beora see bearu
beoran1 see beran
béorbyden [] f (-ne/-na)
beorc [] 1.
f (-e/-a) birch; name of the rune for b; 2. 1 n
(-es/-) barking
beorcan [] sv/i3
pres biercþ past bearc/burcon ptp geborcen to bark; sv/t3 to bark at
beorce see beorc
beorcholt []
n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) birch wood
beorcragu []
f (-e/-a) lichen from a birch-tree
beorcrind []
f (-e/-a) birch-bark
beord see bord
béordræst []
f (-e/-a) dregs of beer
[] f (-an/-an) dregs of beer
beorg [] m
(-es/-as) mountain, hill; mound, barrow, burial place
[] f (-e/-a) oread
[] 1. sv/t3 w.d. 3rd pres biergþ past bearg/burgon
ptp geborgen to save,
deliver, preserve, guard, defend, fortify, spare; w.refl.d. beware of,
avoid, guard against; 2. see birgan
[] n (-es/-u, -hleoðu) mountain-height, mountain-slope
[] n (-seðles/-) mountainous dwelling
[] m (-es/-as) mound
beorh1 [] 1. see beorg; 2.
imperative of beorgan
beorhléode see burgléode
beorht [] 1.
adj bright, shining, brilliant, light, clear; clear-sounding, loud;
excellent, distinguished, remarkable, beautiful, magnificent, noble, glorious;
pure, sublime, holy, divine; 2. n (-es/-) brightness, gleam,
light; sight; éagan ~ twinkling of an eye
beorhtan see bierhtan
[] adj bright-blooming
beorhte [] adv
brightly, brilliantly, splendidly; clearly, lucidly, distinctly
beorhthwíl see bearhtmhwíl
beorhtian []
wv/t2 to glisten, shine; to sound clearly; to make bright
beorhtlic []
adj brilliant, clear, shining, splendid; adv ~líce
beorhtm see bearhtm
beorhtnan []
wv/i1b to grow bright
[] f (-se/-sa) brightness, clearness, splendor, beauty; lightning
[] wv/t2 to glorify
[] m (-es/-as) shining heavens
beorhtte [] noun pl mountainous
beorhtu see bierhtu
[] adj clear-voiced
béorhyrde []
m (-es/-as) cellarer, butler
beorm- see bearm-
beorma [] m
(-n/-n) barm, yeast, leaven
beorn [] 1.
2 m (-es/-as) man; noble, hero, chief, prince, warrior; rich
man; 2. see barn past 3rd sing of biernan;
3. see bearn
beornan see biernan
[] m (-es/-as) lord of heroes
beorne see byrne
Beornice [] m
pl Bernicians, inhabitants of part of Northumbria
beornung [] f
(-e/-a) incense
[] m (-es/-as) troop of men
beornwiga []
m (-n/-n) 2 warrior, hero
[] m (-es/-as) reveler, feaster
[] m (-es/-as) feast, banquet, revel
[] m (-es/-as) beer-hall, banqueting hall
béorsetl [] n
(-e/s-) ale-bench
beorswinig see bærsynnig
[] f (-e/-a) beer-drinking
beorðling see hyse~
[] n (-es/-) child-bearing, child-birth; what is born, fetus [foetus], offspring
[] m (-es/-as) abortion
[] f (-ne/-na) midwife
[] f (-e/-a) midwife
beoruh see beorg
beosmrian see bismerian
béost [] m
(-es/-as) beestings, the first milk of a cow after calving; swelling (of the ground)?
beosu see basu
[] 1. n (-es/-) boastful speech, boast, threat; on ~ boastfully;
promise, vow; command; peril, danger; [= behát]; 2. past 3rd
sing of béatan
[] 1. wv/t2 to threaten; boast, vow, promise; 2. see bótian
[] adj arrogant, exulting, boastful, threatening; adv ~líce
béotmæcg [] m
(-es/-as) leader
béoton past pl of béatan
béotung [] f
(-e/-a) threatening
[] n (-es/-) boast; threat
béoþéof [] m
(-es/-as) bee-thief
béoum dat pl of béo
béow [] n
(-es/-) barley
béowan see býwan
béowyrt [] f
(-e/-e) bee-wort, sweet flag
bepǽcan [] irreg
wv/t1b to deceive, seduce
bepǽcend [] m
(-es/-) deceiver
[] f (-an/-an) whore
bepǽcung [] f
(-e/-a) deception
bepríwan [] wv/t1b to wink
bér see bǽr
bera [] m
(-n/-n) bear
berafan [] sv/t6
pres beræfþ past beróf/on ptp berafen to bereave, despoil
[] sv/t4 3rd
pres birþ past bær/bǽron ptp geboren to bear, carry, bring, take away,
carry out, extend; bring forth, produce; be situated by birth; wear; endure,
support, sustain; ~ úp set forth, open (a case); berende
fruitful; geboren born
berascin [] n
(-es/-u, -sceonu) bear-skin
beræccan see bereccan
berǽdan [] wv/t1b
to deprive, take by treachery, rob; betray; deliberate on; get the better of
berǽsan [] wv/t1b
to rush upon or into
berbéne [] f
(-an/-an) foliage, herbage, the leaves, twigs, and branches of laurel, olive,
or myrtle, cypress, tamarisk, sacred boughs, etc [verbena]
berbíne [] f
(-an/-an) foliage, herbage, the leaves, twigs, and branches of laurel, olive,
or myrtle, cypress, tamarisk, sacred boughs, etc [verbena]
berc see beorc, berec-
bere [] m
(-es/-as) barley
bereærn [] n
(-es/-) barn [bere, ærn]
beréafere []
m (-es/-as) despoiler
beréafian []
wv/t2 to bereave, deprive of, take away, seize, rob, despoil
[] m (-es/-) despoiler, robber
[] m (-n/-n) barn-keeper
berécan [] irreg
wv/t1b 3rd
pres beréceþ past beréhte ptp beréht to cause to smoke, smoke
bereccan [] irreg
wv/t1b to relate; excuse or justify oneself
berecorn [] n
(-es/-) barley-corn
berecroft []
m (-es/-as) barley-field
beréfian see beréafian
bereflór [] m
(-es/-as), f (-a/-a) barn-floor, threshing-floor
beregafol []
n (-gafles/-) rent paid in barley [compare to gafolbære]
beregræs [] n
(-es/-grasu) barley-grass, fodder
berehealm []
n (-es/-) barley-haulm, straw
bereland [] n
(-es/-) barley-land
beren [] 1.
adj of barley; 2. see biren; 3. see bereærn
berend [] m
(-es/-) bearer, carrier
berendan [] wv/t1b
to peel, take off husk
berende [] adj
fruitful [beran]
[] adv with fecundity
berendnes []
f (-se/-sa) fertility
berenhulu []
f (-e/-a) barley-husk
berénian [] wv/t2
to bring about; to ornament, mount (with silver)
beréocan [] sv/t2
pres beríecþ past beréac/berucon ptp berocen to fumigate
[] sv/t2 3rd
pres beríefeþ past beréaf/berufon ptp berofen to bereave, deprive, rob of
beréotan [] sv/t2
pres beríeteþ past beréat/beruton ptp beroten to bewail
beréowsian see behréowsian
berere see wæter~
berern see bereærn
beresǽd [] n
(-es/-) barley
beretún [] m
(-es/-as) barley-enclosure, threshing-floor, barn
berewæstm []
m (-es/-as) barley-crop
berewíc [] f
(-e/-a) barley-yard, demesne farm
berg [] 1. see bearg; 2.
see beorg
berg- see beri-, birg-, byrg-
berh see bearh past 3rd
sing of beorgan
berht see beorht
berht- see beorht-, bierht-
berhtm- see breahtm-
berian [] 1.
wv/t1a 3rd
pres bereþ past berede ptp gebered to make bare, clear; [bær]; 2.
see byrgan 2
bericge see barricge
berídan [] sv/t1
pres berídeþ past berád/beridon ptp beriden to ride round, surround, besiege;
overtake, seize, occupy
berie [] f
(-an/-an) berry; grape; cine
berieblæ [] ? (-?/-?) an
instrument for forking barley?
berig [] 1.
n (-es/-) berry; 2. see byrig dative sing of burg
[] m (-es/-as) drink made of mulberries
berige see berie
berigea see byrga
berindan [] wv/t1b to strip off bark, peel
berindran []
wv/t1b to strip off bark, peel
beringan see behringan
berinnan [] sv/t3
pres berinþ past berann/berunnon ptp berunnen to run upon, run over, wet, bedew
berísan [] sv/i1
pres beríseþ past berás/berison ptp is berisen to be fitting
berland see bereland
bern see bereærn
bern- see bærn-, biern-
bernan see bærnan
bernhús [] n
(-es/-) barn
berófon [] adj despoiled; past pl
of berafan or berebban
berówan [] sv/t7
pres beréwþ past beréow/on ptp berówen to row round
berst see byrst
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres birsteþ past bærst/burston ptp geborsten to break, burst, fail, fall; break
away from, escape; break to pieces, crash, resound
berthwíl see bearhtmhwíl
bertún see beretún
berð- see beorð-, byrð-
berúmod see behrúmod past
participle of behrúmian
berunnen past participle of berinnan
berwe dative sing of bearu
berwinde [] f
(-an/-an) bear-bind, navel-wort
berýfan [] wv/t1b
to deprive [réaf]
berýpan [] wv/t1b
to despoil of, strip, spoil, rob
besárgian []
wv/t2 to lament, bewail, be sorry for, pity [sárig]
besárgung []
f (-se/-sa) compassion
besáwan [] sv/t7
pres besǽwþ past beséow/on ptp besáwen to sow
besǽgan [] wv/t1b
to sink
besæncan see besencan
besǽtian [] wv/t2
to lay wait for
bescafan [] sv/t6
pres bescæfþ past bescóf/on ptp bescafen to scrape thoroughly
bescéad [] n
(-es/-) distinction
bescéadan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres bescíedeþ past bescéod/on
ptp bescéaden to
separate, discriminate; scatter, sprinkle over
[] wv/t2 to overshadow
[] wv/t2 to overshadow
[] f (-e/-a) overshadowing
besceafan see bescafan
bescéan past 3rd sing of bescínan
[] wv/t1b to despondi
[] m (-es/-as) observer
[] wv/t2 to look round upon, survey, contemplate, consider, watch; look
to, care for; bescéawod thoughtful, prudent
[] adj contemplative
bescéawod []
adj thoughtful, prudent
bescéawodnes [] f (-se/-sa)
vision, sight; Sion
[] f (-e/-a) contemplation
besceddan see besceadan
bescencan []
wv/t1b to give to drink
bescéofan see bescúfan
besceoren see bescoren past part of
bescéotan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres bescíeteþ past bescéat/bescuton ptp bescoten to shoot into, plunge into,
implant; happen, occur
besceran see bescieran
besceran [] sv/t4
pres bescirþ past bescær/bescǽron ptp bescoren to shear, shave, cut hair, give the
tonsure; tó hamolan ~ to shave the hair off (as insult)
bescerian []
wv/t1a 3rd
pres bescereþ past bescerede ptp bescered to separate from, deprive of;
bescerwan see bescieran
bescíelan []
wv/t1b to look askance
bescieran []
sv/t4 3rd
pres bescierþ past bescear/bescéaron ptp bescoren to shear, shave, cut hair, give the
tonsure; tó hamolan ~ to shave the hair off (as insult)
[] f (-se/-sa) deprivation
[] wv/t1a 3rd
pres besciereþ past bescierede ptp besciered to separate from, deprive of;
bescínan [] sv/t1
pres bescínþ past bescán/bescinon ptp bescinen to shine upon, light up, illuminate
besciran see bescieran
bescirian see bescierian
bescirung []
f (-e/-a) exordinatio
bescítan [] sv/t1
pres bescíteþ past bescát/besciton ptp besciten to befoul
[] wv/t2 to scrape off, clean off
bescrepan []
sv/t5 3rd
pres bescripþ past bescræp/bescrǽpon ptp bescrepen to scrape
bescrýdan []
wv/t1b to clothe
bescúfan [] sv/t2
pres bescýfþ past bescéaf/bescufon ptp bescofen to shove, impel, thrust down, hurl,
throw; force
bescýlan [] wv/t1b
to look askance [sceol]
[] wv/t2 to shield, defend
bescyr- see bescier-
besécan [] irreg
wv/t1b to beseech, beg urgently
besecgan [] wv/t3
to announce, introduce; defend, excuse oneself; ~ on accuse
beselian see besylian
besellan [] irreg
wv/t1b to surround, cover (over); hand over
besema see besma
besencan [] wv/t1b
to cause to sink, submerge, immerse, drown; plunge into (fire)
besendan [] wv/t1b
to send
besengan [] wv/t1b
to singe, burn
beséon [] 1.
sv/t5, sv/i5, sv/r5 3rd pres besiehþ past beseah/besáwon ptp
besewen to see,
look, look around, behold; observe; look after, go to see, visit; provide for; ~
tó to look upon, have regard to; 2. sv/t1 3rd pres besíehþ past
beság/besigen ptp besigen to suffuse
beséoðan [] sv/t2
pres besíeðeþ past beséaþ/besudon ptp besoden to boil down
beséowian []
wv/t2 to sew together, sew up
beserian see besierwan
beserwan see besierwan
besettan [] wv/t1a
to put, place, set near, appoint; own, keep, occupy; beset, cover, surround
with, adorn; besiege, invest; institute, set going
besibb [] adj
besídian [] wv/t2
to regulate the size of anything
besierwan []
wv/t1b to ensnare, surprise, deceive, defraud, oppress
besiftan [] wv/t1b
to sprinkle [siftan]
besígan [] sv/t1
pres besígeþ past beság/besigon ptp besigen to rush
besilfran []
wv/t1b to silver
besincan [] sv/i3
pres besincþ past besanc/besuncon ptp is besuncen to sink
besingan [] sv/t3
pres besingeþ past besang/besungon ptp besungen to sing of,
bewail; sing charms, enchant
besirwan see besierwan
besittan [] sv/t5
pres besitteþ past besæt/besǽton ptp beseten to sit round, surround, beset,
besiege; hold, council; occupy, possess
besíwian see beséowian
beslǽpan [] sv/t7
pres beslǽpþ past beslép/on ptp beslǽpen to sleep
besléan [] sv/t6
pres beslíehþ past beslóg/on ptp beslagen to strike, beat, cut off, take
away, deprive by violence
beslépan [] wv/t1b
to slip on, cover, put on, clothe
[] sv/t1 3rd
pres beslíteþ past beslát/besliton ptp besliten to slit, tear
besma [] m
(-n/-n) besom, broom, rod
besméagan []
wv/t1b to consider about
bésming [] f
(-e/-a) curve, curvature [bósm]
besmirwan []
wv/t1b to besmear
besmítan [] sv/t1
pres besmíteþ past besmát/besmiton ptp besmiten to soil, defile, pollute, dishonor
besmitenes [] f (-se/-sa)
soil, stain, defilement, degradation, dirtiness
[] wv/t2 to defile
besmiðian []
wv/t2 to work (in metal), forge, surround with forged work
besmocian []
wv/t2 to smoke, envelop with incense
besmyred see besmirwed, past
participle of besmirwan
[] wv/t1b to cut, mutilate
besníwian []
wv/t2 to cover with snow
[] wv/t2 to rob, deprive of
[] wv/t1a to rob, deprive of
besolcen [] adj
stupefied, dull, inactive, slow
besorg [] adj
dear, beloved
besorgian []
wv/t2 to regret; be anxious about, dread, shrink from
besorh see besorg
bespanan [] sv/t6
pres bespenþ past bespón/on ptp bespanen to lead astray, entice, incite,
urge, persuade
[] wv/t2 to bar, shut
bespǽtan [] wv/t1b
to spit upon
bespirian see bespyrigan
besprecan []
sv/t5 3rd
pres bespricþ past bespræc/besprǽcon ptp besprecen to speak about; speak against,
accuse of; claim at law; complain
[] wv/t1b to besprinkle; bespatter
[] wv/t2 to track, trace
besta [] wk
adj best; weak form of betst
bestandan []
sv/t6 3rd
pres bestendeþ past bestód/on ptp bestanden to stand round or about, beset,
surround; attend to; beset, harass
bestǽlan [] wv/t1b
to lay a charge against, convict
[] wv/i2 to move stealthily, steal, stalk [stealc]
bestefnod []
adj having a fringe; past participle
bestelan [] sv/t4
pres bestilþ past bestæl/bestǽlon ptp bestolen to move stealthily, steal away,
steal upon; 2 deprive
bestélan see bestǽlan
bestéman see bestíeman
bestépan [] wv/t1b
to deprive of (children)
besteppan []
sv/t6 3rd
pres bestepeþ past bestóp/on ptp bestapen to tread upon, step, go, enter
[] wv/t1b to bedew, wet, flood [stéam] [bestýman]
bestingan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bestingeþ past bestang/bestungon ptp bestungen to thrust in, push
bestrédan []
wv/t1b to bestrew, cover
[] wv/t2 to bestrew, besprinkle
[] wv/t1a to bestrew, cover over
bestrícan []
sv/t1 3rd
pres bestrícþ past bestrác/bestricon ptp bestricen to make a stroke
bestrídan []
sv/t1 3rd
pres bestrídeþ past bestrád/bestridon ptp bestriden to bestride, mount
bestrípan []
wv/t1b 3rd
pres bestrípþ past bestrípte ptp bestríped to strip, plunder
bestrúdan []
sv/t2 3rd
pres bestrýdeþ past bestréad/bestrudon ptp bestroden to spoil, plunder, rob
bestrýpan see bestrípan
bestryððan see bestreððan
[] wv/t2 to be careful for, trouble about
bestyrian []
wv/t1a to heap up
bestyrman []
wv/t1b to agitate
besu see basu
besúpan [] sv/t2
pres besýpþ past beséap/besupon ptp besopen to sup up, swallow
besútian [] wv/t2
to besmirch
besúðan [] prep
w.d. in the south, southwards (of)
beswápan [] sv/t7
pres beswǽpþ past beswéop/on ptp beswápen to clothe, cover over, veil,
protect; persuade
beswǽlan [] wv/t1b
to burn, singe, scorch
beswǽpan see beswápan
beswǽtan [] wv/t1b
to sweat, toil
beswelgan []
wv/t1b to swallow up
beswemman []
wv/t1a to make to bathe
beswencan []
wv/t1b to afflict
besweðian []
wv/t2 to swathe, wrap up, wind round
beswic [] n
(-es/-u) treachery, deceit
beswica [] m
(-n/-n) deceiver
beswícan [] sv/t1
pres beswícþ past beswác/beswicon ptp beswicen to deceive, seduce, betray,
circumvent, frustrate; to overcome, supplant
beswícend []
m (-es/-) deceiver, seducer
[] f (-se/-sa) deception; surrender
[] f (-an/-an) trap
beswician []
wv/t2 to escape, be free from
beswicol [] adj
beswícung []
f (-e/-a) deception
beswincan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bewinceþ past beswanc/bewuncon ptp beswuncen to toil, exert oneself, make with
toil; till, plough; beswuncen exhausted, tired out
beswingan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres beswingeþ past beswang/beswungon ptp beswungen to flog, scourge, beat, strike
beswuncen []
adj exhausted, tired out; past participle of beswincan
beswyllan []
wv/t1a to drench, flood [swilian]
besylcan [] wv/t1b
to exhaust
besylfran see besilfran
besylian [] wv/t2
to sully, defile, stain
besyrewian see besierwan
besyrian see besierwan
bet [] adv
béta see dǽd~
betácnian []
wv/t2 to betoken, designate
[] wv/t1b to amend, repair, restore, cure; make good, make amends,
reform, remedy, compensate, atone, pay ‘bót’ for an offence; attend to (fire or
light); þurst ~ quench thirst; [bót]
betast see betst
betǽcan [] wv/t1b
w.d. to make over, give up to impart, deliver, entrust, commend to; betroth;
appoint (for), set apart as, dedicate; show, point out; give orders; pursue,
betboren [] adj
of higher birth
béte [] f
(-an/-an) beet, beetroot [L beta]
béte see twi~
bétel [] 1. see bíetl; 2.
see bítol
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres betildeþ past beteald/betuldon ptp betolden to cover, hem in, surround;
overload, oppress
betellan [] irreg
wv/t1b to speak about, answer, defend oneself (against a charge), exculpate
oneself; to prove one’s claim to
bétend [] m
(-es/-) restorer
betéon [] sv/t1
pres betíehþ past betág/betigon ptp betigen, sv/t2 3rd pres betíehþ past betéah/betugon
ptp betogen to cover,
surround, enclose; dispose of, bestow, bequeath; impeach, accuse
betera [] wk
adj better; w.g. better in respect of…
bétere see dǽd~
[] wv/t2 to better, improve; trim (lamp)
beterung [] f
(-e/-a) improvement
betest see betst
betíenan see betýnan
[] wv/t2 to accuse
betillan see betyllan
betimbran []
wv/t1b to construct, build
betínan see betýnan
béting see bǽting
bétl see bíetl
[] adj grand, excellent
bétnes [] f (-se/-sa)
reparation, atonement
betoce see betonice
betogenes []
f (-se/-sa) accusation
betolden past participle of beteldan
betonice [] f
(-an/-an) betony
betost see betst
betr- see beter-
betræppan see betreppan
betredan [] sv/t5
pres betritt, betrideþ past betræd/betrǽdon ptp betreden to tread upon, cover
betrendan []
wv/t1b to roll
betreppan []
wv/t1a to entrap, catch
betrymian []
wv/t2 to enclose, surround, besiege
betrymman []
wv/t1a to enclose, surround, besiege
betst [] 1.
adj best, first; 2. noun people of position; 3. adv
in the best manner, most
[] adj best-born, eldest
bett see bet
betuh see betwux
betuoxn see betwux
betux see betwux
betuldon past pl of beteldan
betwénan see betwéonan
betweoh see betwux
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres betweohcierfþ past betweohcearf/betweohcurfon ptp betweohcorfen to cut through [intercidere]
betweohs see betwux
betwéonan []
1. prep w.g.d.a. between, among, amid, in the midst; 2. adv
between, in the meantime, meanwhile; in turn, by turns
betwéonum see betwéonan
betweox see betwux
betweoxn see betwux
betwih see betwux
betwihs see betwux
betwín- see betwéon-
[] f (-se/-sa) intermission
betwisc see betwux
betwixt see betwux
betwixt see betwux
betwuht see betwux
betwux [] prep
w.d.a. between, among, amongst, amidst; during; ~ þisum meanwhile; ~
þǽm þe whilst
betwuxálegednes [] f
(-se/-sa) interjection
betwuxáworpennes [] f
(-se/-sa) interjection
betwuxblinnes [] f (-se/-sa)
betwuxfæc [] adj internal
betwuxgangende [] adj
betwuxgesett [] adj
betwuxlicgan [] sv/t5 3rd pres betwuxligeþ past
betwuxlæg/betwuxlǽgon ptp betwuxlegen to lie between
[] wv/t1b to send between
betwuxt see betwux
betwyh see betwux
betwyx see betwux
betwyxt see betwux
betýhtlian see betíhtlian
betyllan [] wv/t1a
to allure, decoy
betýnan [] wv/t1b
to hedge in, enclose, shut, bury; shut out; end [tún]
betýnung [] f
(-e/-a) conclusion
betyran [] wv/t1b to pitch, stain a dark color
betyrnan [] wv/t1b
to turn round; prostrate oneself
beþ [] 1. see biþ pres
3rd sing of béon; 2. see bæþ
beþæncan see beþencan
beðan see beðian
beþearfan []
wv/t1b to need
[] adj needy, indigent
[] adj profitable
beþearfod []
adj needy
beþeccan [] irreg
wv/t1b to cover, protect, cover over, conceal
beðen see beðung
beþencan [] irreg
wv/t1b 3rd
pres beþencþ past beþóhte ptp beþóht to consider, remember, take thought
for, take care of, care for; wv/r1b to reflect, bethink oneself; trust,
confide in, entrust to
beþenian [] wv/t2
to cover, stretch on or upon, spread over
beþennan [] wv/t1a
to cover, stretch on or upon, spread over
beþéodan [] wv/t1b
to be joined (to)
beþerscan []
wv/t1b to winnow, thresh
beþettan [] wv/t1a
to bathe, foment
[] wv/t2 to heat, warm, foment; cherish
beþráwan [] sv/t7
pres beþrǽwþ past beþréow/on ptp beþráwen to twist (in making candles)
beþridian []
wv/t2 to circumvent, overcome, force
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres beþringeþ past beþrang/beþrungon ptp beþrungen to encircle, encompass; beset,
oppress, burden
beþryccan []
wv/t1a to press down
beþrydian see beþridian
beþryððan see beþridian
beþrýn [] wv/t1b
3rd pres beþrýeþ
past beþrýde ptp beþrýd to press
beþþan see beðian
beþuncan see beþencan
beðung [] f
(-e/-a) bathing, bath, fomentation, cataplasm [bæð]
beþurfan [] irreg
v/t w.g. 3rd
pres beþearf/beþurfon past beþorfte ptp beþurfen to need, have need of, want
beþwéan [] sv/t6
pres beþwíehþ past beþwóg/on ptp beþwagen to moisten, wet
beþwyrian []
wv/t1a to deprave [þweorh]
beþýn [] wv/t1b
3rd pres beþýeþ
past beþýde ptp beþýd to thrust
beufan see bufan
beútan see bútan
bewacian [] wv/t2
to watch, guard
bewadan [] sv/t6
pres bewædeþ past bewód/on ptp bewaden to emerge
[] wv/t2 to guard against, be on one’s guard
bewarian [] wv/t1a to
keep watch, guard, preserve, ward off
bewarnian see bewarenian
bewǽfan [] wv/t1b
to enfold, wrap round, cover over, clothe
bewǽgan [] wv/t1b
to deceive, frustrate
bewægnan [] wv/t1b
to offer, proffer
bewǽlan [] wv/t1b
to oppress, afflict
bewǽpnian []
wv/t2 to disarm
bewærian [] wv/t1a to
pass by; be free from
bewáwan [] sv/t7
pres bewǽwþ past bewéow/on ptp bewáwen to blow upon
bewealcan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres bewielcþ past bewéolc/on ptp bewealcen to involve
beweallan []
sv/t7 3rd
pres bewielþ past bewéoll/on ptp beweallen to boil away
[] wv/t2 to wallow
[] wv/t2 to guard, protect; observe closely
beweaxan [] sv/t7
pres bewiexþ past bewéox/on ptp beweaxen to grow over, cover over, surround
[] adj relating to marriage
beweddian []
wv/t2 to betroth, marry; give security
beweddung []
f (-e/-a) betrothal
bewefan [] sv/t5
pres bewifþ past bewæf/bewǽfon ptp bewefen to cover over
bewegan [] sv/t5
pres bewigþ past bewæg/bewǽgon ptp bewegen to cover
bewéled [] adj
poisoned, polluted [wól]
bewelian [] wv/t2
to knead, mix together
bewendan [] wv/t1b
to turn, turn round; to turn one’s attention, convert
[] wv/t2 to entertain, take care of, attend upon
beweorcan see bewyrcan
beweorpan []
sv/t3 3rd
pres bewierpþ past bewearp/bewurpon ptp beworpen to cast, cast down, plunge, throw;
beat; surround
[] wv/t2 to adorn
beweotian see bewitian
bewépan [] sv/t7
pres bewépþ past bewéop/on ptp bewópen to weep over, mourn, bewail; past
participle bewópen tearful, weeping
[] adj lamentable
bewépnian see bewǽpnian
bewerenes []
f (-se/-sa) prohibition
bewerian [] wv/t1a
to guard, protect, defend; check, prevent, forbid
[] m (-es/-) protector, keeper
bewerung [] f
(-e/-a) defense, fortification
bewestan [] prep
w.d. to the west of; adv
bewícian [] wv/t2
to encamp
bewindan [] sv/t3
pres bewindeþ past bewand/bewundon ptp bewunden to wind round, clasp, entwine,
envelop, encircle, surround; brandish (a sword); turn, wind, revolve; héafe
~ bewail
bewindla [] m
(-n/-n) hedge, border
bewitan [] irreg
v/t 3rd
pres bewát past bewiste ptp bewiten to keep, care for, watch over,
superintend, administer, lead, guide
bewitian [] wv/t2
to observe, attend to, care for, administer; perform
bewlátian []
wv/t2 to look at, behold
bewlítan [] sv/t1
pres bewlíteþ past bewlát/bewliton ptp bewliten to look round
bewópen past participle of bewépan
[] sv/t5 3rd
pres bewricþ past bewræc/bewrǽcon ptp bewrecen to drive; drive away, banish; drive
round, beat round
bewrencan []
wv/t1b to deceive
bewréon [] sv/t1
pres bewríehþ past bewráh/bewrigon ptp bewrigen, sv/t2 3rd pres bewríehþ past bewréah/bewrugon
ptp bewrogen to cover,
hide, cover over, enwrap, protect, clothe
bewreðian []
wv/t2 to sustain, support
bewrigennes [] f (-se/-sa) a
bewrítan [] sv/t1
pres bewríteþ past bewrát/bewriton ptp bewriten to
record?; score round
[] sv/t1 3rd
pres bewríðeþ past bewráþ/bewriðon ptp bewriðen to bind, wind about, surround
bewrixlan []
wv/t1b to change; exchange, sell
[] wv/t2 to change; exchange, sell
bewuna [] indecl
adj accustomed, wont
bewyddian see beweddian
bewýled see bewéled
bewyllan [] wv/t1a
to boil away [also ~ie~]
bewylwian []
wv/t2 to roll down, roll together
bewýpþ see bewépþ, pres 3rd
sing of bewépan
bewyrcan [] irreg
wv/t1b 3rd
pres bewyrcþ past beworhte ptp beworht to work, construct, surround with,
enclose, cover; work in, insert, adorn
bewyrpan see beweorpan
[] wv/t2 to disinherit
beyrnan see beiernan
bezera see bæzere
bi [] 1. see be prep;
2. see béo f
bí [] 1. see be prep;
2. see béo f
[] f (-an/-an) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
[] m (-wes/-was) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
bibliþéca []
m (-n/-n) library; bible [L bibliotheca]
bíbréad see béobréad
bicce [] f
(-an/-an) bitch
biccen see byccen
bice [] f
(-an/-an) bitch
bicgan see bycgan
bicge see bicce
bícnan1 see bíecnan
bícnian1 see bíecnan
[] m (-es/-) index, indicator, discloser; forefinger
[] m (-es/-) index, indicator, discloser; forefinger
[] adj allegorical; gram indicative
bícnol [] adj
indicating, indicative
[] f (-e/-a) beckoning, nodding; token, symbol, figure; figurative
bícwide [] m
(-es/-as) byword, proverb, fable, tale
bíd [] n
(-es/-) lingering, hesitation, delay, halt
bid [] n
(-es/-u) lingering, hesitation, delay, halt; ~ wrecen brought to bay
[] sv/i1 3rd
pres bídeþ past bád/bidon ptp is gebiden to stay, continue, live, remain,
delay; sv/t1 + gen wait for, await, expect; endure, experience,
find; attain, obtain; own; unǽtnessa ge~ to die
biddan [] sv/t5
pres biddeþ past bæd/bǽdon ptp gebeden to ask, entreat, pray, beseech;
order, command, require; ~ and béodan/hálsian to beg and pray
biddend [] m
(-es/-) petitioner
biddere [] m
(-es/-as) petitioner
bideþ pres 3rd sing of biddan
bidenfæt see bydenfæt
bideríp see bedríp
[] adj firm, forced to stand out
[] m (-es/-as) halt, stand
bídung [] f
(-e/-a) abiding place, abode
bíe see béo pres 1st
sing of béo
bíecn see béacen
bíecnan [] wv/t1b
to make a sign, beckon, wink, nod; signify; summon; [béacen]
bíecnian [] wv/t2
to make a sign, beckon, wink, nod; signify; summon; [béacen]
bíegan [] wv/t1b
to bend, turn, turn back, incline; depress, abase, humiliate; subject;
persuade, convert; [búgan]
bíegnan [] wv/t1b
to bend, turn, turn back, incline; depress, abase, humiliate; subject;
persuade, convert [búgan]
[] wv/t1b to encourage, excite, impel, exhort, confirm [beald]
bieldu [] f
(-e/-a) boldness, courage, arrogance, confidence
bielg see belg
bielw- see bilew-
bíeme [] f
(-an/-an) trumpet; tablet, billet
bíen see béan
bíencoddas see béancoddas
bierhtu [] f
(-e/-a) brightness, effulgence, brilliance [beorht]
bierm see bearm
biernan [] sv/t3,
sv/i3 3rd
pres biernþ past barn/burnon ptp geburnen to burn, be on fire, give light
bierst pres 3rd sing of berstan
biersteþ pres 3rd sing of berstan
bierþ pres 3rd sing of beran
biesen see bisen
biesgian see bisgian
bieter- see biter-
bíetl [] m
(-es/-as) beetle, mallet, hammer
bietr- see biter-
bíeþ see béoþ pres pl of béon
bíféran [] wv/t1b
to feed
bifian [] wv/i2
to tremble, be moved, shake, quake
[] adj terrible
bifung [] f
(-e/-a) trembling, shaking
bifung see eorð~
bífylce [] n
(-es/-u) neighboring people [folc]
big see be
big- see be-, bí-, bycg-
bíg see béag
bígan see bíegan
bige see byge
bigegnes see begengnes
bígels [] m
(-es/-as) arch, vault; curvature
bígeng [] f
(-e/-a) practice, exercise, observance, worship; cultivation
bígenga [] m
(-n/-n) inhabitant; cultivator; worshipper; benefactor
bígenge [] n
(-es/-u) practice, worship
bígengere []
m (-es/-as) worker; worshipper
[] f (-an/-an) handmaiden, attendant, worshipper
bigengnes see begengnes
bígung [] f
(-e/-a) bending
bigleaf- see bíleof-
bígnes [] f
(-se/-sa) power of bending, bending, winding [bíegan]
[] sv/t6 3rd
pres bigstendeþ past bigstód/on ptp bigstanden to stand by, help
bígyrdel [] m
(-es/-as) girdle, belt, purse; treasury
bigytan see begietan
bihianda see behindan
bíhst see býhst pres 2nd
sing of búgan
bil see bill
bilcettan see bealcettan
bildan see bieldan
bile [] m
(-es/-as) bill, beak, trunk (of an elephant); prow
bíle see býle
bílefa see bíleofa
bilehwít see bilewit
bíleofa [] m
(-n/-n) support, sustenance, food, nourishment; money, pay [libban]
bíleofen [] f
(-ne/-na) support, sustenance, food, nourishment;
money, pay [libban]
biléofian []
wv/t2 to support, feed upon
bilewet see bilewit
bilewit [] adj
innocent, pure, simple, sincere, honest; calm, gentle, merciful, gracious;
plausible; adv ~líce
[] f (-se/-sa) mildness, simplicity, innocence, purity
bilgesleht see billgesliht
bilgst pres 2nd sing of belgan
bilhst pres 2nd sing of belgan
bilgþ pres 3rd sing of belgan
bilherge see billere
bílibb- see bíleof-
bílif- see bíleof-
bilig see belg
biliw- see bilew-
bill [] n
(-es/-) bill, chopper, battle-axe, falchion, sword
billere [] m
(-es/-as) bibulta (plant)
billhete [] m
(-es/-as) murderous hate, strife
bilswæþ [] n
(-es/-swaðu) sword track, wound
bilw- see bilew-
bílyht see býliht
bíma [] m see bíeme
bíme see bíeme
bin see binn
bínama [] m
(-n/-n) pronoun
[] sv/t3 3rd pres bindeþ past band/bundon ptp gebunden to tie, bind,
fetter, fasten, restrain; adorn
binde [] f
(-an/-an) head-band?
bindele [] f
(-an/-an) binding; bandage
bindelle [] f
(-an/-an) binding; bandage
bindere [] m
(-es/-as) binder
bindung [] f
(-e/-a) binding
binn [] f
(-e/-a) bin, basket, crib, manger [Keltic?]
binna see binnan
binnan [] 1.
prep w.d.a. within, in, inside of, into; 2. adv inside,
within, less than, during, whilst
binne [] 1. see binn; 2.
see binnan
bint pres 3rd sing of bindan
bio- see beo-, bi-
biosmrung see bismerung
birce see beorc, beorce
bird see bridd
birele see byrele
biren [] f
(-ne/-na) she-bear
birg see byrg
birgung [] f
(-e/-a) taste
birgnes [] f
(-se/-sa) taste
birgþ pres 3rd sing of beorgan
birhþ pres 3rd sing of beorgan
birht- see bierht-
birig see byrig
birig- see byrg-
birihte [] prep
w.d. near, beside
birihto see bierhtu
birle see byrele
birnan see biernan
bireþ pres 3rd sing of beran
birst pres 2nd sing of beran
birst pres 3rd sing of berstan
birsteþ pres 3rd sing of berstan
birþ pres 3rd sing of beran
biryhte see birihte
bisæc [] n? (-es/-sacu),
m? (-es/-sacas) wallet [LL
bísæc [] adj
contested, disputed
bísǽc [] f
(-e/-a) visit
bisceop [] m
(-es/-as) bishop; high-priest, chief priest (Jewish), heathen priest
[] n (-es/-) episcopal (high-priestly) stock
[] m (-es/-as) episcopate, bishopric; excommunication
[] m (-éðles/-éðlas), n (-éðles/-) episcopal see
[] m (-es/-as) episcopate
[] m pl Episcopal robes
[] m (-a/-a) bishophood, office of bishop, ordination as bishop,
episcopate, bishopric
[] f (-e/-a) episcopal service
bisceophádþénung see bisceophádþegnung
[] f (-e/-a) consecration of a bishop
[] f (-e/-a) episcopal ordination
[] m (-es/-as) bishop’s estate
[] n (-es/-) head ornament worn by bishops
[] m (-es/-as) clergy subject to a bishop
[] wv/t2 to confirm
[] n (-es/-) episcopal or diocesan land
[] adj bishoply, episcopal
[] n (-es/-u) bishopric, diocese, province of a bishop; episcopal
demesne or property
bisceoprocc []
m (-es/-as) bishop’s rocket, dalmatic
[] f (-e/-a) bishop’s cross
[] f (-e/-a) diocese; episcopate
bisceopscýr see bisceopscír
[] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
[] m (-es/-as) synod of bishops
[] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
[] n (-es/-) bishop’s seat or see, bishopric
[] m (-es/-stafas) bishop’s staff
[] m (-es/-as) episcopal see, bishopric; bishop’s palace
[] m (-a/-a) godson at a ‘bishoping’ or conformation
[] f (-e/-a) office of a bishop
[] f (-e/-a) office of a bishop
[] n (-es/-) bishop’s company
[] n (-es/-u) fine payable to a bishop?,
forced entertaining of a bishop?
[] f (-e/-e) bishop’s-wort, betony, vervain, marshmallow
[] ?
(-?/-?) vervain; betony
biscep see bisceop
bisceran see biscieran
biscerian see biscierian
biscop see bisceop
biscup see bisceop
biscp see bisceop
bisegu see bisgu
bisen [] f
(-e/-a), n (-es/-u) example, pattern, model; similitude, parable,
parallel; rule, command, precept
bisene [] f
(-an/-an), n (-es/-u) example, pattern, model; similitude, parable,
parallel; rule, command, precept
bisene [] adj
[] wv/t2 to give, set an example, instruct by example; follow an example
or pattern; express figuratively
bisenung [] f
(-e/-a) example, pattern
bises [] m
(-es/-as) the extra day intercalated in leap year [L bissextus]
[] wv/t2 to occupy, employ; trouble, afflict
bisgu [] f
(-e/-a) occupation, labor; affliction, trouble
bisigu [] f
(-e/-a) occupation, labor; affliction, trouble
bisgung [] f
(-e/-a) business, occupation, care
bisig [] adj
busy, occupied, diligent
bisignes [] f
(-se/-sa) business
bismær- see bismer-
bisme see besma
bismer [] n
(bismres/-), m (bismres/bismras), f (bismre/bismra) disgrace,
scandal, shame, mockery, insult, reproach, scorn; filthiness, defilement; tó
~e ignominiously, shamefully; blasphemy; infamous deed; gerénian tó ~e
to humiliate, degrade; táwian1 tó ~e to outrage,
bismerful []
adj infamous, shameful, ignominious
[] n (-es/-) shameful lust
[] wv/t2 3rd
pres bismeraþ past bismerode ptp gebismerod to mock, revile, illtreat,
[] m (-es/-) mocker
[] adj blameless
[] n (-es/-) scurrilous song
bismerlic []
adj shameful ignominious, contemptuous; ridiculous, frivolous; adv
bismernes [] f (-se/-sa)
pollution; insult; contemptibleness
bismerspǽc see bismersprǽc
bismersprǽc [] f (-e/-a)
[] f (-e/-a) mockery, scorn; blasphemy; infamy, disrepute
[] n (-es/-) reproach, insult
bismor see bismer
bismor- see bismer-
bismr- see bismer-
bisn- see bisen-
bíspell [] n
(-es/-) example, proverb; parable, fable, allegory, story
[] f (-bóce/-béc) the book of Proverbs; [gen ~béc/~bóce;
dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen
pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]
bissextus []
m (-te/-tas) the intercalary day
of leap year; leap year [L]
bist pres 2nd sing of béon
bíst see bídst pres 2nd
sing of bídan
bíswæc [] m
(-es/-as) tripping up, treachery
bit pres 3rd sing of biddan
bít [] 1. pres 3rd
sing of bídan; 2. pres 3rd sing of bítan
bita [] m
(-n/-n) 1. bit, morsel, piece; 2. biter, wild beast
[] sv/t1 3rd
pres bíteþ past bát/biton ptp gebiten to bite, tear; cut, wound; ge~
dash down
bite [] m
(-es/-as) bite, sting; sword-cut; cancer
bitela [] m
(-n/-n) beetle
biter [] adj
bitter, sharp, cutting; stinging; exasperated, angry, embittered; painful,
disastrous, virulent, cruel; adv ~líce
bitere see bitre
[] wv/t2 3rd
pres biteraþ past biterode ptp is gebiterod to be or become bitter; wv/t2
make bitter
biterlic [] adj
sad, bitter
biternes [] f
(-se/-sa) bitterness, grief
[] adj bitter in speech
[] m (-es/-as) drink of bitter herbs
bítl see bíetl
bitmǽlum [] adv
piecemeal, bit by bit
bitol [] n
(-es/-) bridle
bitor see biter
bitre [] adv
bitterly, sharply, painfully, severely; very
bitres gen masc, neut sing of biter
bitrum [] adv
bittres gen masc, neut sing of biter
bitst pres 2nd sing of biddan
bítst 2nd pres sing of bídan,
bitt 1. pres 3rd sing of biddan;
2. pres 3rd sing of beodan; 2. see bytt
bítt pres 3rd sing of bítan
bitter see biter
bittor see biter
bittre see bitre
bitula see bitela
biþ pres 3rd sing of béon
biwáune see bewáwan
bíwist [] f
(-e/-e) sustenance, food, provision, necessaries
bíword [] n
(-es/-) proverb, household word; adverb
bíwyrde [] n
(-es/-u) byword, proverb
bizant [] m
(-es/-as) a coin
blác [] 1.
adj bright, shining, glittering, flashing; pale, pallid, wan; 2. past
3rd sing of blícan
blac see blæc
[] adj with pale cheeks
blácian [] wv/t2
to turn pale
blácung [] f
(-e/-a) a turning pale, pallor
bladesian []
wv/i2 to flame, blaze, be hot; emit an odor
[] f (-e/-a) odor
bladesung []
f (-e/-a) shining, lightning
blagettan see blægettan
blan past 3rd sing of blinnan
[] m (-n/-n) (white?) horse
[] n (-es/-) blending, mixture, confusion
[] sv/t7 3rd
pres blendeþ past blénd/on ptp geblanden to blend, mix, mingle; trouble,
disturb, corrupt
[] adj grizzly-haired, grey-haired, old [blandan]
blann past 3rd sing of blinnan
blase see blæse
blasere see blæsere
blástbelg see blǽstbelg
blaster see plaster
[] adj livid, pale, wan, ghastly; low, hoarse
(sound)? or pale?; adv ~e lividly, pallidly
blatesnung see bladesnung
blatesung see bladesung
blátian [] wv/i2
to be livid, pale
[] sv/i7, sv/t7 3rd pres blǽwþ past bléow/on
ptp gebláwen to blow,
breathe; be blown, sound; inflate; ge~ kindle, inflame; ge~ spit
bláwend [] m
(-es/-) inspirer
bláwende [] adj
blowing hard (wind)
bláwere [] m
(-es/-as) blower
bláwung [] f
(-e/-a) blowing, blast; inflation
blæc [] 1.
adj black, dark; 2. n (-es/blacu) ink
blǽc see blác
blǽcan [] wv/t1b
to bleach, whiten; ge~ disfigure [blác]
blæcce [] f
(-an/-an) black matter
blǽce [] n? (-es/-u) irritation of the skin,
leprosy; psoriasis
blǽcern [] n
(-es/-) lamp, candle, light, lantern
[] n (-es/-) lantern-light
[] adj black-haired [feax]
blæcgymm [] m
(-es/-as) jet
blæchorn [] n
(-es/-) ink-horn
blǽcpytt [] m
(-es/-as) bleaching-pit?
blǽcða [] m
(-n/-n) leprosy
[] n (-es/-u?) leprosy
blǽcu [] f
(-e/-a) pallor
blæd [] n
(-es/bladu) blade; leaf
blǽd [] 1.
m (-es/-as) blowing, blast; inspiration; breath, spirit; life, mind;
glory, dignity, splendor; prosperity, riches, success [bláwan]; 2. see bléd
[] adj renowned
blǽdbylig []
m (-es/-as) bellows
[] m (-es/-dagas) day of prosperity
[] m (-es/-as) pain in the bladder
blǽddre see blǽdre
[] adj glorious, prosperous
[] m (-n/-n) giver of prosperity
blǽdhorn [] m
(-es/-as) trumpet
blǽdnes [] f
(-se/-sa) blossom, fruit [bléd]
blǽdre [] f
(-an/-an) blister, pimple; bladder [bláwan]
blǽdwela [] m
(-n/-n) abundant riches
blǽge [] f
(-an/-an) gudgeon, bleak
blægettan []
wv/t1b to cry
blǽhǽwen [] adj
light blue
blæs see blæst
blæsbelg see blæstbelg
blæse [] f
(-an/-an) firebrand, torch, lamp
blæsere [] m
(-es/-as) incendiary
blǽshorn [] m
(-es/-as) trumpet
blæst [] m
(-es/-as) blowing, blast (of wind), breeze; flame
blæstan [] wv/t1b
to blow, belch forth
blæstbelg []
m (-es/-as) bellows
blæstm [] m? (-es/-as) flame, blaze
blǽtan [] wv/t1b
to bleat
blætesung see bladesung
blǽts- see bléts-
blǽwen see blǽhǽwen
blǽwest, blǽwst pres 2nd
sing of bláwan
blǽweð, blǽwþ pres 3rd
sing of bláwan
bleac see blæc
bléat [] adj
miserable?; adv ~e
bléaþ [] adj
gentle, shy, cowardly, timid; slothful, inactive, effeminate
blec see blæc
bléc- see blǽc-
bled see blæd
bléd- see blét-
bléd [] 1.
f (-e/-a) shoot, branch, flower, blossom, leaf, foliage, fruit; harvest,
crops; [blówan]; 2. see blǽd 1
blédan [] wv/t1b
to bleed, let blood
blédhwæt [] adj
growing quickly?, profusely?
blédre see blǽdre
bledu [] f
(-e/-a) dish, bowl, goblet
blegen [] f
(-e/-a) blain, boil, blister, ulcer
blegne [] f
(-an/-an) blain, boil, blister, ulcer
blencan [] wv/t1b
to deceive, cheat
blénd past 3rd sing of blandan
blendan [] 1.
wv/t1b to blind, deprive of sight; deceive; 2. to mix
blendian see blendan 1
blendnes [] f
(-se/-sa) blindness
blent [] 1. past 3rd
sing of blendan; 2. past 3rd sing of blandan
[] n (-s/-) color; appearance, form; dat sing bléo; gen
pl bléo, bléona; dat/inst pl bléom, bléoum,
bléobord [] n
(-es/-) colored board, chess-board
bléobrygd []
n? (-es/-) combination of colors,
scintillation [bregdan]
bléocræft []
m (-es/-as) art of embroidery
bleodu see bledu
[] f (-se/-sa) delight
bléofág [] adj
bleoh see bléo
bléomete [] m
(-es/-mettas) dainty food
bléona gen pl of bléo
bléoréad [] adj
[] f (-e/-a) tessellated pavement
bléot past 3rd sing of blótan
bléoum dative/instrumental pl of bléo
bléow [] 1. past 3rd
sing of bláwan; 2. past 3rd sing of blówan
bléowum dative/instrumental pl of bléo
blere [] adj
blerig [] adj
blese see blæse
blétan see blǽtan
[] wv/t2 to consecrate, ordain; bless, give thanks, adore, extol; sign
with the cross; pronounce or make happy; [blód]
[] f (-béc/-béc) blessing-book, benedictional; [gen ~béc/~bóce;
dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen
pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]
[] m (-es/-as) the Benedicite
blétst pres 2nd sing of blótan
blétsung [] f
(-e/-a) consecration; blessing, benediction; favor (of God)
bléw see bléow, past 3rd
sing of blówan
bléwþ pres 3rd sing of blówan
blícan [] sv/i1 3rd pres blíceþ past
blác/blicon ptp is geblicen to glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle,
dazzle; appear
bliccettan [] wv/t1b to
glitter, quiver
[] f (-e/-a) glittering, shining
blice [] m
(-es/-as) exposure
blicgan see blycgan
blícian [] wv/t2
to shine
blícþ pres 3rd sing of blícan
blíds see bliss
blin imperative of blinnan
blind [] adj
blind; dark, obscure, opaque; internal, not showing outwardly; unintelligent;
not stinging; adv ~líce blindly, rashly
[] adj born blind
[] ?
archangelica (plant)
blindian see of~
blindnes [] f
(-se/-sa) blindness
blinn [] n? (-es/-) cessation
[] sv/t3 3rd
pres blinþ past blann/blunnon ptp geblunnen to cease, leave off, rest from;
lose, forfeit; be vacant (bishopric); [be linnan]
blinnes [] f (-se/-sa)
cessation, intermission
blis see bliss
blisa see blysa
bliscan see blyscan
blisgere [] m
(-es/-as) incendiary [blysige]
bliss [] f
(-e/-a) bliss, merriment, happiness; kindness, friendship, grace, favor; cause
of happiness [blíðe]
[] wv/i2 to be glad, rejoice, exult; wv/t2 to make happy,
gladden, endow; applaud
blissig [] adj
[] adj exulting
blissung [] f
(-e/-a) exultation
blíþ see blíðe
[] 1. adj blithe, joyous, cheerful, pleasant; gracious,
well-disposed, friendly, kind; agreeable, willing; quiet, peaceful, gentle; 2.
blíðelic [] adj
gentle, pleasant, glad, well-wishing; adv ~líce
blíðemód [] adj
glad, cheerful; well-wishing, friendly
blíðheort []
adj happy, joyful; kind, merciful
blíðnes [] f
(-se/-sa) joy, gladness, pleasure
blíðs see bliss
blíwum see bléoum, bléowum dat
pl of bléo
blod see bold
blód [] n
(-es/-) blood; vein; déad ~ congealed blood
blód- see blót-
blóddolg [] n
(-es/-) bleeding wound
blóddolh [] n
(-es/-) bleeding wound
blóddrync []
m (-es/-as) bloodshed
blódegesa []
m (-n/-n) bloody horror
blóden [] adj
[] adj blood-stained, bloody
[] n (-es/-) a blood-mixture
[] adj blood-stained
blódgéot see blódgýte
[] m (-es/-) shedder of blood
[] adj bloody
[] wv/t2 to be bloodthirsty; make bloody
blódgyte [] m
(-es/-as) bloodshed
[] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood
blódhréow []
adj sanguinary, cruel
[bloed·irn·en·de] adj having an issue of blood
blódig [] adj
blódigtóþ []
adj bloody-toothed
blódiorn [] ? (-?/-?)
bloody flux
blódlǽs [] f
(-we/-wa) blood-letting
blódlǽswu []
f (-e/-a) blood-letting, bleeding
[] f (-e/-e) time for blood-letting
blódlǽte [] f
(-an/-an) blood-letting, bleeding
[] m (-es/-as) blood-letter
blódléas [] adj
blódorc [] m
(-es/-as) sacrificial vessel
blódréad [] adj
blódréow see blódhréow
blódryne [] m
(-es/-as) issue of blood, bloody flux; bursting of a blood-vessel
[] f (-e/-a) supply of blood?
blódseax [] n
(-es/-) lancet
blódseten []
f (-ne/-na) something to stop bleeding
blódsihte []
f (-an/-an) flowing of blood
[] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood
blódþigen []
f (-ne/-na) tasting of blood
blódwíte [] n
(-es/-u) blood-offering; penalty for bloodshed?;
right to exact such a penalty
blódwracu []
f (-e/-a) revenge for bloodshed
blódyrnende see blódiernende
bloedsung see bletsung
blóma [] m
(-n/-n) lump of metal, mass
blon past 3rd sing of blinnan
blonca see blanca
blond- see bland-
blonn past 3rd sing of blinnan
blósa see blóstma
blósma see blóstma
blóstbǽre see blóstmbǽre
blóstm [] m
(-es/-as), f (-e/-a) blossom, flower, fruit
blóstma [] m
(-n/-n) blossom, flower, fruit
[] adj flower-bearing
[] adj flower-bearing
[] m (-es/-as) floral festival
blóstmian []
wv/t2 to blossom, bloom
blóstmig [] adj
[] n (-es/-) sacrifice
blót- see blód-
blótan [] sv/t7
pres bléteþ past bléot/on ptp geblóten to sacrifice, kill for sacrifice
blótere [] m
(-es/-as) sacrificer
blótmónaþ []
m (-mónþes/-mónþas) November, the month of sacrifice; [so called because at this season the
heathen Saxons made a provision for winter, and offered in sacrifice many of
the animals they then killed]
blótorc [] m
(-es/-as) sacrificial vessel
[] f (-e/-a) spitting of blood, a throwing up of blood
blótung [] f
(-e/-a) sacrifice, a sacrificing
[] 1. sv/t7 3rd pres bléwþ past bléow/on ptp geblówen to blow, flower, flourish, blossom;
2. see bláwan
[] adj blooming
blunnen past participle of blinnan
blunnon past pl of blinnan
blycgan see á~
blys see bliss
blyss see bliss
blysa [] m
(-n/-n) firebrand, torch
blyscan [] wv/t1b
to make or color reddish; to be reddish; transf., to have a reddish glow [rutilare]
blyse [] f see blyse
blyssian see blissian
blýðe see blíðe
blýðelíce see blíðelíce
bó see bá, nom/acc fem/neut
of bégen
bóc [] f
(béc/béc) 1. beech-tree; 2. beech-nut; [gen ~béc/~bóce;
dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen
pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]; 3. past 3rd
sing of bacan
bóc [] f
(béc/béc) 1. a book, a document, register, catalog; 1a. a legal
document, (1) a bill of divorce; (2) a
charter; (3) a title deed; (4) conveyance; 2. a book, volume, literary
work, pages; main division of a work; Crístes ~ gospel; [gen ~béc/~bóce;
dat ~béc; acc ~bóc; nom/acc pl ~béc; gen
pl ~bóca; dat pl ~bócum]; 3. past 3rd
sing of bacan
[] n (-es/-) library, a place for books; [bóca, stréon]
bócæceras []
m pl freehold lands
bócblæc [] n
(-es/-blacu) ink
bócce see béce
bóccest [] f
(-e/-a) book-chest
bóccist [] f
(-e/-a) book-chest
bócciste [] f
(-an/-an) book-chest
bóccræft [] m
(-es/-as) learning, science
[] adj book-learned, book-crafty, learned in the Bible
bóccynn [] n
(-es/-) a kind of book
bócere [] m
(-es/-as) 1. writer, scribe, an author, a learned man, instructor, a
bookman, a scholar; 2. a (Jewish) scribe
bócfell [] n
(-es/-) parchment, vellum
bócfódder []
n (-fóddres/-) bookcase
[] f (-e/-a) library
[] n (-es/-) library
bóchaga [] m
(-n/-n) beech-hedge
bócholt [] n
(-es/-), m (-es/-as) a beechwood
bóchord [] n
(-es/-) library
bóchús [] n
(-es/-) library
[] wv/t2 to grant by charter; supply with books
bócland [] n
(-es/-) land held by written title
bóclár [] f
(-e/-a) book-lore, learning
bóclæden [] n
(-es/-) literary Latin, learned language
bócleden see bóclæden
bóclic [] adj
of or belonging to a book; scientific; biblical, scriptural; ~ stæf ars
bócon past pl of bacan
bócrǽdere []
m (-es/-as) reader of books
bócrǽdung []
f (-e/-a) reading of books
bócréad [] adj
red color used in illuminating manuscripts, vermilion
bócréde [] f
(-an/-an) reading of books
bócriht [] n
(-es/-) right given by will or charter
bócstæf [] m
(-es/-stafas) letter, character [Ger buchstabe]
bócstigel []
f (-e/-a) beech-wood, stile
bóctǽcung []
f (-e/-a) teaching or narrative, written in books
bóctalu [] f
(-e/-a) teaching or narrative, written in books
bóctréow [] n
(-es/-) beech-tree
bócung [] f
(-e/-a) conveyance by charter or deed
bócweorc [] n
(-es/-) study of books
bócwudu [] m
(-a/-a) beech-wood
[] n (-es/-u) command, message, precept; preaching
boda [] m
(-n/-n) messenger, herald, apostle, angel; prophet
bodan see botm
bode past 3rd sing of bógan
bodeg see bodig
boden past participle of béodan
bodere [] m
(-es/-as) teacher
[] wv/t2 to tell, proclaim, announce; preach; foretell; boast
bodiend [] m
(-es/-) proclaimer, teacher, preacher
bodig [] n
(-es/-) body, trunk, frame, bodily presence; main part
[] adj to be celebrated
bodlác [] n
(-es/-) decree, ordinance
bodscipe12 [] m
(-es/-as) command, message
bodung [] f
(-e/-a) message, recital, preaching; interpretation; assertiveness
bodungdæg []
m (-es/-dagas) Annunciation Day
bóg [] m
(-es/-as) arm, shoulder; bough, twig, branch; offspring [búgan]
boga [] m
(-n/-n) bow (weapon); arch, arched place, vault; rainbow; folded parchment [Ger
bóga see bóg
bógan [] wv/t1b
to boast
boganet see bogenett
[] n (-fóddres/-) quiver, case for the bow
bogen [] 1.
(-?/-?) name of a plant; 2. past participle of búgan
bogenett [] n
(-es/-) wicker basket with a narrow neck for catching fish
bogetung [] f
(-e/-a) curve
bógh see bóg
bógian [] 1.
wv/i2 1 to dwell; wv/t2 to inhabit; 2. see bógan
bogiht [] adj
full of bends
bógincel [] n
(-incles/-inclu) small bough
bógung [] f
(-e/-a) boastfulness, arrogance, display
bóh see bóg
bohscyld [] m
(-es/-as) curved shield?
bohte past 3rd sing of bycgan
bóhtimber []
n (-timbres/-) building-wood
bóian see bógan
bol? [] m
(-es/-as) bole, trunk
ból [] ? (-?/-?)
bolca [] m
(-n/-n) gangway of a ship
bold [] n
(-es/-) house, dwelling-[lace, mansion, hall, castle; temple
[] m (-es/-) homestead-owner
[] n (-es/-) household goods
boldgetæl []
n (-es/-talu) collection of houses; (political) district, county,
[] n pl houses
boldweard []
m (-es/-as) housekeeper, steward
[] m (-n/-n) wealth; splendid dwelling, paradise, heaven; village
bolgen past participle of belgan
[] adj enraged
bolla [] m
(-n/-n) bowl, cup, pot, beaker, measure
bolle [] f
(-an/-an) bowl, cup, pot, beaker, measure
bolster [] m
(bolstres/bolstras), n (bolstres/-) bolster, cushion
bolt [] m
(-es/-as) bolt; crossbow for throwing bolts or arrows
[] n (-timbres/-) building timber, beams
bón [] 1.
f (-e/-a) ornament; 2. see bógan
bon- see ban-
bond- see band-
bónda [] m
(-n/-n) householder; freeman, plebeian; husband
bóndeland []
n (-es/-) land held by a bónda [ON bóndi]
bóne see bén
bonn see bann
bor [] ? (-?/-?)
borer, gimlet; lancet, scalpel, graving tool [borian]
bora [] m
(-n/-n) ruler [rǽdbora?]
borcen past 3rd sing of beorcan
brocian [] wv/t2
to bark
bord [] n
(-es/-) board, plank; table; side of a ship; ship; shield; innan/útan ~es
at home/abroad
borda [] m
(-n/-n) embroidery, ornament
bordcláþ [] m
(-es/-as) table-cloth
bordgelác []
n (-es/-) weapon, dart
[] adj shield-bearing
bordhaga [] m
(-n/-n) cover of shields
[] m (-n/-n) shield-ornament; phalanx
bordrand [] m
(-es/-as) shield
bordrima [] m
(-n/-n) rim, edge
bordríðig []
(-?/-?) a stream running in a channel made of planks?
bordstæþ [] n
(-es/-staðu) the rigging of a ship; sea-shore
bordþaca [] m
(-n/-n) shield-covering, a tortoise, i. e. a covering, shed, shelter [testudo]; board for roofing
bordweall []
m (-es/-as) wall of shields, phalanx; buckler, shield; side of ship
bordwudu []
m (-a/-a) shield
boren past participle of beran
borettan [] wv/t1b
to brandish
borg [] m
(-es/-as) pledge, security, bail, debt, obligation; bondsman; debtor
borgbryce []
m (-es/-as) breach of surety
borgen past participle of beorgan
borgfæst [] adj
fast bound
[] wv/t1b to bind by pledge or surety
borggelda []
m (-n/-n) borrower; lender
borghand [] f
(-a/-a), m (-es/-as) security, surety (person)
borgian [] wv/t2
to borrow; lend; be surety for
borgiend [] m
(-es/-) lender, usurer
borgléas [] adj
without a pledge, without security
borgsorg [] f
(-e/-a) trouble on account of lending or security
[] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) a steep
path up a hill?
borgwedd [] n
(-es/-) pledge
borh see borg
borhfæst [] adj
fast bound
[] wv/t1b to bind by pledge or surety
borhhand [] f
(-a/-a), m (-es/-as) security, surety (person)
borhléas [] adj
without a pledge, without security
borian [] wv/t2 to bore, perforate
borlíce [] adv
very, extremely, fitly, excellently
born see barn past 3rd
sing of biernan
borsten past participle of berstan
borðor see beorðor
bósig [] m? (-es/-as),
n? (-es/-) stall, crib
bósm [] m
(-es/-as) bosom, breast, womb; surface; ship’s hold
bósum [] m
(-es/-as) bosom, breast, womb; surface; ship’s hold
bósmig [] adj
bót [] f
(-e/-a) help, relief, advantage, remedy; compensation for an injury or wrong;
(peace) offering, recompense, amends, atonement, reformation, penance,
repentance; tó ~e to boot, besides, moreover
bótan see bétan
bótettan [] wv/t1b
to improve, repair
bótian [] wv/i2
to get better
botl1 see bold
bótléas [] adj
unpardonable, not to be atoned for by bót
botm [] m
(-es/-as) bottom, ground, foundation; abyss
bótwierðe []
adj pardonable, that can be atoned for by bót [see bótléas]
bóþ see bógeþ pres 3rd
sing of bógan
boðen [] m
(-es/-as), n? (-es/-) rosemary; darnel; thyme
bóung see bógung
box [] m
(-es/-as), n (-es/-u) box-tree; box, case [L]
boxtréow [] n
(-es/-) box-tree
braccas [] m
pl breeches [L]
bracce see bræc 1
brachwíl [] f
(-e/-a) moment
bracian see á~
brád [] 1.
adj broad, flat, open, extended, spacious, wide; ample, copious; (cmp
brǽdra/brádra, spl brǽdest/brádost); 2. n (-es/-) breadth; ~
hand f (-a/-a) palm
brádæx [] f
(-e/-a) broad axe
[] n (-es/-u, -briomu) wide sea
[] adv far and wide, broadly, widely
brádeléac []
n (-es/-) leek
brádhand [] f
(-a/-a) palm of the hand
brádian [] wv/t2
to extend, reach; to become broad
[] f (-e/-a) broad axe
brádlinga []
adv flatly, with the hand open
brádnes [] f
(-se/-sa) breadth, greatness, extent, surface; liberality
brádpanne see brǽdepanne
[] n (-es/-) broadsword
bragen see brægen
brahton see brohton past pl of bringan
brand [] m
(-es/-as) fire, flame; brand, torch; sword, weapon; ~ Healfdenes
[] adj burning hot, ardent
brandhord []
n? (-es/-) treasure exciting
ardent desires; care, anxiety
brandíren []
n (-es/-) fire-dog, trivet, grate
brandísen []
n (-es/-) fire-dog, trivet, grate
brandóm [] m
(-es/-as) metallic oxide, rust [rubigo]
brandrád [] f
(-e/-a) fire-dog, trivet
brandrida []
m (-n/-n) fire-grate
[] adj high-prowed? [listed as ~stæfn]
brang past 3rd sing of bringan
[] adj deep, steep, high
brasian see bræsian
brastlian []
wv/t2 to roar, rustle, crackle
brastlung []
f (-e/-a) crackling, rustling, crashing
bratt [] m
(-es/-as) cloak
bræc [] 1.
? (-?/-?)
a strip of untilled land?; 2. see past 3rd sing of brecan;
3. see bréc nom/acc pl of bróc 1
brǽc [] 1.
1 n (-es/-) catarrh, cough; 2. f (-e/-a)
breaking, destruction; 3. see bréc nom/acc pl of bróc 1
bræcce [] ? (-?/-?)
breeches [L]
brǽccoðu [] f
(-e/-a) falling sickness, epilepsy
brǽcdrenc []
m (-es/-as) cough medicine
bræclian [] adj
to crackle, make a noise
brǽcon past pl of brecan
[] adj epileptic, lunatic
brǽd [] 1. f (-e/-a)
breadth, width; 2. f (-e/-a) flesh [OHG brat]; 3. m
(-es/-as) trick, fraud, deceit, craft; 4. past 3rd sing of bregdan;
5. present 3rd sing and pp of brǽdan
brǽd- see brægd-, bregd-
[] wv/t1b 1. to make broad, extend, spread, stretch out; be
extended, rise, grow; [brád]; 2. to roast, toast, bake, broil, cook
brǽde [] m
(-es/-as) roast meat
brǽdels see ofer~
[] f (-an/-an) frying-pan
brǽding [] 1.
f (-e/-a) extension; bedding, bed?;
2. f (-e/-a) roast meat
brǽdingpanne see brǽdepanne
brǽdra comparative of brád
brǽdu [] f
(-e/-a) breadth, width, extent
brægdan see bregdan
brægdboga []
m (-n/-n) deceitful bow
brægden [] 1.
adj 1 deceitful, crafty; adv ~líce [bregdan]; 2.
(-?/-?) fraud
brægdwís [] adj
crafty [wís]
brægen [] n
(-es/-) brain
[] f (-an/-an) brain-pan, skull
[] adj brain-sick, mad
brægn see brægen
brægnloca []
m (-n/-n) brain-house, head
brægpanne see brægenpanne
bræhtm see breahtm
bræmbel see brémel
brǽmel see brémel
brǽme see bréme
brǽr see brér
bræs [] n
(-es/brasu) brass, bronze
bræsen [] adj
brazen, of brass
bræsian [] wv/t2
to do work in brass, make of brass
bræsne see bresne
brǽþ [] m
(-es/-as) odor, scent, stink, exhalation, vapor
brǽw [] m
(-es/-as) eye-brow, eyelid
bréac past 3rd sing of brúcan
bread [] n
(-es/-ru) bit, crumb, morsel; bread
bréag see brǽw
breahtm [] 1.
m (-es/-as) cry, noise, revelry; 2. see bearhtm
[] wv/t2 to creak, resound
[] f (-e/-a) flickering (of the eyelids) [convolatus]
see bearhtmhwæt
breard see brerd
bréat- see bréot-
bréaþ [] adj
bréaw see brǽw
bréawern [] n
(-es/-) brew-house
bréc see bróc
bréc1 see brǽc1
brecan [] 1.
sv/t4 3rd
pres bricþ past bræc/brǽcon ptp gebrocen to break, shatter, burst, tear;
curtail, injure, violate, destroy, oppress; break into, rush into, storm,
capture (city); press, force; break or crash through, burst forth, spring out;
subdue, tame; 2. to roar?
bréchrægl []
n (-es/-) breeches
brecmǽlum see brytmǽlum
[] f (-se/-sa) breach
brecþ see ǽ~, eodor~
brecða [] m
(-n/-n) broken condition; módes ~ sorrow of heart
brecung [] f
(-e/-a) breaking
bred [] n
(-es/-u, breodu) surface; board, plank; table, tablet; þá stǽnenan bredu the tables of stone; lytle hús of bredum small
houses with tables, eating-houses, taverns
bred [] 1. see brýd; 2.
see brad; 3. see brǽd 3
bredan [] sv/t3
pres brideþ past bræd/brudon ptp gebroden, gebreden 1. to weave, braid, knit,
join together, draw, pluck; 2. to change, vary, transform
brédan [] wv/t1b
1. to produce, or cherish, a brood; 2. 1 see bregdan;
3. 1 see brǽdan1 and 2
breden [] adj
of boards, wooden
brédettan see brogdettan
brédingpanne see brǽdepanne
brédipanne see brǽdepanne
bredweall []
m (-es/-as) wall of boards, palisade
brég see brǽw
brega see bregu
brégan [] wv/t1b
to alarm, frighten, terrify; [brogan]
bregd see brǽd 3
bregdan [] sv/t3
pres brigdeþ past brægd/brugdon ptp gebrogden to move quickly, pull, shake,
swing, throw (wrestling), draw (Sword), drag; bend, weave, braid, knit, join
together; change color, vary, be transformed; bind, knot; sv/i3 to move,
be pulled; flash; up ~ bring up (a charge); ge~ scheme, feign,
pretend; ge~ draw breath, breathe
bregden see brægden
bregdende []
adj deceitful, cunning [bregdan]
bregen see brægen
[] adj terrible
brégh see brǽw
brégnes [] f
(-se/-sa) fear, terror
brego see bregu
[] m (-a/-a) ruler, chief, king, lord; ~ engla/mancynnes
[] n (-es/-u) kingdom
[] adj majestic, mighty
[] m (-es/-as) ruler’s seat, throne; rule, dominion
[] m (-es/-as) ruler, prince, lord
breht- see breaht-, beorht-,
brehtnian see bearhtmian
[] wv/t1b 1. 1 to honor, extol; respect, fulfill;
celebrate; [bréme]; 2. to rage
brémbel see brémel
brémber see brémel
[] 1. adj famous, glorious, noble; 2. adv
[] m (brémles/brémlas) brier, bramble, blackberry bush [bróm]
[] m (-æpples/æpplas) blackberry
[] f (-an/-an) blackberry
[] m (-es/-as) bramble-brier
[] n (-es/-) bramble-leaf
[] f (-e/-a) bramble-bark
[] m (-þýfles/-þýflas) a bramble-thicket
[] f (-an/-an) bramble-bush
[] m (-a/-a) a bramble-wood
brémen see bréme 1
[] adj noted
brémer see brémel
brémlas nom/acc pl of brémel
[] wv/t1a to rage, roar [Ger brummen]
[] f (-e/-a) roaring
3rd sing of brengan
brene see bryne
berneþ pres 3rd sing of bernan; pres 3rd
sing of brýnan
[] irreg wv/t1b to bring; produce
brengnes [] f
(-se/-sa) oblation; ge~ food, support
[] m (-es/-as) ship [brant]
breo- see bre-
bréo- see bré-
bréod see bréad
[] wv/t2 to cry out
[] wv/t2 to strike down, trample?
breoht- see bearht-, beorht-
[] m (-n/-n) gadfly
[] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) usu in pl
breast, bosom; stomach, womb; mind, thought, disposition; richness, fullness, plenteousness,
plenty, abundance, copiousness, fruitfulness, fertility, productiveness [ubertas], Of
mind, character, etc., richness, fullness, Of style or language, copiousness,
[] n (-es/-) breast-bone
bréostbeorg see bréostgebeorh
[] f (-ne/-na) breast
[] f (-e/-a) heart-care, anxiety
[] m (-n/-n) heart, affections
[] m (-gebéores/-gebéoras) bulwark
[] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) thought
bréostgehýd2 see bréostgehygd
[] m (-es/-as) thought, mind
[] n pl corselet
[] f (-e/-a) scepter?
[] n (-es/-) thought, mind
[] n (-es/-) stomacher
[] m (-n/-n) mind, soul
[] n (-es/-) coat of mail
[] n (-es/-u) tightness of chest
[] m (-es/-as) chest-clothing
[] m (-n/-n) mind, heart
[] m (-n/-n) chieftain
[] n (-es/-) region of the heart
[] m (-es/-as) pain in the chest
[] m (-es/-as) breastwork, rampart
[] f (-e/-a) breast-ornament
[] m (-es/-as) breast-fountain, teat; emotion, sorrow
Breot- see Bryt-
bréotan2 [] sv/t2 3rd pres bríeteþ past
bréat/bruton ptp gebroten to break in pieces, hew down,
demolish, destroy, kill
bréoðan [] sv/t2 3rd pres bríeðeþ past
bréaþ/bruðon ptp is gebroðen to decay, waste away
bréowan1 [] sv/t2 3rd pres bríewþ past
bréaw/bruwon ptp gebrowen to brew
bréowlác [] n
(-es/-) brewing
brér [] f
(-e/-a) brier, bramble
brerd [] m
(-es/-as) brim, margin, border, surface; shore, bank
brerdful [] adj
brérhlǽw [] m
(-es/-as) brier-hillock
brérþyrne []
f (-an/-an) brier-bush
brésan see brýsan
bresen see bræsen
[] adj mighty, strong
Bret see Bryt
bret- see bryt-
brét- see brýt-
brét pres 3rd sing of brédan,
bréþ see brǽþ
bréðel see bríðel
bréðer dative sing of bróðor
bréw see brǽw
bric- see bryc-
bríc- see brýc-
briceþ pres 3rd sing of brecan
bricst pres 2nd sing of brecan
brid see bridd
bríd see brýd
bridd [] m
(-es/-as) young bird, chicken
brídel [] m
(-es/-as) bridle, rein, curb, restraint
[] m (-es/-as) a bridle ornament
brídels [] m
(-es/-as) bridle, rein, curb, restraint
[] m (-es/-as) bridle-ring
[] m pl reins
briden see breden
brídgift see brýdgift
brídgifu see brýdgifu
[] wv/t2 to bridle, curb
briengan see bringan
brig see brycg
bríg see bríw
brigd [] n(-es/-)
change or play of colors [bregdan]
brigdils see brídels
briht- see beorht-, bierht-
[] n (-es/-u, breomu) surf, flood, wave, sea, ocean, water; sea-edge,
[] adj ocean-cold
brimclif [] n
(-es/-u, -cleofu) cliff by the sea
brimfaroþ []
n (-es/-) sea-shore
brimflód [] m
(-es/-as) flood, sea
brimfugol []
m (-fugles/fuglas) sea-bird, gull
brimgiest []
m (-es/-as) sailor
[] m (-es/-as) (sea-horse), ship
brimhlæst []
f (-e-/a) sea-produce, (fish)
[] f (-e/-a) flood-way, sea-way
[] m (-es/-) seafarer; pirate
[] m (-es/-menn) sailor, pirate
[] f (-e/-a) (sea-road), sea
brimsa? [] m
(-n/-n) gadfly?
brimstæþ [] n
(-es/-staðu) sea-shore
[] m (-es/-as) current, sea; rapid, river
[] m (-n/-n) ship
brimwísa [] m
(-n/-n) sea-king, captain
[] m (-a/-a) (sea-wood), ship
brimwulf [] m
(-es/-as) (she)-wolf of the sea or lake
brimwylm [] m
(-es/-as) ocean surge, sea-wave
bring [] m
(-es/-as) offering
bringádl [] f
(-e/-a) epilepsy?
[] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres bringeþ past bróhte ptp gebróht to bring, lead, bring forth, carry,
adduce, produce, present, offer; [also sv/t3 3rd pres bringeþ past
brang/brungon ptp gebrungen]
bringelle see on~
bríosa see bréosa
bríst pres 2nd sing of bregdan
brít pres 3rd sing of bregdan
brítst pres 2nd sing of bregdan
Brit- see Bryt-
brit- see bryt-
bríðel [] adj
fragile, weak
bríw [] m
(-es/-as) pottage, porridge
[] wv/t1b 3rd
pres bríwþ past bríwde ptp gebríwed to prepare food, cook, make
pottage; make a poultice
bríwþicce []
adj as thick as pottage
broc [] 1.
1 n (-es/-u) affliction, misery, care, toil, adversity; disease,
sickness; fragment; breach; [brecan]; 2. n (-es/-u) use, benefit;
3. n (-es/-u) a kind of locust?;
4. see brocc
bróc [] 1.
f (bróce/bréc) breeches; the breech?; dat bréc; 2.
m (-es/-as) brook, torrent
brocc [] m
(-es/-as) badger
broccen [] adj
of badger’s skin
brocchol [] n
(-es/-u) badger’s hole
broccian [] wv/t2
to tremble
brocen [] 1. past participle of brecan;
2. past participle of brúcan
brocenlic []
adj fragile
[] wv/t2 to crush, hurt, afflict, molest; blame [broc]
broclic [] adj
full of hardship
brócminte []
f (-an/-an) brookmint, horsemint
brócríþ [] f
(-e/-a), m (-es/-as) a tributary stream
brócséoc see brǽcséoc
brocung [] f
(-e/-a) affliction, sickness
brod [] ? (-?/-?)
shoot, sprout
bród [] f
(-e/-a) brood; foetus; breeding,
broddetan see brogdettan
broddian see bródian
bróden past part of brédan
[] n (-es/-) damascened sword
bróder see bróðor
bródet- see brogdet-
bródian [] wv/t2
to glitter, shine
bródig [] adj
bróga [] m
(-n/-n) terror, dread, danger; prodigy
brogden past participle of bregdan
brogdenmǽl see bródenmǽl
[] wv/t1b to shake, brandish; tremble, quake; glitter
[] f (-e/-a) trembling, shaking; figment, pretence
[] ?
(-?/-?) bough, bush, branch
broht [] adj
[viscellum]; see broð
bróht past participle of bringan
bróhton past participle of bringan
bróhþréa [] m (-n/-n) dire
calamity [brogan]
bróm [] m
(-es/-as) broom, brushwood
[] n (-nes/-nu) enclosure of broom
brómig [] adj
bron- see bran-
brond see brand, brant
brord [] m
(-es/-as) prick, point; blade (e.g., of grass or corn); herbage
[] wv/t2 to crumble, decay, fall to pieces, rot, wither, be corrupted
[] adj corruptible, perishable, transitory
[] f (-e/-a) decay, corruption, ruin
Broten see Bryten
broten past part of bréotan
brotettan []
wv/t1b to burst forth, shoot, sprout?
brótetung see brogdettung
broþ [] n
(-es/-u) broth [bréowan]
bróðar see bróðor
bróðer see bróðor
broþhund see roþhund
bróðor [] m (-/-) brother;
fellow-man; co-religionist; monk [pl bróðor1, bróðru1]
bróðorbana [] m (-n/-n) fratricide
bróðorcwealm [] m (-es/-as) fratricide
bróðordohter [] f (-/-) niece; [dat
~dehter; pl ~dohtor, ~dohtru, ~dohtra]
bróðorgyld [] n (-es/-) vengeance for brothers?
bróðorléas [] adj brotherless
bróðorlic [] adj brotherly
bróðorlícnes [] f (-se/-sa) brotherliness
bróðorlufu [] f (-e/-a) love
bróðorrǽden [] f (-ne/-na) fellowship, brotherhood;
membership of a brotherhood
bróðorscipe [] m (-s/-as) brotherliness,
love; ge~ brotherhood, fraternity
bróðorsibb [] f (-e/-a) kinship of
brothers; brotherly love
bróðorslaga [] m (-n/-n) brother-slayer
bróðorslege [] m (-s/-as) fratricide (act)
bróðorsunu [] m (-a/-a) brother’s son,
bróðorsybb see bróðorsibb
bróðorþínen see beorðorþínen
bróðorþínenu see beorðorþínen
bróðorwíf [] n (-es/-) brother’s wife,
bróðorwyrt [] f (-e/-e) pulegium, penny-royal
bróður see bróðor
brú [] f
(-we/-wa) brow, eyebrow, eyelid, eyelash; [gen pl brúna]
brúcan1 [] sv/t2 3rd pres brýcþ past
bréac/brucon ptp gebrocen to enjoy, brook, use, possess,
partake of, spend; brocen cyrtel a coat which has been worn; eat;
execute an office; cohabit with
[] adv serviceably
brúcung [] f
(-e/-a) function, occupation
brúdon past pl of brédan
brugdon past pl of bregdan
brúmiddel []
n (-middles/-) the space between the eyebrows [intercilium]
brún [] adj
brown, dark, dusky; having metallic luster, shining
brúna genitive pl of brú
[] f (-byrg/-byrg) Brunanburh, about five miles southwest of Durham, or
on the plain between the river Tyne and the Browney; [The world Brunan burh is
a pure Anglo-Saxon word, and signifies the castle of Bruna, though in a
charter of Athelstan, dated 978, the year after the battle, it is called
Bruninga Feld, the plain of the Brunings, or the descendants of Bruna
as –ing denotes.];
brúnbasu [] adj
brownish-purple (1)
brúnbeosu []
adj brownish-purple (3)
brúnbesu [] adj
brownish-purple (2)
[] adj with gleaming-blade
bruneða [] m
(-n/-n) itch, a reddish eruption on the skin, St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas [erysipelas]
brúnewyrt see brúnwyrt
brúnfág [] adj
burnished?, brown-hued?
brungen past participle of bringan
brungon past pl of bringan
brúnian [] wv/i2
to become brown
brunna see burna
brúnwann [] adj
brúwyrt [] f
(-e/-e) brownwort, water-betony, wood-betony
bruðon past pl of bréoðan
brúwa nom/acc pl of brú
[] 1. m (-es/-as) breach, fracture, breaking, infringement;
fragment; [brecan]; 2. adj fragile, brittle, worthless, fleeting;
3. n (-es/-u) use, enjoyment, service, exercise, advantage, gain,
profit, fruit
brýce [] adj
useful, profitable
brycel see hús~
bryceþ pres 3rd sing of brecan
brycg [] f
(-e/-a) bridge
brycgbót [] f
(-e/-a) repairing of bridges
[] n (-es/-) work of building or repairing bridges
brycgian [] wv/t2
to bridge, make a causeway, pave
[] m (-es/-as) keeper or defender of a bridge
[] adj pontifex
[] wv/t2 to use, enjoy; profit, benefit
[] wv/t2 to use, enjoy; profit, benefit
brycþ pres 3rd sing of brecan
brýcþ pres 3rd sing of brúcan
brýd [] 1.
f (-e/-e) bride, betrothed or newly-married woman, wife, consort; ~es
wǽde wedding garment; 2 (young) woman
bryd- see bred-
brýd- see bríd-
brýdan see bregdan
brýdbedd [] n
(-es/-) bridal bed
[] f (-e/-a) marriage blessing
brýdboda [] m
(-n/-n) paranymph, brides-man
brýdbúr [] n
(-es/-) bride-chamber, bed-chamber
brýdofa [] m
(-n/-n) bride-chamber, bed-chamber
brýde see un~
brýdeala [] n
(-oþ/-oþ) bride-ale, marriage-feast
brýdealoþ []
n (-es/-) bride-ale, marriage-feast
brýdelic see brýdlic
brýdgifta []
f pl betrothal, espousals
brýdgiefu []
f (-e/-a) dowry; pl espousals
brýdguma [] m
(-n/-n) bridegroom; suitor
brýdiguma []
m (-n/-n) bridegroom; suitor
brýdhlóp [] n
(-es/-) ceremony on conducting a bride to her new home, bridal, wedding
brýdhús [] n
(-es/-) bride-chamber
brýdlác [] n
(-es/-) bridal, wedded condition; pl marriage ceremony
brýdléoþ [] n
(-es/-) epithalamium
brýdlic [] adj
bridal; ~ gewrit Song of Solomon
brýdloca [] m
(-n/-n) bride-chamber
brýdlóp see brýdhlóp
brýdlufe [] f
(-an/-an) love of a bride
brýdniht [] f
(-e/-) wedding-night; [gen/dat sing ~e; gen/dat pl ~a/~um]
brýdræst [] f
(-e/-a) bridal bed
brýdréaf [] n
(-es/-) wedding garment
brýdsang [] m
(-es/-as) epithalamium
brýdsceamol? [] m
(-es/-as) bridal bed
brýdþing [] n
pl nuptials
brygc see brycg
brygd [] 1.
m (-es/-as) drawing out, unsheathing, brandishing; 2. see brǽd
bryht see beorht
bryhtan see bierhtan
[] wv/t1b to seize property improperly held by another
brym [] m
(-es/-as) surf, sea
brymm [] m
(-es/-as) surf, sea
brým- see brém-
brýnan [] wv/t1b
to make brown?
bryne [] m
(-es/-as) burning, conflagration; fire, flame, heat; inflammation, burn, scald;
torch; fervor, passion [beornan]
brýne [] f
(-an/-an) brine
bryneádl [] f
(-e/-a) fever
[] m (-n/-n) fire-terror
[] m (-es/-as) burnt-offering
brynehát [] adj
burning hot
[] m (-n/-n) fire-gleam, flame
brynenes [] f
(-se/-sa) hard, fiery trial
brynetéar []
m (-es/-as) hot tear
[] m (-es/-as) wave of fire, flame, burning hear
bryngan see bringan
brynig [] adj
fiery, burning
brynstán [] m
(-es/-as) brimstone
bryrd see brerd
bryrdan [] wv/t1b
to urge on, incite, encourage [brord]
bryrdnes [] f
(-se/-sa) incitement, instigation; compunction
[] wv/t1b to bruise, crush, pound; season
[] wv/t1b to bruise, crush, pound; season
brýsewyrt []
f (-e/-e) daisy, soap-wort
brystmian see brytsnian
brýt pres 3rd sing of bréotan
Bryt [] m
(-es/-as) Briton; Breton
bryta see brytta
[] wv/t1b to crush, pound; ge~ break up, destroy
brytednes see for~
Bryten [] f
(-e/-a) Britain
bryten [] adj
spacious, roomy
[] m (-es/-as) powerful king
[] m (-es/-as) broad earth
Brytenland [] n (-es/-) Britain; Wales
[] n (-es/-u) 1. spacious kingdom; 2. kingdom of Britain
[] m (-n/-n) wielder of Britain, Bretwalda, chief king
[] m (-n/-n) wielder of Britain, Bretwalda, chief king
[] m pl spacious plains, the world
brýtest pres 2nd sing of bréotan
brytian see bryttian
brýting [] f
(-e/-a) breaking (of bread)
Brytland see Brytenland
Brytlond see Brytenland
brytmǽlum []
adv piecemeal
brytnere [] m
(-es/-as) steward
[] wv/t2 to divide, distribute, dispense, administer
brytnung [] f
(-e/-a) distribution
Bryton see Bryten
[] f (-e/-a) fragment
brytsnian []
wv/t2 to parcel out, distribute; ge~ enjoy, possess
brýtst pres 2nd sing of bréotan
Brytt- see Bryt-
[] m (-n/-n) dispenser, giver, author, governor, prince; sinces ~
treasure-giver, lord [bréotan]
Bryttas [] m
pl Britons; Bretons
bryttian1 [] wv/t2 to divide,
dispense, distribute; rule over, possess, enjoy rhe use of
Bryttisc [] adj
[] m pl Britons of Wales
Brytwalas []
m pl Britons of Wales
[] adj British, Welsh
bryðen [] f
(-ne/-na) brewing, drink [broð]
brýwlác see bréowlác
bú [] 1.
n (-es/bý) dwelling [Ger bau]; 2. see bá, bégen
[] irreg v/i 3rd
pres búeþ past búde ptp gebúen/gebún to stay, dwell, live; lie (of
land); v/t inhabit, occupy; cultivate
búc [] m
(-es/-as) belly, stomach; pitcher; beaver (of
bucc [] m
(-es/-as) belly, stomach; pitcher; beaver (of
bucca [] m
(-n/-n) buck, he-goat, male deer
bucheort [] ? (-?/-?)
a kind of stag with a beard like a goat, perh. the horse-stag [a tragelaph]
buclic [] adj
like a goat (gloss to tragicus)
budda [] m
(-n/-n) beetle
búde past 3rd sing of búan
budon past pl of béodan
búdon past pl of búan
búend [] m
(-es/-) dweller, inhabitant
buf [] interj
bufan [] 1.
prep w.d. over, above; w.a. on, upon, above; 2. adv
above, overhead, before
[] adj above-mentioned
bufannemd []
adj above-mentioned
[] adj above-mentioned
bufon see bufan
búg- see bú-
[] 1. sv/t2 3rd pres býgþ past béag/bugon ptp gebogen to bow, bow down, turn, bend,
stoop, sink; submit, give way; depart, flee, retire; join, go over to; convert;
2. see búan
búgol see béogol
búh imperative of búgan
búian see búan
búl see búla
búl [] m
(-es/-as) bracelet, necklace, brooch [býl]
búla [] m
(-n/-n) bracelet, necklace, brooch [býl]
bula [] m
(-n/-n) bull, steer
[] adj wearing an ornament
bulentse [] f
(-an/-an) a plant
Bulgarisc []
adj Bulgarian
bulgon past pl of belgan
bulluc [] m
(-es/-as) male calf, bullock
bulot [] ? (-?/-?)
ragged robin, cuckoo-flower
bulut [] ? (-?/-?)
ragged robin, cuckoo-flower
bún see búan
bund [] f? (-e/-a) bundle
búnda see bónda
bunden past participle of bindan
bundon past plural of bindan
[] adj with bounden tresses
[] adj (ship) with an ornamented prow
bune [] 1.
2 f (-an/-an) cup, beaker, drinking vessel; 2. reed, cane?
búr [] n
(-es/-) bower, apartment, chamber; cottage, dwelling [búan]
[] m (-es/-as) freeholder of the lowest class, peasant, farmer
búrbyrde [] adj
of peasant birth
búrcniht [] n
(-es/-) chamberlain, eunuch
búrcot [] n
(-es/-u) bed-chamber
burg [] f
(byrg/byrg) a dwelling or dwellings within a fortified enclosure, fort, castle;
borough, walled town; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge;
dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig;
gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]
burg- see burh-, beorg-
burgágend []
m (-es/-) city-owner
burgat see burggeat
[] m (-es/-as) bishop of a city
burgbót [] f
(-e/-a) liability for repair of the walls of a town or fortress
burgbryce []
m (-es/-as) breaking into a (fortified) dwelling; penalty for that
[] m (-es/-as) burgomaster, mayor
burgen see byrgen
burgende? [] m
(-es/-as) city boundary
[] n pl peasant’s rights or dues
[] n (-es/-) pavilion, tent
[] n (-nes/-nu) fortress
burgfolc [] n
(-es/-) townspeople
burggeard []
m (-es/-as) castle yard
burggeat [] n
(-es/-gatu) castle gate, city gate
burggemet []
n (-es/-u, -gemeotu) measure used in a town
burggemót []
n (-es/-) town’s meeting
[] m (-n/-n) chief magistrate of a town, provost, mayor
[] n pl town due
[] f (-e/-a) town council (as judicial body)
burghege [] m
(-es/-as) fence of a ‘burg’
[] n (-es/-hleoðu) fortress-height
burglagu [] f
(-e/-a) civil law
burgland [] n
(-es/-) native city
burgléod [] m
(-es/-as) citizen
burgléoda []
m (-n/-n) citizen
[] m (-n/-n) fortified enclosure, walled town
burgmann [] m
(-es/-menn) citizen
burgon past pl of beorgan
burgræced []
n (-es/-) fortress
burgrǽden []
f (-ne/-na) citizenship
burgrest [] f
(-e/-a) chamber-couch
burgriht [] n
(-es/-) town right, town law
burgrún [] f
(-e/-a) fury, sorceress
burgrún [] f
(-e/-a) sorceress; pl fates, furies
burgrúne [] f
(-an/-an) fury, sorceress
[] n (-es/-salu) city-hall, house
burgsǽta [] m
(-n/-n) town-dweller, citizen
burgscipe []
m (-es/-as) borough
[] m (-es/-as) township, civil district
burgscír [] f
(-e/-a) city limits, city, township
burgsele [] m
(-es/-as) castle-hall, house
[] m pl city-dwellers
burgsorg see borgsorg
burgsprǽc []
f (-e/-a) courtly speech
[] m (-es/-staðelas) foundation of the wall of a ‘burg’
[] m (-es/-as) citadel?, city?
[] m (-es/-as) city, castle
burgstrǽt []
f (-e/-a) town road
burgþegn [] m
(-es/-as) living in a ‘burg’; or = búrþegn?
burgþelu [] f
(-e/-a) castle floor
burgtún [] m
(-es/-as) city
burgwaran []
f pl inhabitants of a ‘burg’, burghers, citizens
burgwaras []
m pl inhabitants of a ‘burg’, burghers, citizens
burgware [] m
pl inhabitants of a ‘burg’, burghers, citizens
burgwaru [] f
pl inhabitants of a ‘burg’, burghers, citizens
[] m (-es/-menn) burgess
[] m (-n/-n) burgess
burgweall []
m (-es/-as) city-wall
[] m (-es/-as) city defender
burgweg [] m
(-es/-as) road, street
burgwela [] m
(-n/-n) treasure of a city
burgwelle []
f (-an/-an) spring in a ‘burg’?
burgwerod []
n (-es/-) townsfolk
[] m (-es/-) warrior
burgwita [] m
(-n/-n) town councilor
burh see burg
[] m (-es/-as) bishop of a city
burhbót [] f
(-e/-a) liability for repair of the walls of a town or fortress
[] m (-es/-as) burgomaster, mayor
burhgeard []
m (-es/-as) castle yard
burhgemet []
n (-es/-u, -gemeotu) measure used in a town
burhgemót []
n (-es/-) town’s meeting
[] m (-n/-n) chief magistrate of a town, provost, mayor
[] n pl town due
[] f (-e/-a) town council (as judicial body)
burhmann [] m
(-es/-menn) citizen
burhrǽden []
f (-ne/-na) citizenship
burhrest [] f
(-e/-a) chamber-couch
burhriht [] n
(-es/-) town right, town law
burhrún [] f
(-e/-a) fury, sorceress
burhrúne [] f
(-an/-an) fury, sorceress
[] m (-es/-as) township, civil district
burhscír [] f
(-e/-a) city limits, city, township
burhsprǽc []
f (-e/-a) courtly speech
[] m (-es/-staðelas) foundation of the wall of a ‘burg’
burhþegn [] m
(-es/-as) living in a ‘burg’; or = búrþegn?
[] m (-es/-menn) burgess
[] m (-n/-n) burgess
[] m (-es/-as) city defender
burhwela [] m
(-n/-n) treasure of a city
burhwelle []
f (-an/-an) spring in a ‘burg’?
burhwerod []
n (-es/-) townsfolk
burhwita [] m
(-n/-n) town councilor
búrland [] n
(-es/-) land occupied by peasants
burn [] f
(-e/-a) brook, stream; spring or well water (1)
burna [] m
(-n/-n) brook, stream; spring or well water (2)
burne [] f
(-an/-an) brook, stream; spring or well water (3)
burnon past pl of biernan
burnsele [] m
(-es/-as) bath-house
burnstów [] f? (-e/-a) bathing-place
búrréaf [] n
(-es/-) tapestry (for a ‘búr’)
búrscipe see burhscipe
burse [] f
(-an/-an) bag, pouch
burston past pl of berstan
búrþegn [] m
(-es/-as) page, chamberlain (1)
búrþén [] m (-es/-as) page,
chamberlain (2)
burðre [] f
(-an/-an) birth, issue
buruh see burg
búst [] pres 2nd sing of búan
bút [] m
(-es/-as) a vessel
búta [] 1. see bútan; 2.
see bútú
bútan [] 1.
prep w.d. (rarely w.a.) out of, outside of, off, round about; except,
without, all but, but only; besides, in addition to; in spite of; 2. conj
w.ind. except except that, but, only; ~ þæt except; w.subj.
unless, save that; w.noun. except, but, besides, if only, provided that;
3. adv without, outside
búte [] 1. see bútan; 2.
see bútú
butere [] f
(-an/-an) butter; milk for butter-making [L]
[] f (-an/-an) butterfly (2)
[] f (-an/-an) butterfly (1)
[] n (-es/-) butter-curd, butter
buteric see butruc
[] m (-n/-n) butter-vessel; churn?
buteruc see butruc
búton see bútan
butre see butere
butruc [] m
(-es/-as) (leather) bottle
butsecarl []
m (-es/-as) boatman, mariner
buttorfléoge see buterfléoge
buttuc [] m
(-es/-as) end, small piece of land
bútú [] neuter
adj both; (bútwu, búta, búte); see bégen
butueoh see betwux
bútun see bútan
buturuc see butruc
bútwú see bútú
búwan see búan
bý see bú
býan see búan
byccen [] adj
of a goat, goat’s
býcera [] m see béocere
[] irreg wv/t1b 3rd pres bygþ past bóhte ptp gebóht to buy, pay for, acquire; redeem,
ransom; procure, get done; sell
bycgend see beccen
býcn- see béacn-, bíecn-
byd- see bed-, bid-
býd- see bíd-
bydel [] m
(-es/-as) beadle, apparitor, warrant officer; herald, forerunner; preacher
bydelæcer []
m (-es/-as) land of a ‘bydel’
byden [] f
(-e/-a) measure, bushel; bucket, barrel, vat, tub [Low L butina; Ger bütte]
bydenbotm []
m (-es/-as) bottom of a vessel
bydenfæt [] n
(-es/-fatu) bushel, barrel
býdla [] m
(-n/-n) worshipper
býencg see býing
býend see búend
byf- see bif-, beof-
byffan see á~
byg- see big, bé-, bí-,
býg- see big, bé-, bí-,
býgan see bíegan
byge [] m
(-es/-as) curve, bend, corner, angle, cone (of a helmet); traffic, commerce
býgel see béogol
býgle see béogol
bygen [] f
(-ne/-na) purchase
bygendlic []
adj easily bent, flexible
bygeþ pres 3rd sing of bycgan
býgeþ pres 3rd sing of búan
byht [] 1.
m (-es/-as) 1 bend, angle, corner; bay, bight; [búgan]; 2.
2 n (-es/-) dwelling [búan]
býhþ pres 3rd sing of búgan
býing see bú 1
býl [] m (-es/-as) boil, carbuncle; bile
býle [] f (-an/-an)
boil, carbuncle; bile
bylcettan see bealcettan
byld1 see bieldu
bylda [] m
(-n/-n) builder, householder [bold]
byldan [] 1.
wv/t1b to build, construct; 2. see bieldan
byldu see bieldu
byldo see bieldu
býle see býl
[] adj puff-breasted
bylewit see bilewit
bylg see belg
bylgan [] wv/t1b
to bellow
bylgþ pres 3rd sing of belgan
bylig see belg, bylg
býliht [] adj
bylwet see bilewit
bylwit see bilewit
bylywit see bilewit
býme see bíeme
býmere [] m
(-es/-as) trumpeter
[] m (-es/-as) trumpeter
býmian [] wv/t2
to blow the trumpet; trumpet forth
bynd see bind
byndele see bindele
byndelle see bindele
býne [] adj
cultivated, inhabited, occupied
byrc see beorc
byrce see beorce
byrcþ pres 3rd sing of beorcan
byrd [] 1.
f (-e/-a) birth (pl with singular meaning); 2. f
(-e/-a) burden
byrdan see an~, geed~
byrde [] adj
of high rank, well-born, noble, rich
byrden see byrðen
byrdestre []
f (-an/-an) embroiderer
byrdicge [] f
(-an/-an) embroideress
byrdinenu see byrðþinenu
byrdling [] m
(-es/-as) offspring
byrdlung [] f
(-e/-a) tortoise
byrdlung see in~, frum~
byrdscipe []
m (-es/-as) child-bearing
byrdung [] f
(-e/-a) embroidering
byrdung see hyse~
byre [] 1.
2 m (-es/-as, -) child, son, descendant; young man, youth
[beran]; 2. m (-es/-as) mound; 3. 1 m
(-es/-as) time, opportunity; occurrence; 4. m (-es/-as) strong
býre [] n
(-es/-u) stall, shed, hut
byrele [] m
(-es/-as), f (-an/-an) cup-bearer, butler, steward
byrelian [] wv/t2
to give to drink, serve with drink
byren [] 1.
f (-e/-a) she-bear; [bera]; 2. see beren
býren see néahge~
byrene [] 1.
f (-an/-an) she-bear; [bera]; 2. see beren
byres [] f
(-e/-a) borer, graving tool, awl, chisel
byreþ [] 1. see bierþ pres
3rd sing of beran; 2. pres 3rd sing
of byrian 1
byrg gen, dat singular and nom/acc pl
of burg
byrg- see byrig-, birg-
byrga [] m
(-n/-n) security, surety, bail, one who gives bail [Ger bürge]
[] 1. wv/t1b to raise a mound, hide, bury, inter; 2. see birgan;
3. see beorgan
byrgels [] m
(-es/-as) tomb
[] n (-es/-) epitaph
[] m (es/-as) dirge; epitaph
byrgen [] f
(-ne/-na) burying-place, grave, sepulcher; burial; [beorgan]
byrgend [] m
(-es/-) grave-digger
[] n (-es/-) epitaph
[] m (-es/-as) dirge
[] f (-e/-a) burying-place
byrgere [] m
(-es/-as) corpse-bearer
byrgian see byrgan
byrgung [] 1.
f (-e/-a) burial; 2. see birging
byrgléoþ [] n
(-es/-) dirge, epitaph
byrht see beorht
byrht- see beorht-, bierht-
byrhtm see breahtm
[] 1. wv/t1a 3rd pres byreþ past byrede ptp gebyred impersonal to happen,
pertain to, belong to, befit; 2. see byrgan
byric see beorc
byrig see burg, and gen/dat
sing of burg
byrig- see byrg-, burh-
[] f (-an/-an) mulberry
byrignes [] 1. f
(-se/-sa) burial; grave; 2. see birgnes
býrild see néahge~
byris see byres
byrisang [] m
(-es/-as) dirge
byrl- see byrel-
byrla [] m
(-n/-n) trunk (of body)
byrnan see biernan
byrne [] 1.
f (-an/-an) corselet; 2. see burne, burn; 3.
see bryne
byrnete [] f
(-an/-an) barnacle
[] m (-es/-as) corselet
[] m (-n/-n) corselet
[] n (-es/-) flaming sword
[] m (-n/-n) corseleted warrior
[] m (-es/-) corseleted warrior
[] m (-es/-) corseleted warrior
byrs see byres
byres see byres
byrst [] 1.
m (-es/-as) loss, calamity, injury, damage, defect; crash; [berstan]; 2.
n (-es/-) (land)-slip; 3. f (-e/-a) bristle; 4. pres
3rd sing of berstan; 5. pres 2nd
sing of beran
byrstende []
adj roaring, rumbling, calling aloud [rugiens?];
pres participle of berstan
byrstful [] adj
byrstig [] adj
broken, rugged [berstan]
byrþ pres 3rd sing of beran
byrðen [] f
(-ne/na) burden, load, weight; charge, duty
[] adv a heap at a time
[] adj burdensome
[] m (-es/-as) millstone
[] adj strong at carrying burdens; cmp ~strengra; spl
byrðere see byrðre
byrðestre []
f (-an/-an) female carrier
byrðincel []
n (-incles/-inclu) a little burden
byrðling [] m
(-es/-as) carrier
byrðor see beorðor
byrðre [] 1.
m (-es/-as) bearer, supporter; [beran]; 2. f (-an/-an)
child-bearer, mother
[] f (-e/-a) midwife
bysceop see bisceop
byseg- see bysg-
bysen see bisen
bysig- see bisg-
bysg- see bisg-
bysmer see bismer
bysmor see bismer
bysmr- see bismr-
bysn see bisen
byst see bist pres 2nd
sing of béon
býstung [] f
(-e/-a) beestings [béost]
byt [] 1. see bit pres
3rd sing of biddan; 2. see bytt
být [] 1. pres 3rd
sing of béodan; 2. pres 3rd sing of béatan
býtel see bíetl
býtl see bíetl
byter see biter
bytla2 see bylda
bytlan [] wv/t1b
to build, erect [botl]
[] wv/t2 to build, erect [botl]
[] f (-e/-a) building
bytme [] f? (-an/-an) keel; head of a dale
bytmung [] f
(-e/-a) hold, keel of a ship
bytne see bytme
býtst pres 2nd sing of béatan
and béodan
bytt [] 1.
f (-e/-a) bottle, flagon; cask; 2. small piece of land; 3.
pres 3rd sing of biddan
bytte see bytt 1
byttehlid []
n (-es/-u, -hleodu) butt-lid
[] f (-e/-a) filling of casks
byþ see biþ, pres 3rd
sing of béon
býþ pres 3rd sing of búan
byðme see bytme
býwan [] wv/t1b
to rub, brighten, furbish up, adorn
byxen [] adj made of boxwood [box]