ǽ- [] accented verb prefix 1. without; 2. see į-

ǽ [] f (-/-) 1. law (divine or human), statute, custom, rite, covenant, marriage; butan ~ outlaw; 1a. scriptures, revelation; Crķstes ~ gospel; 2. matrimony, marriage; on rihtre ~we in lawful marriage; 2a. (lawful) wife; 3. rite, ceremony; 4. faith, religion; unrihte ~ false religion; 5. see éa;

ǽ [] f (-/-) life

ǽ [] interj oh!, alas!

ǽ see éa

ǽa [] 1. see éa 1; 2. gen pl of ǽ;

ǽal- see eal-

ǽalį [] interj see éalį; O!, alas!

ǽar- see éar-

ǽbǽr [] adj clear and evident by proof, manifest, apparent, notorious

ǽbǽre [] adj manifest, notorious, public, open, evident, clear

ǽbǽremorž [] n (-es/-) open murder, manslaughter

Ębban dśn [] m (-es/-as) Abingdon, in Berkshire; [Ębba’s or Ębbe’s down or hill]

Ębbercurnig [] n (-es/-) Abercorn, a monastery that is on the south coast of the Frith of Forth, and at the mouth of the river Carron, where the Roman wall of Severus began, and extended to the Frith of Clyde.

ębbung f (-e/-a) ebbing; see ebbung;

ǽbebod [] n (-es/-u) injunction of the law, command, law

ǽbéc [] f pl books of the law, law books

ǽbér [] adj clear and evident by proof, manifest, apparent, notorious

ǽbére see ǽbǽre

ǽbesn see ǽfesn

ǽbilg- see ǽbylg

ǽbili(g)- see ǽbylg

ǽblǽc- see įblǽc-

ǽblǽc [] adj pale, wan, whitish, bleak

ǽblécing [] f (-e/-a) paleness

ǽblǽce [] adj lusterless, pale, pallid

ǽblǽcnes [] f (-se/-sa) paleness; pallor

ǽbléc see ǽblǽc

ǽblécing see ǽblǽcing

ǽbod [] m (-es/-as) business; statute

ǽboda [] m (-n/-n) messenger, preacher, a messenger of the law

ǽbręce see ǽwbręce

ǽbreca see ǽwbreca

ǽbrecž [] f (-e/-a) sacrilege

ǽbrucol [] adj sacrilegious

ębs [] f? (-e/-a) fir tree [L: abies]

ǽbylg see ǽbylgž

ǽbylga [] m (-n/-n) anger

ǽbylgan1 [] wv/t1b to exasperate, offend, make angry

ǽbylgnes [] f (-se/-sa) anger, offence

ǽbylgž [] f (-e/-a) anger, an offence, fault, scandal, wrong, wrath, indignation

ǽbylgžu [] f (-e/-a) anger, an offence, fault, scandal, wrong, wrath, indignation

ǽbylig- see ǽbylg-

ǽbylignes [] f (-se/-sa) indignation, wrath

ǽbylž see ǽbylgž

ǽbylygž see ǽbylgž

ǽc 1. see įc f; 2. see éac; also

ǽcambe see įcumbe

ǽcan see ķecan

ǽcan [] wv/t1b to eke

ęcced [] n (-es/-) vinegar

ǽccyrn see ęcern

ęce see ece, ķce

ǽce see ece, ķce

ǽce [] adj eternal

ęced see eced

ęced [] n (-es/-) vinegar

ęcedfęt [] n (-es/-fatu) vinegar-vessel, acid-bath

ęcedwķn [] m (-es/-as) acid-wine

ǽcélan see įcélan

ęcelma [] m (-n/-n) chilblain

ǽcelmehte [] adj having chilblains

ǽcen [] 1. adj a wood of oaks; 2. adj oaken; 3. see éacen, ptp éacan

ęcer [] m (-es/-as) 1. a field, land, what is sown, sown land, cultivated land; 2. a definite quantitiy of land, in Anglo-Saxon times, a yoke of oxen could plough in a day, an acre, (4840 square yards), a certain quantity of land, strip of plough-land; 3. crop

ęcerceorl [] m (-es/-as) rustic, ploughman, farmer, field-churl, armer

ęceren see ęcern

ęcerhege [] m (-es/-as) hedge of a field

ęcermǽlum [] adv by acres

ęcermann [] m (-es/-menn) farmer, field-man

ęcern [] n (-es/-) nut, mast of trees, the corn or fruit of an oak; acorn; [see įccorn]

ęcernspranca [] m (-n/-n) young shoots springing up from acorns, saplings, the holm oak, scarlet oak, oak sapling?

ęcersǽd [] n (-es/-) seed enough for an acre?

ęcersplott [] m (-es/-as) an acre

ęcerspranca [] m (-n/-n) young shoots springing up from acorns, saplings, the holm oak, scarlet oak

ęcertéošung [] f (-e/-a) tithe of the produce of the soil

ęcertżning [] f (-e/-a) fencing

ęcerweg [] m (-es/-as) a field-road

ęcerweorc [] n (-es/-) field-work

ęces see ęx

ęcest, ęcež 2nd and 3rd person present of acan

ǽcilma see ǽcelma

ǽcin [] ? (-?/-?) a kind of law?; a tablet of the law

ęcirn see ęcern

ǽclǽca see įglǽca

ǽcléaw see ǽgléaw

ǽcnósle [] adj degenerate, not noble; ge~iende degenerating

ǽcręft2 [] m (-es/-as) knowledge of law or ordinances, religion, law-craft and its results

ǽcręftig [] adj learned in the law, law-crafty; noun one skilled in law, lawyer, scribe, Pharisee

ęcras pl of ęcer

ęcren see ęcern

ęcs [] f (-e/-a) axe, pickaxe, hatchet

ęcst, ęcž 2nd and 3rd person present of acan

ǽcumba see įcumba

ęcur see ęcer

ǽcyrf [] m (-es/-as) that which is cut off, a fragment, piece, (wood) choppings

ęd see ęt

ęd- [] verb prefix see ed-; anew, again

ǽdderseax see ǽdreseax

ǽddre see ǽdre

ędfęst see éadfęst

ǽdr see ǽdre

ǽdre [] f (-an/-an) 1. a channel for liquids, an artery, a vein, runlet of water, fountain, spring, stream, river, a channel for fluids; 1a. in reference to living things; 2. a nerve, sinew, kidney; 3. vein, kidney; in pl veins;

ǽdre [] adv 1. at once, directly, instantly, forthwith, quickly; 2. 2 fully, entirely [OS įdro]

ǽdregeard [] n (-es/-) the enclosure of arteries, the body

ǽdreseax [] n (-es/-) lancet, vein-knife

ǽdreweg [] m (-es/-as) a drain way, vein, artery

ǽdrķfan see įdrķfan

ǽdsceaft see edsceaft

Ędwines clif [] n (-es/-cliofu) Edwin’s cliff

ędwist see edwist

ędwķt see edwķt

ędwķtan see edwķtan

ǽfęst [] adj upright, pious, devout, religious, bound by the law, fast or firm in observing the law; married

ęfęst see ęfest

ǽfęst see ęwfest

ǽfęsten [] n (-nes/-nu) legal or public fast, fixed fast

ǽfęstlic [] adj lawful; religious; adv ǽwfęstlķce

ǽfęstlķce [] adv religiously

ǽfęstmann [] m (-es/-menn) a man bound by law, a married man

ǽfęstnes [] f (-se/-sa) religion, piety, firmness in the law

ęfdęll see ofdęle

ęfdell see ofdęle

ęfdżne [] m (-es/-as) declivity

ǽfelle [] adj without skin, peeled, skinned, barked

ęfen see efen

ǽfen [] m (-es/-as), n (-es/-) even, evening, eventide; eve; tó ~es till evening

ǽfencollatio [] f? (-nis/-?) the collatio read before compline

ǽfendréam [] m (-es/-as) even song

ǽfengebed [] n (-es/-u) evening prayer, evening service

ǽfengereord [] n (-es/-u) evening meal, supper (often used in pl of one meal)

ǽfengereordian [] wv/t2 3rd pres ǽfengereordaž past ǽfengereordode ptp ǽfengereordod to sup, give supper to, take supper

ǽfengereordung [] f (-e/-a) supper

ǽfengeweorc [] n (-es/-u) evening work

ǽfengiefl [] n (-es/-) evening repast, evening food, supper

ǽfengiefl [] n (-es/-) evening repast, evening food, supper

ǽfenglóm [] m (-es/-as) gloaming, twilight, evening gloom

ǽfenglóma [] m (-n/-n) gloaming, twilight, evening gloom

ǽfenglómung [] f (-e/-a) gloaming, twilight

ǽfengrom [] adj fierce at eve, fierce in the evening

ǽfenhlytta [] m (-n/-n) fellow, consort, companion or mate

ǽfenhrepsung [] f (-e/-a) the evening close

ǽfenian see ęfnian

ǽfenlįc [] n (-es/-) evening sacrifice, evening prayer

ęfenlǽcan see efenlǽcan

ǽfenlǽcan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ǽfenlǽcež past ǽfenlǽhte ptp ǽfenlǽht to grow towards evening

ęfenlǽcend see efenlǽcend

ǽfenléoht [] n (-es/-) evening light

ǽfenléož2 [] n (-es/-) evening song

ǽfenlic [] adj of the evening, vespertine; adv ǽfenlķce

ǽfenlof [] n (-es/-u) lauds (service)

ǽfenmete [] m (-es/-mettas) supper, evening meat

ǽfenoffrung [] f (-e/-a) evening sacrifice

ǽfenrǽding [] f (-e/-a) reading (during the evening meal at a monastery), collatio

ǽfenrepsung [] f (-e/-a) nightfall

ǽfenręst see ǽfenrest

ǽfenrest [] f (-e/-a) evening rest

ǽfenrima [] m (-n/-n) twilight

ǽfensang [] m (-es/-as) evensong, vespers

ǽfenscop [] m (-es/-as) evening singer, bard [from scop]

ǽfenscķma [] m (-n/-n) evening splendor

ǽfensprǽc [] f (-e/-a) evening talk, evening speech

ǽfensteorra [] m (-n/-n) the evening star, Hesperus

ǽfentķd [] f (-e/-e) eventide, evening

ǽfentķma [] m (-n/-n) eventide, evening time

ǽfenžegnung [] f (-e/-a) evening service or duty; evening repast, supper

ǽfenžénung see ǽfenžegnung

ǽfenžéowdóm [] m (-es/-as) evening service or office

ǽfentungol [] n (-tungles/-) the evening star, Hesperus

ǽfenung see ǽfnung

ǽfer see ǽfre

ǽferše [] f (-an/-an) name of a plant

ęfes- see efes-

ęfesa? m see ęfesn

ęfese [] f see ęfesn

ǽfesian [] wv/t2 to shear

ęfesn [] f (-e/-a) relish, dainty, special pasturage, pannage; the charge for special pasturage, the charge for pigs going into the wood to fatten on acorn

ęfesen [] f (-e/-a) relish, dainty, special pasturage, pannage; the charge for special pasturage, the charge for pigs going into the wood to fatten on acorn

ęfesne see ępsen

ǽfest see ǽwfest

ęfest see ofést

ęfest- see ofést-

ęfestlķce see ofostlķce, ǽfęstlķce

Ęffric [] 1. adj African; 2. ~a m (-n/-n) African

ęfgęlž [] f (-e/-a) superstition

ęfgeréfa [] m (-n/-n) exactor

ęfgrynde [] n (-es/-u) abyss

ęfhynde see ofhende

ęfian [] wv/i2 to be in a miserable condition

ęfisc see efesc

ęflįst see oflįst

ęfnan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ęfnež past ęfnde ptp geęfned to carry out, do, perform, execute, labor, show, fulfill; cause; endure, suffer; ge~ to hold, sustain

ęfne see efne

ęfne [] interj behold!; variant of efne

ǽfnian1 [] wv/t2 3rd pres ǽfnaž past ǽfnode ptp geǽfnod to grow towards evening

ǽfnung [] f (-e/-a) evening, sunset

ǽfre [] adv ever, at any time; always, constantly, perpetually; henceforth; ne ~, ~ ne never (see nǽfre); ~ tó alder for ever; ~ ǽlc, ~ ǽnig any at all

ęfreda [] m (-n/-n) what is taken or separated from

ǽfrelķce [] adv in perpetuity

ǽfremmende [ę·frem·men·de] adj pious, religious, fulfilling the law

ęfse [] 1. see efse; 2. see ębs

ęfsecgan [] wv/t3 to confute

ęfst see ęfest

ǽfstian [] wv/t2 3rd pres ǽfstaž past ǽfstode ptp ǽfstod to hasten

ęfstig [] adj envious, emulous

ęfsweorc [] m (-es/-as) pasturage

ęft see eft

ęft [] adv aft, behind; astern, afterwards, again

ęftan [] adv from behind, behind, in the rear

ęftanweard [] adj behind, in the rear, following, coming after

ęftbeteht see eftbetǽht

ęftemest [] adj last, hindmost, aftermost; spl of ęfter;

ęftentķd [] f (-e/-e) evening, eventide

ęfter [] 1. prep w.d.i. (local and temporal) after, along, behind; extension through space or time along, through, throughout, during; mode or manner (causal) following, in consequence of, according to, for the purpose of, by means of; (object) after, about, in pursuit of, for; w.a. after, above, according to; 2. adv after, then, afterwards, thereafter; thereupon, later, back (in return); ~ žon/žęm/žisum, ~ žęm/žon/žan že afterwards, thereafter; ~ sižžan ever afterwards, from thenceforth; ǽr ožže ~ sooner or later

ęftera see ęfterra

ęfterǽ [] f (-/-) the book Deuteronomy

ęfterboren [] adj afterborn, posthumous, born after the father’s death

ęftercnéoresu [] f (-e/-a) posterity

ęftercwešan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ęftercwišež past ęftercwęž/ęftercwǽdon ptp ęftercweden to speak after, repeat; revoke, renounce, abjure; ęftercwešendra lof praise from posterity

ęftercyning [] m (-es/-as) later king

ęftereala [] m (-n/-n) after-ale, small beer

ęfterealu [] n (-ealož/-ealož) small beer

ęfterfęce [] adv afterwards, after that

ęfterfili- see ęfterfylg-

ęfterfilig- see ęfterfylg-

ęfterfolgere [] m (-es/-as) follower

ęfterfolgian [] wv/t2 to follow after, succeed, pursue

ęfterfylgan [] wv/t1b to follow after, succeed, pursue

ęfterfylgednes [] f (-se/-sa) sequel

ęfterfylgend [] m (-es/-) follower, successor; adv ~lķce in succession

ęfterfylgendnes [] f (-se/-sa) succession

ęfterfylgnes [] f (-se/-sa) a following after, succession, succeeding

ęfterfylgung [] f (-e/-a) pursuit; sect; a following after, sequence

ęfterfylian [] wv/t2 to follow or come after, to succeed

ęfterfylig- see ęfterfylg-

ęftergįn [] irreg v/t 3rd pres ęftergǽž past ęftereode ptp ęftergįn to follow after

ęftergancnes see ęftergengnes

ęftergenga [] m (-n/-n) follower, successor; descendant

ęftergengea [] m (-n/-n) follower, successor; descendant

ęftergengel [] m (-gengles/-genglas) successor

ęftergengencednes see ęftergengnes

ęftergengnes [] f (-se/-sa) succession; posterity; inferiority; extremity

ęftergield [] n (-es/-) further payment, an after-payment, paying again or in addition

ęfterhǽtu [] f (-e/-a) after-heat

ęfterhǽša [] m (-n/-n) autumn drought

ęfterhyrigan [] wv/t2 to imitate, to follow another’s example, resemble

ęfterield2 [] f (-e/-a) advanced age, old age; after age, later time

ęfterieldu2 [] f (-e/-a) advanced age, old age; after age, later time

ęfterléan [] n (-es/-) after-loan, reward, recompense, restitution, retribution

ęfterlic [] adj second, after

ęfteronfónd [] m (-es/-) one about to receive

ęfterra [] cmp adj second, following, next, latter, lower, hinder; cmp of ęfter

ęfterrįp [] m (-es/-as) crupper, after-rope

ęfterrǽpe [] m (-es/-as) crupper, after-rope

ęfterrķdan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ęfterrķdež past ęfterrįd/ęfterridon ptp ęfterriden to ride after

ęfterrówan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ęfterrówž past ęfterréow/on ptp is ęfterrówen to row after

ęfterryne [] m (-es/-as) an encountering, meeting, running against one [occursus]

ęftersang [] m (-es/-as) (after-song), matins

ęftersanglic [] adj of matins

ęftersingallic [] adj of matins

ęftersingend [] m (-es/-) after-singer [succentor]

ęftersóna [] adv soon, afterwards, again

ęftersprǽc [] f (-e/-a) after-claim, after-speech

ęftersprecan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ęfterspricž past ęfterspręc/ęftersprǽcon ptp ęftersprecen to claim

ęfterspyrian [] wv/t2 to track out, search, inquire into, examine

ęfterweard [] adj after, afterward, following, further, behind, in the rear, later; on ~an, on ~um at the end

ęfterweardnes [] f (-se/-sa) posterity

ęfterwearž béon [] irreg v/i to be away, absent

ęfterwriten [] adj written afterwards

ęfteweard see ęfterweard

ęfteweard [] adv after, back, late, latter, full

ęftewearde [] adv behind, after, afterward

ęftra see ęfterra

ęftresta [] spl adj last

ęftum [] adv after

ęftyr see ęfter

ęfžanc [] m (-es/-as) insult, offence; grudge, displeasure, anger, envy, zeal

ęfžanca [] m (-n/-n) insult, offence; grudge, displeasure, anger, envy, zeal

ęfward [] adj absent, distant

ęfweard [] adj absent, distant

ęfweardnes [] f (-se/-sa) absence, removal, posterity

ęfwerdelsa [] m (-n/-n) damage, detriment, loss

ęfwerdla [] m (-n/-n) damage, detriment, injury, loss, the fine for injury or loss; [vars. ęfwyrdla, ęwyrdla, awyrdla]

ęfwela [] m (-n/-n) decrease of wealth (listed f)

ęwendla see ęfwyrdla

ęfwyrdelsa [] m (-n/-n) injury, damage, loss, detriment

ęfwyrdla [] m (-n/-n) injury, damage, detriment, loss; fine for injury or loss

ęfwyrž [] f (-e/-a) degradation, disgrace

ęfwyršu [] f (-e/-a) degradation, disgrace

ǽfyllende [] adj fulfilling the law, pious, faithful

ǽfyn see ǽfen

ǽfyrmža [] f pl sweepings, rubbish, ablutions, the sweepings of a house, the refuse of things or things of no value

ǽg [] n (-es/-ru) egg; ~ru lecgan to lay eggs

ǽg see ķeg

ǽg [] 1. f (-e/-a) water, water land, island; 2. ~- noun, adj prefix water-, sea-; ~flota, etc.

ǽg- [] prefix ever, always; used in compound pronouns and adverbs; both ǽg- and į- impart a sense of universality

ǽgan see įgan

ęge see ege

Ęgeles burg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) Aylesbury; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]

Ęgeles ford [] m (-a/-a) Ailsford

Ęgeles žrep [] m (-es/-as) Aylesthorpe; žorp

ǽgen see įgen

ǽgera dative plural of ǽg

ǽgerfelma [] m (-n/-n) egg-skin (listed f)

ǽgergelu [] n (-wes/-) yolk of egg [ǽg, geolu]

ǽgesetnes [] f (-se/-sa) law-giving, the (Old) Testament

ǽgewrķtere [] m (-es/-as) writer or composer of laws

ǽgflota [] m (-n/-n) seafarer, sailor, ship, floater on the sea

ǽggemang [] n (-es/-) egg mixture

ǽghwį [] m, f pron (n pron ǽghwęt) each one, every one, everything, who or whatever; n pron ǽghwęt anything, whatever

ǽghwǽr [] adv everywhere, in every direction; in every case, in every respect; anywhere

ǽghwęs [] adv altogether, in every way, entirely, wholly, throughout, in general [gen sing of ǽghwęt]

ǽghwęt see ǽghwį

ǽghwęšer [] 1. pron, adv of two either, both, each; of many every one, each; 2. conj ~ (ge)…ge; ǽgšer…and both…and; as well…as

ǽghwanan [] adv from all parts, everywhere, on every side, in every way, every way, on all sides

ǽghwanon see ǽghwanan

ǽghwanone see ǽghwanan

ǽghwannon see ǽghwanan

ǽghwannum see ǽghwanan

ǽghwįr see ǽghwǽr

ǽghwér see ǽghwǽr

ǽghwelc see ǽghwilc

ǽghwešer see ǽghwęšer

ǽghwider [] adv on every side, every way, in all directions; in any direction, anywhere

ǽghwilc [] adj each, every, whosoever, whatsoever, all, every one; any; ~ įnra each; ~ óšer each other; ~es in every way; [į+ge+hwż+lic]

ǽghwonan see ǽghwanan

ǽghwonon see ǽghwanan

ǽghwonene see ǽghwanan

ǽghwyder see ǽghwider

ǽghwylc see ǽghwilc

ǽgift [] f (-e/-a) restitution, repayment, legal gift (m?, n?)

ǽgilde [] adv receiving no ‘wergild’ as compensation

ǽgilt see ǽgylt

Ęgiptisc [] adj Egyptian

ǽglǽc see įglǽc

ǽgléaw [] adj learned in the law

ǽgléca see įglǽca

Ęgles burg [] f (-byrg/-byrg) Aylesbury, in Buckinghamshire; [gen sing ~byrg, ~byrig, ~burge; dat sing ~byrg, ~byrig; nom/acc pl ~byrg, byrig; gen pl ~burga; dat pl ~burgum]

Ęgles ford [] m (-a/-a) Aylesford on the Medway near Maidstone, Kent

Ęgles žorp [] m (-es/-as) Aylesthorpe, a village near Aylesford, Kent

Ęgles wurž [] m (-es/-as) the village of Eylesworth, Northamptonshire

ǽglķm [] m (-es/-as) the sticky part or white of egg [lķm]

ǽgmang see ǽggemang

ǽgmore [] f (-an/-an) root of the eye, socket?

ęgnan [] noun pl awns, sweepings, chaff

ǽgnes see įgnes, įgen

ǽgnian see įgnian

ǽgnian [] see ęngian, to oppress?

ęgnian [] wv/t2 to frighten, vex; ~ mid yrmžum to frighten with envy

ǽgru see ǽg [pl of ǽg]

ęgsa see egesa

ǽgsciell [] f (-e/-a) eggshell

ǽgšer see ǽghwęšer; either, each, both

ǽgweard [] f (-e/-a) sea-ward, sea-guard or guardianship, watch on the shore

ǽgwern see ǽghwǽr

ǽgwyrt [] f (-e/-e) dandelion, egg-wort

ǽgylde see ǽgilde

ǽgylt [] m (-es/-as) sin, offence, a breach or violation of the law, a trespass, fault [ǽw, gylt]

ǽgżpe [] adj without skill or cunning; trifling, worthless [géap]

Ęgypte [] f? (-an/-an) Egypt; var of Egypte

ęhher see éar

ǽhķw [] n (-es/-) pallor

ǽhķwe [] adj pallid; deformed

ǽhķwnes [] f (-se/-sa) pallor, paleness, gloom

ǽhlżp [] m (-es/-as) transgression, breach of the peace/law, assault [see ęthlżp]

ęht see eaht

ęht [] 1. f (-e/-a) valuation, estimation, deliberation, council [įgan]; 2. see óht

ǽht [] f (-e/-e?) persecution, hostility [éhtan]

ǽht [] f (-e/-e) (rare in sing.) possessions, property, lands, goods, riches, cattle; possession, power, ownership, control

ǽhtan [] wv/t1b to persecute

ǽhtboren [] adj born in bondage

ǽhte see įhte. past sing of įgan

ǽhteland [] n (-es/-) territory; landed property

ǽhtemann [] m (-es/-menn) farmer, husbandman, plough-man; serf

ęhtere [] m (-es/-as) estimator, valuer

ǽhteswįn [] m (-es/-as) swineherd who was a chattel on an estate, a cowherd, swineherd, who belongs to the property of his lord

ǽhtgesteald [] n (-es/-) possession

ǽhtgestréon [] n (-es/-) possessions, riches

ǽhtgeweald2 [] n (-es/-), m (-es/-as) possession, power, control, the power of the possessor

ęhtian see eahtian

ǽhtian see éhtian

ęhtowe see eahta

ǽhtspéd [] f (-e/-e) wealth, riches

ǽhtspédig [] adj rich, wealthy

ęhtung [] f (-e/-a) estimation, valuing

ǽhtwela2 [] m (-n/-n) wealth, riches

ǽhtwelig [] adj wealthy, rich

ǽhwęnne see įhwęnne

ǽhwǽr see įhwǽr

ǽhwįr see įhwǽr

ǽhwyrfan see įhwierfan

ęhx see ęcs

ęlg see ǽg

ęl- [ ] prefix 1. see eal, all; 2. see el-, ele-, foreign

ęl [] m (-es/alas) piercer, awl

ǽl [] m (-es/-as) eel

ǽlį see éalį

ǽlagol [] adj law-giving

ǽlan1 [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ǽlž past ǽlde ptp geǽled to kindle, light, set on fire, burn, bake

ǽlįréow [] m (-reowes/-reowas) teacher of the law, Pharisee

ǽlįtéow [] m (-teowes/-teowas) legislator

ęlaž see ealaž

ǽlǽdend [] m (-es/-) legislator, lawgiver

ǽlǽrend [] m (-es/-) teacher of (God’s) law

ǽlǽrende [] adj teaching the law

ǽlǽte [] 1. n (-es/-u) desert place; 2. adj desert; empty; 3. f (-an/-an) divorced woman

ǽlǽten [] 1. adj divorced; see įlǽten, past part. of įlǽtan; 2. see ǽlǽte 2

ęlbeorht see eallbeorht

ęlbitu see ilfetu

ǽlc [] 1. adj any, all, every, each (one); ~...óšrum the one...the other; ~es žinges entirely, in every respect; 2. adj pron each; any [also elc, ealc, ylc]

ęlceald [] adj altogether cold, very cold, all cold, most cold

ęlcor see elcor

ęlcra see elcra

ęlcręftig [] adj almighty, all-powerful

ǽlcuht [] n (-es/-) everything

ęlcwuht [] n (-es/-) everything

ęld see ęled

ęld- see ield-

ęldan [] wv/t1b to delay, forbear, postpone, conceal

ęldewuta see ealdwita

ęlding [] f (-e/-a) delay

ęldran [] m pl parents

ęldru [] f pl parents

ęldu [] f (-e/-a) age, old age; an age, century

ǽlecung see óleccung

ǽled2 [] m (ǽldes/ǽldas) fire, firebrand, conflagration; ~ weccan to kindle a fire

ǽledfżr [] n (-es/-) flame of fire

ǽledléoma [] m (-n/-n) fire-brand, gleaming fire

ǽlednes see įlǽtnes

ęlegrǽdig [] adj greedy [eall-]

ęlegréne see eallgréne

ęlelendisc see elelendisc

ęlemidde [] f (-an/-an) exact middle

ǽlenge [] 1. adj long, protracted, lengthy, troublesome, tedious, vexatious; 2. ? (-?/-?) weariness

ǽlengnes [] f (-se/-sa) tediousness

ǽlepśte [] f (-an/-an) eel-pout, burbot

ęlere [] m (-es/-as) fleabane?

ęlež pres 3rd sing of alan;

ǽlež see ǽled

ǽlž see ǽled

ęlewealdend see eallwealdend

ęlf [] m (-es/ielfe, ylfe), f (-e/ielfe, ylfe) elf, sprite, fairy, goblin, incubus

ęlfįdl [] f (-e/-a) nightmare, elf-disease

ęlfęle see ealfelu

ęlfaru [] f (-e/-a) whole army, host

ęlfęr [] f (-e/-a) whole army, host

ęlfcynn [] n (-es/-) elfin race, the elf-kind, the race of elves

ęlfen [] f (-e/-a) nymph, spirit, fairy

ęlfer see ęlfaru

ęlfisc [] adj elvish?

ǽlfisc [] m (-es/-as) eel

ǽlfix [] m (-es/-as) eel

ęlfitu see ilfetu

Ęlfnož [] m (-es/-as) Ęlfnoth, elf courage

Ęlfred [] m (-es/-as) Alfred, the wise, king of Northumbria for twenty years, 685-705 AD. He was educated in Ireland for the Church, and was the first literary king of the Anglo-Saxons; [ęl all; ald, eald old; fred = friž peace, var of Ęlfréd]

Ęlfréd [] m (-es/-as) Alfred the Great, born 849 AD, grandson of Egbert, and fourth son of king Ethelwulf, reigned thirty years, 871-901 AD; [ęlf an elf; réd = rǽd counsel, wise in counsel]

ęlfremed [] adj strange, foreign; ge~ estranged; ~ fram free, separated from

ęlfremd [] adj strange, foreign; ge~ estranged; ~ fram free, separated from

ęlfremedung [] f (-e/-a) alienatio

Ęlfrķc [] m (-es/-as) 1. Ęlfric, of Canterbury, the grammarian, was of noble birth, supposed to be the son of the earl of Kent. He was a scholar of Athelwold, at Abingdon, about 960. When Athelwold was made bishop of Winchester, he took Ęlfric with him and made him a priest of his cathedral. Ęlfric left Winchester about 988 for Cerne in Dorsetshire, where an abbey was established by Ęthelmęr. He is said to have been bishop of Wilton, and he was elected archbishop of Canterbury. He died in 1006.; 2. ~ Bata, was the pupil of the preceding Ęlfrķc, the grammarian.

ęlfscķene [] adj bright as an elf or fairy, beautiful like an elf or nymph, of elfin beauty, radiant

ęlfscķnu [] adj shining like an elf or fairy, elfin-bright, of elfin beauty

ęlfsiden [] f (-ne/-na) elfish influence, nightmare, the influence of elves or of evil spirits

ęlfsogoša [] m (-n/-n) hiccough (thought to have been caused by elves); jaundice?; a disease ascribed to elvish influence, chiefly by the influence of the castalides, dśnelfen, which were considered to possess those who were suffering under the disease, a case identical with being possessed by the devil, as will appear from the forms of prayers appointed for the cure of the disease.

ęlfžéodlķce see elžéodlķce

ęlfžone [] f (-an/-an) nightshade

ęlfolc [] n (-es/-) a foreign land; foreigners, a foreign army, an enemy

ęlfylce [] n (-es/-u) strange land; foreign band, enemy

ǽlhżd [] f (-e/-e) eel receptacle?, eel-skin?

ǽlic [] adj of the law, belonging to the law, legal, lawful; adv ~lķce

ǽlķf [] n (-es/-) eternal life

ęlifn [] f (-e/-a) sustenance; alum

ǽling [] f (-e/-a) burning, burning of the mind; ardor

ǽling- see ǽleng-

ęll- see ęl-, eal(l)-, el(l)-

ęlmǽst [] adv almost

ęlmes see ęlmesse

ęlmesęcer [] m (-es/-as) ground of which the yield was given as alms, first-fruits

ęlmesbęž [] n (-es/-bašu) gratuitous bath

ęlmesdǽd [] f (-e/-e) alms-deed

ęlmesdónd [] m (-es/-dénd) alms-giver

ęlmesfeoh [] n (-féos/-) alms, alms’ money; Peter’s pence, Rome-scot

ęlmesfull [] adj charitable

ęlmesgedįl [] n (-es/-) distribution of alms

ęlmesgeorn [] adj charitable, benevolent, diligent in giving alms

ęlmesgiefa [] m (-n/-n) giver of alms

ęlmesgiefu [] f (-e/-a) alms, charity

ęlmeshand [] f (-a/-a) almsgiving, charitableness

ęlmeshlįf [] m (-es/-as) dole of bread

ęlmeslįc [] adj giving of alms

ęlmesland [] n (-es/-as) land granted in frankalmoigne

ęlmesléoht [] n (-es/-) a light in church provided at the expense of a pious layman

ęlmeslic [] adj charitable; depending on alms, poor; adv ~lķce charitably

ęlmesmann [] m (-es/-menn) almsman, bedesman, beggar

ęlmespening [] m (-es/-as) alms-penny

ęlmesriht [] n (-es/-) right of receiving alms

ęlmesse [] f (-an/-an) alms, almsgiving [L eleémosyna]

ęlmesselen [] f (-ne/-na) almsgiving

ęlmestlķce see ęlmeslķce

ęlmesweorc [] n (-es/-) alms deed

Ęlmhįm [] m (-es/-as) Elmham, Norfolk

ęlmidde see ęlemidde

ęlmiehtig see ęlmihtig

ęlmiht [] adj almighty

ęlmihtig [] adj almighty; m (-es/-as) the Almighty (se ~a)

ęlmihtignes [] f (-se/-sa) omnipotence

ęlmyrca [] m (-n/-n) all sallow, a black man, one entirely black, an Ethiopian

ęlmysse see ęlmesse

ǽlnett [] n (-es/-) eel net

ǽlpig see įnlķpig

ęlren [] adj of an alder tree

ęlreord see elreord

ęlsyndrig [] adj separately

ęltǽwe [] adj complete, all good, excellent, entire, perfect, healthy, healthful, sound, true, honest; noted; [Goth téwa]; cmp ~re, spl ~est; adv ~lķce well, perfectly

ęlžéod see elžéod

ęlwalda see ealwealda

ęlwealda see ealwealda

ęlwiht2 [] m (-es/-as) strange creature, monster; in pl, see eallwihta

ęmbern see embren

ǽmelle [ai·mel·le] adj insipid; unsavory, without taste

ǽmelnes [] f (-se/-sa) slackness, sloth; weariness, disgust; loathsomeness, weariness, disdain, falsehood, unfaithfulness, false dealing, treason

ǽmen [] adj uninhabited, desolate, desert, unmanned, depopulated

ǽmenne [] adj uninhabited, desolate, desert, unmanned, depopulated

ǽmend see ǽmynd

ǽmenne [] ? (-?/-?) solitude

ǽmerge [] f (-an/-an) embers, ashes, dust

ǽmet- see ǽmett-

ǽmetbed [] n (-es/-) ant-hill

ǽmethwķl [] f (-e/-a) leisure, spare-time, respite

ǽmethyll [] m (-es/-as) ant-hill

ǽmetian see ǽmtian

ǽmetig [] adj empty, vacant, barren; unoccupied, without employment, free, idle; unmarried

ǽmetla [] m (-n/-n) one at leisure

ǽmetta [] m (-n/-n) leisure, rest, quiet [mót]

ǽmette [] f (-an/-an) emmet, ant

ǽmettig [] adj empty, vacant, barren; unoccupied, without employment; unmarried

ǽmettigian see ǽmtian

ęmn- see emn-, efen-

ǽmód [] adj dismayed, disheartened; out of mind, mad, dismayed, discouraged

ǽmt- see ǽmett-

ǽmtian1 [] wv/t2 to empty; to be at leisure, have time for, be vacant

ǽmtig [] adj empty, vacant, barren; unoccupied, without employment, free, idle; unmarried

ǽmtignes [] f (-se/-sa) emptiness

ǽmśša [] m (-n/-n) [caecum intestinum]

ǽmynd [] f (-e/-a) jealousy

ǽmyrce [] adj excellent, singular; not murky

ǽmyrie see ǽmerge

ǽmytte see ǽmette

ǽn see įn

ęnbrece see unbrece

ęnd see and

ęnd- see end-

ǽne [] adv once, once for all, at some time; at any time; at once; once, alone

ęned see ened

ǽnes [] adv once

ǽnetlķf [] n (-es/-) solitary life

ǽnetre see įnwintre

ǽnett see įnett

ǽnetnes see įnet

ǽnga see įnga

ǽngancundes [] adv in a unique way?

ęnge see enge

ęngel see engel

Ęnglisc see Englisc

ęnid see ened

ǽnig [] adj, pron, noun any, any one; ~e žinga somehow, anyhow; adv only [įn]

ǽnigge see įnéage

ǽnigmon [] pron? any one, some one

ǽniht see įwuht

ǽninga see įnunga

ęnlǽnan see onlǽnan

ǽnlefan see endlufon

ǽnlép- see įnlep-

ǽnlic [] adj one, only, singular, solitary; unique, glorious, noble, splendid, excellent; adv ~lķce only, singularly, elegantly; var of įnlic

ǽnlķpig see įnlķpig

ǽnne see įn

ǽnote [ai·no·te] adj useless

ǽnrǽdnis see įnrǽdnes

ǽnyge see įnéage

ǽnytte see įnet

ępl see ęppel

ępled see ęppled

ęppel [] m (-a/-a) apple, any kind of fruit, fruit in general; apple of the eye, ball, anything round, bolus, pill; [gen. ęp(p)les, pl. ap(p)la beside ęp(p)las, neut ap(p)lu]

ęppelbǽre [] adj fruit-bearing, apple-bearing

ęppelbearu [] m (-wes/-was) orchard

ęppelberende [] adj apple-bearing

ęppelcynn [] n (-es/-) kind of apple

ęppelcyrnel [] n (-cyrnles/-) apple-pip, pomegranate

ęppelfęt [] n (-es/-fatu) apple-vessel

ęppelfealu [] adj apple-yellow, red-yellow, bay, apple-fallow

ęppelhśs [] n (-es/-) fruit storehouse, apple-house, place for fruit generally

ęppelscealu [] f (-e/-a) apple-core

ęppelscréada [] n pl apple-parings, apple-shreds

ęppeltréow [] m (-treowes/-) apple-tree

ęppeltśn [] m (-es/-as) fruit garden, orchard

ęppelžorn [] m (-es/-as) crab-apple tree

ęppelwķn [] n (-es/-) cider, apple-wine

ęppled2 [] adj shaped like an apple, appled, made into the form of apples, made into balls or bosses, round, embossed

ępplian [] wv/t2 to make into the form of apples, to make into balls or bosses

ęppul- see apul-

ęps see ęsp, ębs

ępsen [] adj shameless?

ępsenes [] f (-se/-sa) shame, disgrace

ǽr [] 1. adv ere, before that, soon, formerly, beforehand, previously, already, lately, till, until, some time ago, just now; [cmp ǽror; spl ǽrost, ǽrest, ǽrst]; cmp ~or sooner, earlier; spl ~ost just now, first of all; early, prematurely; on ~; ~ žissum previously, formerly, beforehand; tó ~ too soon; ~ ožže ęfter sooner or later; hwonne ~ how soon?, when?; hwéne ~ just before; on ealne ~ne mergen very early in the morning; ne ~ ne sižžan neither sooner nor later; ~ and siž at all times; 2. conj ere, before that, until; ~ žam (že) before; 3. prep w.d. before; 4. adj early, former, preceding, ancient; only in cmp and spl ~ra, ~est; 5. f see įr f; 6. n see įr n; 7. see éar 2

ǽr- [] prefix early, former, preceding, ancient

ǽra [] 1. m (-n/-n) scraper, strigil; 2. see ǽrra

ǽrįdl [] f (-e/-a) early illness

ǽrǽt [] m (-es/-as) overeating, too early eating

ęrbe- see yrfe-, ierfe-

ǽrbežoht [] adj premeditated

ǽrboren [] adj earlier born, first-born

ęrc see earc

ęrce see arce

ǽrcwide [] m (-es/-as) prophecy?

ǽrdǽd [] f (-e/-e) former deed, past conduct

ǽrdęg [] m (-es/-dagas) early day, early morn, dawn; pl early days, former days, past times

ǽrdéaž [] m (-es/-as) premature death, early death

ęrdian see eardian

ęrdon see ęrndon? from ęrnan

ęrdung see eardung

ǽre [] 1. see żre; 2. in compounds –oared

ǽréafe [] adj detected

ǽren [] 1. adj made of brass, brazen; tinkling? [Ger ehern]; 2. oar-propelled

ǽrendęg [] m (-es/-dagas) the day before, yesterday; [contraction of on ǽrren dęg a former day]

ǽrendbóc [] f (-béc/-béc) message, letter

ǽrenddraca see ǽrendraca

ǽrende [] n (-es/-u) errand, message; mission; embassy; answer, news, tidings, business, care

ǽrendfęst [] adj bound on an errand

ǽrendgįst [] m (-es/-as) angel, spiritual messenger

ǽrendgewrit [] n (-es/-gewriotu) written message, letter, message or report in writing, epistle, letters mandatory, brief writing, short notes, summary

ǽrendian1 [] wv/t2 to go on an errand, carry news, carry tidings, carry a message, send word to; intercede; treat for anything; to plead the cause; seek for, obtain; ge~ speed, succeed

ǽrendraca [] m (-n/-n) messenger, apostle, ambassador, angel; representative, substitute, proxy

ǽrendscip [] n (-es/-u) skiff, small boat

ǽrendsecg [] m (-es/-as) messenger, errand-deliverer

ǽrendsecgan [] wv/t3 to deliver a message

ǽrendsprǽc [] f (-e/-a) verbal message

ǽrendung [] f (-e/-a) errand; errand-going; intercession; command

ǽrendwraca see ǽrendraca

ǽrendwreca see ǽrendraca

ǽrendwrit see ǽrendgewrit

ǽrenscip see ǽrendscip

ǽrer see ǽror

ǽrest [] 1. adv, adj first, erst, at first, before all; žį, žonne, sižžan ~ as soon as; ~ žinga first of all; 2. see ǽrist

ǽrfęder [] m (-es/-as) forefather, father

ǽrfęst see įrfęst

ęrfe see ierfe, yrfe

ǽrgéara [] adv heretofore, of old

ǽrgedón [] adj done before

ǽrgefremed [] adj before committed

ǽrgeléred [] adj previously instructed

ǽrgenemned see ǽrnemned

ǽrgesęd see ǽrnemned

ǽrgestréon2 [] n (-es/-) ancient treasure

ǽrgeweorc2 [] n (-es/-) work of olden times, ancient work

ǽrgewinn [] n (-es/-) ancient struggle, former agony, former strife or trouble, old warfare

ǽrgewyrht2 [] n (-es/-u) former work, deed of old

ǽrględ [] adj very glad?; bright in armor; brass-bright, gleaming with brazen arms

ǽrgód2 [] adj very good; good from old times, good before others, of prime goodness

ǽrgiestrandęg [] m (-es/-dagas) ere-yesterday, the day before yesterday

ǽrhwķlum2 [] adj erewhile, formerly

ęrian see erian

ęrig see earh

ǽriht2 [] n (-es/-) code of law or faith; law-right, law

ǽring [] f (-e/-a) daybreak, early morn, early dawn

ǽrisc see éarisc

ǽrist [] 1. m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) rising, rising up; resurrection, awakening; 2. see ǽrist

ǽristhyht [] m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a) hope of resurrection

ǽrlést see įrléast

ǽrlic [] adj early, early in the morning; adv ~lķce

ęrm see earm

ǽrmorgen [] m (-es/-as) dawn, day-break, early morning

ǽrmorgenlic [] adj of early morning

ęrn [] n (-es/-) dwelling, habitation, house, cottage, building, store, closet, place, secret place

ęrn [] neuter noun suffix a place; e.g. eoržęrn earth place or house, the grave

ǽrn see ǽren

ęrnan [] wv/i1b 3rd pres ęrnž past ęrnde ptp geęrned (strictly causative) to run, ride, gallop; ge~ to ride, run to, reach, gain by running or riding

ęrndian see ęrendian

ǽrnemergen see ǽrmorgen

ǽrnemerigen see ǽrmorgen

ǽrnemergenlic [] adj matutinal

ǽrnemned [] adj aforementioned, before-named

ęrneweg [] m (-es/-as) road for riding on, running way, way fit for running on, broad road, race-course [iernan]

ęrnian see earnian

ęrnignweg see ęrneweg

ęrning [] f (-e/-a) running, riding, racing; flow of blood

ęrnž see ernž

ęrnžegen [] m (-es/-as) house-officer

ęrnung see earnung

ǽron see ǽrran

ǽror [] 1. adv earlier, before, beforehand, formerly; rather; 2. prep w.d. before

ǽrost see ǽrest

ǽrost [] adv first

ǽrra [] m adj earlier, former, preceding; on ~n dęg the day before yesterday

Ǽrra Géola [] m (-n/-n) December, the ere or former Yule month

Ǽrra Lķša [] m (-n/-n) June, the ere or former Litha

ǽrre [] f, n adj earlier, former, preceding; on ~n dęg the day before yesterday

ǽrror see ǽror

ęrs see ears

ǽrsceaft [] f (-e/-a) ancient building, an old creation, ancient work

ęrschen see erschen

ęrshen see erschen

ǽrst see ǽrest

ǽrstęf see įrstęf

ǽržam see ǽr

ǽržon see ǽr

ǽržamže see ǽr

ęrž- see yrž-

ǽrwacol [] adj early awake

ǽrwela [] m (-n/-n) ancient wealth

ǽrworuld [] f (-e/-a) ancient world, former world

ǽrynd see ǽrend

ǽryr see ǽror

ǽryst [] 1. see ǽrist; 2. see ǽrest

ǽs [] n (-es/-) food, meat, carrion, dead carcass; bait [OHG įs]

ęsc [] 1. m (-es/-ascas) ash-tree; name of the rune for ę; 2 ash-spear, spear, lance; small ship, shiff, a light vessel to sail or row in (because boats were made of ash); 2. see ęcs

ǽscǽre [] adj unshorn, untrimmed, neglected; [scieran]

ǽscan [] wv/t1b to demand (legally)

ǽscapo see ǽsceapa

ęscbedd [] n (-es/-) an ash-plot

ęscberend2 [] m (-es/-) spear-bearer, lance-bearer, soldier

ęsce see asce

ǽsce [] f (-an/-an) asking, inquiry, search, inquisition, examination, trial of or asking after any matter or thing; claim (to insurance money for theft of cattle)

ǽsceap [] n (-es/-u) remnant, patch

ęsceda [] m (-n/-n) a farrago, mixture, perfume

ęsceda [] f pl refuse

ęscegeswįp [] n (-es/-) cinders, ashes

ęscen [] 1. f (-e/-a), m (-es/-as) vessel of ash-wood, bucket, pail, bottle, cup; 2. adj made of ash-wood, ashen, ash

Ęsces dśn [] f (-e/-a) Ashdown, the hill of the ash-tree, on the Ridgeway in Berkshire, where Alfred and his elder brother, king Ethelred, first routed the Danes

ęscfaru [] f (-e/-a) apparatus, military expedition

ęscfealu [] adj ashy-hued

ęscgrǽg [] adj ashy gray

ęschere [] m (-es/-as) spear band, company armed with spears, ship or naval force, ship or naval band

ęscholt2 [] n (-es/-) spear of ash-wood, spear-shaft, lance

ǽscian see įscian

ęscmann [] m (-es/-menn) ship-man, sailor, pirate; [ęsc]

ęscplega [] m (-n/-n) play of spears, battle, war

ęscrind [] f (-e/-a) bark of the ash-tree, ash-bark

ęscróf2 [ash·rov] adj brave in battle, spear-famed, distinguished in battle, illustrious, noble

ęscsteall? [] m (-es/-as) place of battle

ęscstede [] m (-es/-as) place of battle, the ash-spear place

ęscstederód [] f (-e/-a) cross marking a battlefield?

ęscstybb [] m (-es/-as) stump of an ash-tree

ęsctķr [] m (-es/-as) glory in war

ęscžracu [] f (-e/-a) battle, spear-strength, brunt of spears; [gen ~žręce]

ęscžrote [] f (-an/-an) a plant, ash-throat, ferula?, vervain?

ęscžrotu [] f (-e/-a) a plant, ash-throat, ferula?, vervain?

ęscwert see ęscwyrt

ęscwiga2 [] m (-n/-n) (spear)-warrior

ęscwlanc [] adj spear-proud

ęscwyrt [] f (-e/-e) ash-wort, verbena, vervain

ǽsellend [] m (-es/-) lawgiver

ęsil see hęsel

ǽslķtend [] m (-es/-) law-breaker

ǽsmęl [] n? (-es/-smalu) contraction of the pupil, smallness of the eye

ǽsmogu [] n pl slough (of snake) [įsmśgan]

ęsne- see esne-

ęsp see ęspe 1

ęspe [] 1. f (-an/-an) asp, aspen-tree, white poplar, a species of poplar; 2. see ębs

ęsphangra [] m (-n/-n) aspen wood

ǽspreng see ǽspryng

ǽspring(e) see ǽspryng

ęsprind [] f (-e/-a) aspen bark

ǽspringnes see įsprungenes

ǽspryng [] n (-es/-), f (-e/-a) spring, fountain; departure

ǽst [] 1. see ǽrest; 2. see ést

ǽstǽnan see įstęnan

ǽstan see éastan

ęstel [] m (ęstles/ęstlas) bookmark; some thin kind of board?

ęsul see esol

ǽswǽpa [] noun pl sweepings, rubbish

ǽsweotol [] m (-es/-as) one who makes the law clear, lawyer

ǽswic [] 1. m (-es/-as) offence, scandal, stumbling-block, infamy, seduction, deceit; 2. adj apostate

ǽswica [] m (-n/-n) offender of the law, deceiver, hypocrite, traitor

ǽswice [] m (-es/-as) violation of God’s laws (or? adultery)

ǽswicend [] m (-es/-) an offender of the law, deceiver, hypocrite, apostate

ǽswician1 [] wv/t2 to offend, depart from the law, dissemble, deceive; apostatize; desert

ǽswicnes [] f (-se/-sa) stumbling-block; reproach

ǽswicung [] f (-e/-a) offence, stumbling-block; deceit; sedition

ǽswind [] adj idle, slothful [swķž]

ǽsyllend see ǽsellend

ęt [] 1. prep w.d., rarely a. (local) at, near, by, in, on, upon, with, before, next to, against, as far as, up to, into, toward; (temporal) at, at the time of, near, in, on, to, until; (causal) at, to, through; (source) of, from (because you wish to approach a person or thing when you wish to take something away) e.g. nimaž hit ęt him take it from him; (instrumental) by; (the names of places are often put in the dative plural governed by ęt, the preposition is then, as in Icelandic, not translated, and the noun is read as singular) že man hǽt ęt Hǽšum that one calls Haddeby; ~ féawum wordum in few words; in respect to, as to; 2. adv at, to, near; ~ nehstan, ~ sišestan finally; 3. prefix in compound words = at, to, from

ǽt [] 1. m (-es/-as), f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) eatables, food, meat, flesh; ~ and wǽt food and drink; the act of feeding, eating; 2. past 3rd sing of etan

ęt- see -

ǽt- see įte-

ǽta see selfǽta

ǽta [] m (-n/-n) eater

ętǽwian see ętķewan

ętbefón [] sv/t7 3rd pres ętbeféhž past ętbeféng/on ptp ętbefangen to take to, attack

ętbéon [] irreg v/i to be present

ętberan [] sv/t4 3rd pres ętbirž past ętbęr/ętbǽron ptp ętboren to bear or carry to, bring, bring forward, produce, show; carry off; bear away or forth

ętberstan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętbirstež past ętbęrst/ętburston ptp ętborsten to break out, break loose, or away, escape from, get away

ętbrédan see ętbregdan

ętbrédendlic see ętbregdendlic

ętbregdan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętbrigdež past ętbręgd/ętbrugdon ptp ętbrogden to take away, carry off, deprive of, snatch away, draw off, withdraw, set at liberty; release, rescue, enlarge, prevent; (also ętbrédan)

ętbregdendlic [] adj ablative; with this case is shown whatsoever we take away from others, or whatsoever we receive from others, or whence we proceed; (a) fram žissum menn ic underféng féoh from this man I received money; (b) fram žissum lįréowe ic gehķerde wķsdóm from this teacher I heard wisdom; (c) fram žǽre byrg ic rįd I rode from that city; (c2) fram cyninge ic cóm I came from the king.

ętclifian [] wv/i2 to cleave to, adhere

ętclķšan [] wv/t1b to adhere

ętdéman [] wv/t1b to refuse, give judgment against

ętdón [] irreg v/t to take away, deprive

ǽte see įte

ętéaca [] m (-n/-n) addition

ętéacnes see ętżcnes

ętealdod [] adj too old

ętéaw- see ętķew-, ętżw-

ętécan see ętżcan

ętegįr see ętgįr

ętegian [at·eg·jan] wv/i2 to harm, inflict pain, torment, trouble, grieve

ętéode [] past 3rd sing of ętgįn

ǽteorian see įtorian

ętéorian [a·taer·jan] wv/i2 to fail, be wanting

ętéow- see ętķew-, ętżw-, ožķew-

ǽtercyn see įtorcyn

ǽtere [] m (-es/-as) eater, glutton

ǽtern [] 1. ? (-?/-?) viper; 2. see ǽtren

ętéw- see ętķew-, ętżw-

ętfaran [] sv/t6 3rd pres ętfęrž past ętfór/on ptp is ętfaren to escape

ętfęstan [] wv/t1b to inflict on, afflict with; fix, fasten to, drive into, impart to; commit, entrust; marry to

ętfeallan [] sv/i7 3rd pres ętfielž past ętféoll/on ptp is ętfeallen to fall, fall out; fall away, fail, be reduced; happen

ętfele [] m (-es/-as) adhesion

ętfelgan [] sv/i3 3rd pres ętfilhž past ętfealh/ętfulgon ptp ętfolgen to cleave on, adhere, stick to

ętfeng [] m (-es/-as) attaching, distraint

ętfeohtan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętfiehtež past ętfeaht/ętfuhton ptp ętfohten to feel earnestly, grope about; to fight against, contend

ętféolan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętfķelž past ętfealh/ętfulgon ptp ętfolgen to stick to; adhere, apply oneself to, continue in

ętfeorrian [] wv/t2 to take from; remove oneself from

ętferian [] wv/t1a 3rd pres ętferež past ętferede ptp ętfered to carry away, carry out, bear off, bear away

ętfķlan see ętféolan

ętfléon [] sv/i2 3rd pres ętflķehž past ętfléah/ętflugon ptp is ętflogen to flee away, escape by flight, eschew

ętflówan [] sv/i7 3rd pres ętfléwž past ętfléow/on ptp is ętflówen to flow together, flow to, accumulate, to increase

ętfón [] sv/t7 3rd pres ętféhž past ętfeng/on ptp ętfangen to seize upon, lay claim to, claim, attach

ętforan [] 1. prep w.d. before, at, in the presence of, in front of, close before, close by; 2. adv beforehand (time)

ętforanweall [] m (-es/-as) the outer wall, out-works, a bulwark before a castle

ętfyligan [] wv/t1b to adhere, cling to, stick to

ętfylgan [] wv/t1b to adhere, cling to, stick to

ętgįr [] m (-a/-a) a short spear, dart, javelin, a kind of dart or other weapon to cast at the enemy

ętgangan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ętgengež past ętgéong/on, ętgéong/on, ętgķeng/on ptp ętgangen to go to, approach

ętgęddre [] adv together, united, at the same time [gadrian] (2)

ętgędere [] adv together, united, at the same time [gadrian] (1)

ętgęderum [] adv together, united, at the same time [gadrian] (4)

ętgędre [] adv together, united, at the same time [gadrian] (3)

ętgǽre [] m (-a/-a) spear, dart, javelin

ętgebycgan [] irreg wv/t1b, wv/r1b 3rd pres ętgebygž past ętgebóhte ptp ętgebóht to buy for oneself

ętgeddre see ętgędere

ętgedre see ętgędere

ętgeniman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ętgenimž past ętgenam/ętgenįmon, ętgenóm/on ptp ętgenumen to take away by force, to pluck out, withdraw, deliver, rescue

ętgenumen [] adj taken away

ǽtgiefa2 [] m (-n/-n) food-giver, feeder

ętgiefan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ętgiefež past ętgeaf/ętgéafon ptp ętgiefen to render, give to, afford

ętglķdan [] sv/i1 3rd pres ętglķdež past ętglįd/ętglidon ptp is ętgliden to slip away, disappear

ętgrǽpe [] adj seizing, grasping at; ~ weoršan to seize

ęthabban [] wv/t3 to retain, detain, withhold

ęthealdan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ęthieldež past ęthéold/on ptp ęthealden to keep back

ęthebban [] sv/t6 3rd pres ęthefež past ęthóf/on ptp ęthafen to take away, take out, hold back; exalt oneself

ęthindan [] 1. prep w.d. behind, after; 2. adv at the back, behind, after

ęthléapan [] sv/i7 3rd pres ęthlķepž past ęthléop/on ptp is ęthléapen to leap out, run away, flee, escape, get away

ęthlżp [] m (-es/-as) an assault [see ǽhlżp]

ęthreddan [] wv/t1a to deliver

ęthreppian [] wv/t2 to rap at, to knock, dash about

ęthrķnan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ęthrķnž past ęthrįn/ęthrinon ptp ęthrinen to touch, take, move

ęthrine [] m (-es/-as) touch

ęthwį [] pron each, every one; gen ęthwęs; dat ęthwǽm; acc ęthwone

ęthwįre [] adv somewhat

ęthwęga [] adv somewhat, about, tolerably, a little, in some measure; how (2)

ęthweg [] adv somewhat, about, tolerably, a little, in some measure; how (3)

ęthwega [] adv somewhat, about, tolerably, a little, in some measure; how (1)

ęthwegu [] adv somewhat, about, tolerably, a little, in some measure; how (4)

ęthweorfan [] sv/i3 3rd pres ęthwierfž past ęthwearf/ęthwurfon ptp is ęthworfen to turn, return, go back

ęthwón [] adv almost, nearly

ęthżde [] adj put out of the hide, skinned, bowelled

ętķecan [] wv/t1b to add to, augment, increase

ętķecnes [] f (-se/-sa) increase

ętiernan [] sv/i3 3rd pres ętiernž past ętarn/ęturnon ptp is ęturnen to run away

ętķewan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ętķež past ętķede/ętķewde ptp ętķewed to show, reveal, display, disclose, manifest; intr show oneself, become visible, appear; for compounds, see ętżw-

ętķewednes [] f (-se/-sa) showing, appearance, manifestation, revelation

ętķewiendlķce [] adv evidently, demonstrably

ętķewigendlic [] adj demonstrative

ętķewing [at·iew·ing] f (-e/-a) showing, manifesting, epiphany

ętķewnes [] f (-se/-sa) showing, manifestation, revelation; apparitions; Epiphany

ętķewung [] f (-e/-a) manifestation, Epiphany

ǽting [] f (-e/-a) eating; pasture?

ǽtinge [] adj speechless

ętis [] pres 3rd sing of ętwesan, ętbéon

ętķw- see ętķew-, ętżw-

ętlǽdan [] wv/t1b to lead out, drive away

ętlętnes [] f (-se/-sa) desolation, destruction

ǽtlic [] adj eatable

ętlicgan [] sv/i5 3rd pres ętligež past ętlęg/ętlǽgon ptp is ętlegen to lie idle, lie still

ętlimpan [] sv/i3 3rd pres ętlimpž past ętlamp/ętlumpon ptp is ętlumpen to fall away, escape, be lost

ętlśtian [] wv/t2 to lurk, hide

Ętne [] m (-es/-as) Etna

ętnes [] f (-se/-sa) edibility

ętnķehstan [] adv at last

ętniman [] sv/t4 3rd pres ętnimž past ętnam/ętnįmon, ętnóm/on ptp ętnumen to take away, deprive of

ętol see etol

ǽton [] past pl of etan

ǽtor see įtor

ǽtorcynn see įtorcynn

ǽtran see ǽtrian

ętreccan [] irreg wv/t1b w.d. and a. to declare forfeit, deprive of

ǽtren [] adj poisoned, poisonous, venomous

ǽtrenmód [] adj of venomous spirit, malignant

ǽtrennes [] f (-se/-sa) poisonous nature, venomousness, full of poison

ǽtrian1 [] wv/t1a 3rd pres ǽtrež past ǽtrede ptp geǽtred to poison, envenom; become poisonous

ǽtrig [] adj poisonous

ętrihte [] 1. adj right at, near, present, close at hand; 2. adv almost, nearly, immediately, rightly or justly at, near, at hand; ~s; ~ost by and by, presently (spl)

ętsacan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ętsęcž past ętsóc/on ptp ętsacen to deny, disown, abjure; renounce

ętsamne [] adv united, together, at once, in a sum

ętscéotan [] sv/i2 3rd pres ętscķetež past ętscéat/ętscuton ptp is ętscoten to escape, disappear

ętsittan [] sv/i5 3rd pres ętsittež past ętsęt/ętsǽton ptp is ętseten to sit by, remain, stay, wait

ętslǽpan [] sv/t7 3rd pres ętslǽpž past ętslép/on ptp ętslǽpen to sleep beside

ętslķdan [] sv/i1 3rd pres ętslķdež past ętslįd/on ptp is ętsliden to slip, glide, fall

ętsomne see ętsamne

ętspornan see ętspurnan

ętspringan [] sv/i3 3rd pres ętspringž past ętsprang/ętsprungon ptp is ętsprungen to rush forth, spurt out, spring out

ętspringnes [] f (-se/-sa) a springing out, falling off, despondency, failing (1)

ętsprungennes [] f (-se/-sa) a springing out, falling off, despondency, failing (3)

ętsprungnes [] f (-se/-sa) a springing out, falling off, despondency, failing (2)

ętspurnan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętspyrnž past ętspearn/ętspurnon ptp ętspornen to strike against, stumble, spurn at, dash or trip against, mistake, go wrong; rebel (ęt)

ętspurnung [] f (-e/-a) offence, stumbling, stumbling-block, misfortune

ętspyrning see ętspurnung

ętst [] see itst, pres 2nd sing of etan

ętst- see ožst-

ętstandan [] sv/i6 3rd pres ętstendež past ętstód/on ptp is ęstanden to stand still, stand at, near, in or by, stop, rest, stay; remain, stand up; check, resist; sv/t6 stop, cease; sv/t6 to blight (crops)

ętstandend [] m (-es/-) bystander, attendant

ętstandende [] adj standing by

ętstęl [] m (-es/-stalas) aid, assistance; see ętsteall

ętsteall [] m (-es/-as) assistance, meeting with hostile intent; station, camp station

ętstentan see ętstyntan

ętsteppan [] sv/t6 3rd pres ętstepež past ętstóp/on ptp ętstapen to step up to, step forth, approach

ętstillan [] wv/t1a to still

ętstrengan [] wv/t1b to withhold wrongfully

ętstyntan [] wv/t1b to blunt, dull, weaken

ętswerian [] sv/t6 3rd pres ętswerež past ętswór/on ptp ęstsworen to deny on oath, forswear

ętswķgan [] wv/t1b to keep silence

ętswimman [] sv/i3 3rd pres ętswimž past ętswamm/ętswummon ptp is ętswummen to escape by swimming, swim out

ǽtter see įtor

ǽttor see įtor

ǽttr- see ǽtr-

ętžringan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętžrringež past ętžrang/ętžrungon ptp ętžrungen to take away from, deprive of

ętwegan [] sv/t5 3rd pres ętwigž past ętwęg/ętwǽgon ptp ętwegen to bear away, carry off, take away

ǽtwela [] m (-n/-n) abundance of food, feast

ętwenian [] wv/t2 to wean from, deliver from

ętwesan [] irreg v/i 3rd pres ętis past ętwęs/ętwǽron ptp *is ętwesen to be present

ętwesende [] adj at hand, imminent, approaching, hard by

ętwindan [] sv/t3 3rd pres ętwindež past ętwand/ętwundon ptp ętwunden to escape, wind off, turn away, flee

ętwist [] 1. 2 f (-e/-e) substance, existence, being, presence; 2. see edwist

ętwķtan [] sv/t1 3rd pres ętwķtež past ętwįt/ętwiton ptp ętwiten to reproach (with), censure, taunt, blame, upbraid

ętwrencan [] wv/t1b to seize by fraud

ętżcan see ętķecan

ętżcnes see ętżcnes

ǽtżnan see ontżnan

ǽtżnan [ai·tü·nan] wv/t1b to open

ǽtynge see ǽtinge

ętys [] see ętis, pres 3rd sing of ętwesan

ętżwan see ętķewan

ętżwian see ętķewan

ętżwednes [] f (-se/-sa) showing, appearance, manifestation, revelation

ętżwigendlic [] adj demonstrative

ętżwnes [] f (-se/-sa) showing, manifestation, revelation; apparitions; Epiphany

ętżwung [] f (-e/-a) manifestation, Epiphany

ǽšan [] 1. 1 wv/t1b to make oath, swear; geǽšed under oath; 2. see ķešan

ęšel see ęšele

ǽšel see éšel

ǽšel [] m (-es/-as) a native country, country, land

Ǽšelbald [] m (-es/-as) Ęthelbald, the eldest son on Ęthelwulf. Ęthelbald, the eldest brother of Alfred, was king of Wessex for five years, from 855 – 860 AD. Ęthelwulf’s two sons succeeded to the kingdom; Ęthelbald to the kingdom of the West Saxons, and Ethelbert to the kingdom of Kent

ęšelboren [] adj of noble birth, noble born, noble, distinguished; free-born; inborn, natural

ęšelborennes [] f (-se/-sa) nobility of birth or nature; inborn nature

Ęšelbryht [] m (-es/-as) 1. Ethelbert, king of Kent, for 56 years, from 560 – 616 AD; Ethelbert was converted to Christianity by the preaching of St. Augustine; [ęšele noble; bryht, beorht, bright, excellent]; 2. Ethelbert the second, the second son of Ęthelwulf. This Ethelbert, after the lapse of 239 years from the death of Ethelbert the first in 616, became king of Kent, Essex, Surrey, and Sussex, for 5 years, from 855 to 860; he succeeded to Wessex on his brother’s death in 860, and reigned five years more over these five counties, from 860 to 865; he was therefore king for ten years, 855-865;

ęšelcund [] adj of noble birth, of noble kind or origin, noble

ęšelcundnes [] f (-se/-sa) nobleness, nobility

ęšelcyning [] m (-es/-as) noble king (Christ)

ęšelduguž [] f (-e/-a) noble retinue, noble attendance

ęšele [] adj noble, eminent, aristocratic, excellent, famous, glorious, not only in blood or by descent, but in mind; splendid, fine, costly, valuable; noble, vigorous, lusty, young; pleasant, sweet-smelling; ge~ natural, congenial, suitable

ęšelferšingwyrt [] f (-e/-e) stitchwort (plant)

Ęšelflǽd [] f (-e/-a) ęthelfled; the eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great, and sister of king Edward the Elder. She married Ęthelred, a Mercian nobleman, who was made viceroy of Mercia by king Alfred. He died in 912 AD, and his widow Ęthelfled governed Mercia most efficiently for about ten years.

ęšelfyrdingwyrt see ęšelferšingwyrt

ęšelian [] wv/t2 3rd pres ęšelaž past ęšelode ptp geęšelod to ennoble, improve

ęšelic see ęšellic

ǽšelic see éašelic

ęšeling [] m (-es/-as) son of a king, man of royal blood, nobleman, chief, prince; 2 king, Christ, God; 2 man generally, hero, saint; pl men, people, used in a good and noble sense, as a derivative of ęšele, noble

Ęšelinga ķeg [] f (-e/-a) the island of nobles, Athelney

ęšelinghįd [] m (-a/-a) princely state

ęšellic [] adj noble, excellent; adv ęšellķce

ęšelnes [] f (-se/-sa) nobility, excellence

ęšelo see ęšelu

Ęšelrǽd [] m (-es/-as) Ęthelred, a Mercian nobleman, the viceroy or governor of the Mercians; He married Ęthelfled, the eldest and most intellectual daughter of king Alfred the Great. He died in 912 AD; [ęšele noble; rǽd counsel]; also Ęšelréd, Ęšeréd

Ęšelréd [] m (-es/-as) 1. Ęthelréd, third son of Ęthelwulf, and brother of Alfred the Great. Ęthelred was king of Wessex for five years, 866 to 871 AD; 2. Ęthelréd Atheling, the second son of Edgar. Ęthelréd was king of Wessex, Mercia, and Northumbria, for 38 years, 978 to 1016 AD.; 3. Ęthelréd, Ęšeréd, a Mercian nobleman; all variants of Ęšelrǽd

Ęšelstįn [] m (-es/-as) Athelstan, the eldest son of Edward the Elder. Athelstan, who gained a complete victory over the Anglo-Danes in the Battle of Brunanburh, in 937 AD, was king of Wessex 14 years and 10 weeks, from 925 to 940 AD; [ęšele noble; stįn stone]

ęšelstenc [] m (-es/-as) sweet smell, noble odor

ęšeltungol2 [] n (-tungles/-) noble star

ęšelu [] f (-e/-a), n (-es/-) nobility, family, descent, origin; nature; noble qualities, genius, talents, pre-eminence; produce, growth; [neut is indecl in singular]

Ęšelwulf [] m (-es/-as) Ęthelwulf, eldest son of Egbert and father of Alfred the Great. Ęthelwulf was king of Wessex from 837 to 855 AD; [ęšele noble; wulf wolf]

ǽž- see éž-

ǽšm [] m (-es/-as) air, breath, breathing; vapor; blast; hole to breath through; smell

ǽšmian [] wv/i2 3rd pres ǽšmaž past ǽšmode ptp is geǽšmod to fume, exhale, emit a smell; to raise vapor, boil, be heated, be greatly moved

ǽšre see ǽdre

ǽšreclic [] adj terrible

ǽžret- see ǽžryt-

ǽžrot [] n (-es/-u) disgust, weariness

ǽžryttan1 [] wv/t1a 3rd pres ǽžrytež past ǽžrytte ptp geǽžrytt to weary

ǽžryt [] 1. adj troublesome, wearisome, tedious, disgusting; 2. n (-es/-u?) weariness, disgust, tediousness

ǽžryte see ǽžryt 1.

ǽžrytnes [] f (-se/-sa) tedium

ǽžryttan1 [] wv/t1a 3rd pres ǽžrytež past ǽžrytte ptp geǽžrytt to weary

ęžža see ožže

ǽw 1. see ǽ; 2. see ǽwe

ǽwǽde [] adj without clothes

ǽwan [] wv/t1b 3rd pres ǽwž past ǽwde ptp geǽwed to despise, condemn, scorn

ǽwbrǽce [] adj despising the law; adulterous

ǽwbreca [] m (-n/-n) adulterer, breaker of the marriage vow

ǽwbryce [] m (-es/-as) adultery, a breaking of the marriage vow

ǽwda [] m (-n/-n) witness, compurgator, one who affirms the truth by oath

ǽwdamann [] m (-es/-menn) witness, compurgator

ǽwe [] 1. f (-an/-an) married woman; married people; 2. adj lawful, married, born of the same marriage

ǽwelm see ǽwielm

ǽwenbróšor [] m (-/-) brother by the same marriage, an own brother [dat –bréšer, gpl bróšra]

ǽwéne [] adj doubtful, uncertain

ǽwerd [] adj perverse, froward, averse; [ǽ law, werd from werdan to corrupt]

ǽwerd [] adj? religious; noun? regular priest

ǽwerd- see ęfwyrd-, ǽwierd-

ǽwerdla [] m (-n/-n) damage, injury

ǽweweard [] m (-es/-as) priest

ǽwfęst [] adj upright, pious, devout, religious, bound by the law, fast or firm in observing the law; married

ǽwfęsten [] n (-nes/-nu) legal or public fast, fixed fast

ǽwfęstlic [] adj lawful; religious; adv ǽwfęstlķce

ǽwfęstmann [] m (-es/-menn) a man bound by law, a married man

ǽwfęstnes [] f (-se/-sa) religion, piety, firmness in the law

ǽwicnes [] f (-se/-sa) eternity

ǽwiell [] m (-es/-as) stream

ǽwielm [] m (-es/-as) welling up of water, source, fount, spring, fountain, beginning, head of a river [éawielm]

ǽwielme see ǽwielm

ǽwierp [] m (-es/-as) a casting away, throwing away, what is cast away; an abortion [įweorpan]

ǽwintre see įnwintre

ǽwis- see ǽwisc-

ǽwisc [] 1. n (-es/-) offence, shame, disgrace, dishonor [Goth aiwisks]; 2. adj disgraced, shameless, indecent, ashamed, abashed

ǽwisc- see éawisc-

ǽwiscberend [] m (-es/-) middle finger

ǽwiscberende [] adj bearing disgrace, unchaste, lewd, unclean, shameful, shameless, impudent

ǽwisce see ǽwisc 1.

ǽwiscferinend [] m (-es/-) shameless sinner, publican

ǽwiscfirina [] m (-n/-n) shameless sinner, publican

ǽwisclic [] adj disgraceful, infamous

ǽwiscmód2 [] adj ashamed, abashed, cowed, ashamed in mind

ǽwiscnes [] f (-se/-sa) disgrace, obscenity, filthiness, shameless conduct; openness; reverence, a blushing for shame

ǽwita [] m (-n/-n) counselor, one skilled in the law

ǽwlic [] adj legal, lawful; adv ǽwlķce

ǽwnian1 [] wv/t2 to marry, wed

ǽwnung [] f (-e/-a) wedlock

ǽwrķtere [] m (-es/-as) a writer, composer, or framer of laws

ǽwumboren [] adj lawfully born, born in wedlock

ǽwung see ǽwnung

ǽwunge see éawunge

ǽwyll see ǽwiell

ǽwylm see ǽwielm

ǽwylme see ǽwielm

ǽwyrdla see ęfwyrdla

ǽwyrp see ǽwierp

ǽwysc see ǽwisc-

ęx see ęcs, eax

ęxe see asce

ęxfaru [] f (-e/-a) military expedition; see ęscfaru

ęxian see ascian

ęxl see eaxl

ęxs see ęcs